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Everything posted by Tripod27

  1. this I personally would shrink the model by 50% so it fits better on smaller rovers and STILL multiply the weight by 5 you could also have two versions. one the size and weight I just listed that does what the current one does, and another one the current size with some camera looking thing attached to the arm that weighs 10 times as much as the current one (it really is too light for it's size) but can use the camera to also collect EVA reports
  2. this it looks really interesting but last time I tried it a few months ago the buttons didn't do anything
  3. I'm actually hoping for them to re-texture the white sections of the parts to match the smallest tank they redid recently. I'm cool with the green stripes on them and it makes the parts easily identifiable, but the white sections on the non-redone tanks look too white and glossy compared to the rest of KSP's fuel tanks and parts which are grayer and a little dirty. Also the medium kethane converter needs some love
  4. did you place this in the tech tree at all or is it sandbox only?
  5. I land mine with one small top chute and two radials, and that's with the weight of a small rectangle strut, two goo containers, a small capsule, 6 small batteries and an SAS module on top of it, and it hasn't broken once. Landings were at a speed of 6m/s, no landing legs maybe you alt-tabbed out during loading? that generally breaks the game slightly. Not enough to notice right away sometimes, but every once in a while something will break off or explode for no reason or you'll start spinning uncontrollably
  6. Time for another mod picture story with Tripod! This time showcasing me getting my 200 ton station (cyclotron + science lab + Spectrometron) into orbit using a 730 ton launch vehicle because dammit I'm too lazy to rendezvous and dock two separate 100 ton objects. Image one: The vehicle sitting on the launchpad. This is honestly the first time in a year or two of playing KSP that I've ever seen Mainsail decoupler fairings Image two: Launch! You have a nice side view of the vehicle, including the 15 large reaction wheels I placed to make it maneuver less like a moon and more like a slightly controllable moon >_< Image three: First separation. A bit close due to the struts canceling the separation force but nothing exploded so it's cool Image four: Aww snap! Why did those two engines stop before the other two? Image five: Ok, the others ran out of fuel 10 seconds later and I separated the second stage Image six: Final separation! This thing is actually working? feelsgoodman.jpg Image seven: A nice beauty shot, assuming you have some nightvision goggles handy Image eight: another beauty shot, now with solar panels deployed (yeah, don't have the big ones researched yet...) and some sun on the craft The two mainsails on the orbital stage were a bit overkill, but I've never put something this heavy into orbit so I just decided to play it safe for the first time In case you're wondering, those video controls at the bottom are there because I recorded the whole thing, realized my upload speed would make posting the video take hours, and then took screenshots of the video to save time Overall a nice mod so far, the weight of the parts will make getting the station competed a larger challenge than I'm used to (that was the first time I've put a payload heavier than 75 tons in orbit). Hope the finished parts look similar to the stock ones though, since I generally avoid any parts mods that don't look close to stock
  7. Alternatively you can use small taps of RCS to be lined up for aerocapture before you even leave Kerbin SOI It's what Jeb would do (Stacking tons of heat shields on one side of the pod and filling it with pillows to absorb massive G forces as you enter Eve's lower atmosphere at 8000 M/s is recommended)
  8. Hey for the next update could you also add them to the tech tree? It only takes 5 seconds to copy the regular nuclear engine's [TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion, entryCost = 22600] code (assuming you don't want them unlocked later on or something)
  9. I made a quick tutorial >here< explaining my landing process if you're more of a visual guy The first step got cut out (get into orbit) and the audio is offset by 3 seconds because adobe aftereffects hates me, but besides that it should be easy to follow
  10. I generally go from a circular orbit around the mun to an orbit where my periapsis is at 5000m and on the light side so I can see easily (most of the mun is under 5000m tall but there is one mountain that is about 6000 so watch out) Now at my periapsis I'll be basically traveling along the surface of the mun about 500-1000 meters above it. I kill horizontal speed while pointing my engines down just enough to maintain altitude and glide a few hundred meters above the surface until my horizontal speed is 0 (point between the horizon and the reverse velocity marker until it points down at the planet). Then I use gravity to bring me down the other 500 or whatever vertical meters using some thrust to stay at a reasonably slow speed ("reasonable" depends on the thrust to weight ratio of your rocket) until I get really close to the ground where I slow down to under 4m/s and land. By being so close to the ground for the entire landing burn, it makes it easy to judge how much fuel you're using for "not going down" since fuel you spend hovering or going up is wasted due to gravity pulling you back down while fuel used for slowing down horizontally is never really wasted unless you're flying back and forth or in circles or something.
  11. 100k to 0 doesn't seem that extreme It's usually coming straight back from the mun or very sharp trajectories from decently high orbits (your periapsis being near the center of the planet and your apoapsis being 200k or more) that you have to worry about Not sure why mine had an issue going from 125k to 20k but it was mostly because the parachutes, even when packed have a very low heat threshold (I modded mine up from 1150 to 1350 and it seems a bit better) and burn up while everything else is fine
  12. Sounds Pretty interesting to me, although couldn't things with only a few solar panels or radioactive power stick thingies just timewarp to convert K10 at a reasonable speed? Also, can different types of kethane fit in the same tank, does each type need different tanks?
  13. I think he said the G force tolerance is based off of the crash tolerance though Also, because this is such a fun mod, I'll post a little story . Was having fun getting some kerbals up to my interplanetary ship in a 3 man pod with a 4 man cabin under it and a heat shield under that, but I couldn't get the thing to come down heat shield first even with the center of lift and a ton of parachutes on one end and the center of mass about near the bottom. It would always tip over and then burn up all the parachutes if it didn't just destroy the whole thing completely. Eventually I gave up with the "stock" heat shields and decided to make my own for fun. Images/outcome below (they're links instead of the full images because I couldn't find spoiler tags and didn't want to spam 6 huge images in a row) Image of the rocket during launch. You basically point it at 45 degrees as soon as you can and hope the 1000 degree temps on the way up don't burn anything off >_> Shallow re-entry (apoapsis was 125km, periapsis was 30km) surprisingly aimed itself at the perfect angle without SAS or any user imput. If it was any more angled the drogue chute at the top would burn off, and if it was any less then the reaction wheel at the bottom that the heat shield is attached to would burn off. Side view of the rest of the ship. Even the parachutes end up balancing it almost perfectly horizontally! Man, generally my designs take way more than one try to get them even close to this perfect. Thankfully nothing exploded on the 8m/s landing. For fun I sent another one up, put it on a 125km by 125km orbit, then burned straight at the planet for about 910m/s (all the fuel I had left). Ended up hitting the atmosphere at 2700m/s and had my heatshield explode into 4 pieces, a few of which were glued to the craft from the windspeed for most of the rest of the way down, but it happened just as we were slowing down and cooling off so nothing else broke
  14. please make impacts happen about 10-30 times less frequently and push you between 2-5 times as much as they do currently. Maybe have one that hits 10 times as hard every once in a while (having it hit this hard might shatter solar panels or other weaker parts) if you have SAS on you don't even notice the movement unless you're in physical timewarp, and the fact that they hit every 5 seconds even when you're landed on a planet is a bit annoying. Besides that, good looking effect and a great idea
  15. This, was just about to start modding for the first time when I ran into this problem
  16. try the deadly re-entry mod It makes high G's affect you more (to stop people diving straight at the planet at 20 G's to avoid overheating for too long) and whenever I use it most of my planes rip themselves apart if they stay in an 8+ G turn for more than a few seconds (warning: makes cockpit flight nearly impossible due to the lack of G meter besides the high G light that turns on at like 15 G's)
  17. one thing you have to watch out for, I generally rotate the coupler out of the way so the nodes of the coupler and the docking ports below it arent close if you don't do this you have a chance of attaching the docking port to the docking port under it instead of the coupler, so then it won't be attached to the coupler if you're too lazy to do this, just pick up the coupler every time you place another port and see if the port moves away with it. if it doesn't you attached it to the docking port below it instead WARNING: I just tested your design with the docking ports set up. The way the nuclear engines are set up means that when you undock, their protective covers will shoot out to the side, hitting the other nuclear engines right beside them and ripping them off anyway
  18. I'm guessing you built from the bottom up, so you had the 4 fuel tanks above the nukes, then attached the quad adapter and put the capsule on top The issue is, currently KSP lets you attach multiple parts to one part, but not one part to multiple parts, so the quad adapter you're placing is really only attaching to one fuel tank The only way to "fix" this, is to attach a docking port to the top of each fuel tank facing up, then attach another docking port to one of those docking ports facing down (like they would if they were actually docked) then attach the quad adapter to that docking port. Then you add three more downward facing docking ports to the adapter so they touch the three other upward facing ports. Only the first port you put down will be "actually" attached (like you can see in your screenshot) but the other ports will dock with the ports below them as soon as the game starts, causing them to attach this takes up a lot of space, but if you need the stability, it's worth it
  19. Before my father was horribly removed in a cooking accident, he said "son, if you're ever going to get removed, do it with style" His death was slow and painful and not very stylish, causing me to drift through life wondering why bad things happen to good kebabs Finally, I decided to vow to rid the world of unstylish removal and worked hard to make a way for us to remove ourselves as stylishly as possible, and so the Space Kebab SSTO was born: This beauty will remove a kebab from Kerbin's atmosphere in a single stage, and look damn fine doing it, all while avoiding the slow, painful, firey death my father experienced (probably). It comes equipped with crew space for one, jet engines for atmospheric flight, rockets for atmospheric escape and RCS + a docking port for refueling. Use action group 1 to toggle jets and intakes, 2 to toggle rockets (activate jets using space first since intakes are open on launch) WARNING: If you look in the pictures I posted, I only managed a low kerbin orbit after using all of my fuel AND a bit of RCS to finish circularizing. I'm not the greatest SSTO pilot, so tell me if you can make it up with more fuel to spare (and how ) but it feels a bit harder to get into orbit than a normal SSTO should (I didn't want to abuse intakes too much) Link HERE Mods used (if you're wondering) are "SH Mods Cockpit Mk2 internal" and "Universe Replacer" (I photoshopped the stock skybox to increase contrast and decrease brightness. I hate it when space looks "gray"). Also have "Kerbal Engineer" on in the screenshots but I removed it in the uploaded version
  20. You can move the wings up to the top of the craft and then have the engines move up to line up with the middle Other than that you can also attach the wings to the engines and then put the engines where the wings are now, but then you wouldn't be able to ditch the engines because you'll lose the wings
  21. Simplest way I do it is to get close to the target (400 meters away), cancel velocity, use RCS (h/n is forward/back, i/j/k/l is to thrust up/left/down/right) to drift so I'm sorta looking at the port I want to dock at and it's in front of me, then manually sorta get both docking ports lined up visually using WASD. Then I put my target on the navball between my facing and my prograde marker by moving my prograde marker to the spot where I want it by using IJKL while having ASAS on to keep me lined up. This makes me drift so the target is right in front of me and we're both lined up from before. Then I use RCS again to stop when my facing and the target are lined up so my facing, my prograde marker and my target marker are all lined up and use H to fly to the target, wait till I get close (20m) make finer adjustments, repeat what I did before and dock at about 0.2-0.4m/s using N to slow down with ASAS off to let the ship wiggle to connect easier If you want to not do the 20m adjustment, then either have the thing you're docking to be small enough that you can point one of the ports in a north/south direction so it rotates on it's axis while orbiting instead of rotating randomly, or if it's a big station that takes forever to turn and looks like it's going to rip itself apart when you do turn it, then have it at about 300km or higher to make it rotate slowly Sorry, I don't have an in-game tutorial, but hopefully it still helps Also, using chase camera for this is a huge help because it makes it easier to know which way is up even if it's stiffness is a bit nauseating. Don't forget to right click on the port you want to dock at and set it as target to have your target marker in the right spot (as opposed to just trying to dock with the other ship's center of mass instead of a docking port)
  22. yeah, was thinking the same thing, aram noticed this game had memory issues when I installed FAR mod, which seemed to bring up the memory use a lot, and Id still get horrible FPS after I uninstalled the mod and launched a ship with only one part until I restarted the computer
  23. Well, not sure if overclocking the CPU by about 10% or just restarting the computer for the first time in about a month fixed the problem, but one of them made my performance be just about perfect again and I had no issue docking a fuel ship at all
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