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Everything posted by TimMartland

  1. Give it to us! IT MUST BE OURS! Seriously, its awesome. Any chance that you could create matching LFO, crew and cargo bay modules, maybe with some inflatable extensions?
  2. I have watched this video at least 7 times. Its just so awesome!
  3. The cost of building a heat-resistant rover would be so high it wouldnt be worth the fact that it would probably melt to a point of being unusable after an ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM of a week
  4. The hidden KSC could do with a reboot, as it would be cool to land your spaceplanes at a different location to the normal KSC
  5. Poke him! Can wait for this mod. I have actively followed it for about 5 months and some real progress seems to be being made. Great job Nothke, and good luck!
  6. No! You could have saved him! Whhyyyyyy..... -sniff-
  7. about £15-£20. I got it before a certain time, so I get all future expansions free!
  8. +1, more pipe functionality would be nice. Speed of the red pipe and fuel % on either side of the green pipe should be tweakable. Captain, I think he means replace the existing pipe with these two.
  9. This would be great, although I can see multiplayer servers being inundated with titanic phalli drawn in the desert
  10. May I request a flag? Can I please have one based of the stock 'satellite' flag, but with the icon slightly bigger and displaying a space station in a simmilar style as the satellite is shown on the stock one. And around the edge of the icon a thin circle with (in small type) 'TimCo Space Science and Laynru Rocketry Ltd.' Thanks!
  11. A red sticker that says: 'If this is blue, your going too fast!' Yeh, physx
  12. Awesome ideas guys! Someone should get a SQUAD dev over here to have a look. Some ideas: For the engineer, maybe they could provide some helpful hints? So if a wheel is taking a beating and might snap, you might get a message like 'Billy-Bobbles thinks that Mk1 Rover wheel (Highlighted) is going to break' the in danger part is highlighted briefly so you don't get confused. Such messages would be rare to prevent Navi-syndrome.
  13. Hmm. I like colonisation, but this is kinda the wrong way to go about it. If it just measures ships, you could make one ship with about 500 probe cores radially on it. Also, I think colonies should be made from stuff you make, not stuff that autospawns.
  14. Err... Have you guys noticed your name is KKK? You may want to address that. Edit: Hurr Durr, didn't completely read OP. Sorry.
  15. "My other car is on the Mun"
  16. Yay, rumblings in the deep once more! I had given this project up, but it seems that its coming out! Great work guys, and thanks!
  17. Good thinking! This is probably the best way to go I have seen suggested so far. Much better than just 3 'classes'
  18. I would troll all the conspiracy theorists by calling it -WARNING- debug4535//blockedbyuserCIA//COLLISION:COURSE;DETECTED
  19. "This mod is not op" I'm truly sorry to be that guy, but it is. Pretty much any mod that generates infinite fuel is OP. And you can't just say "It SHOULD be for [This stuff], so don't use it to do [Obvious loophole]", its kinda a lame excuse. On the plus side, the original textures for this mod are quite good, and I encourage you to continue balancing. Just maybe axe the infinate fuel thing (Or make it non-OP - I dunno how, maybe copy the Davon Station Resupply mod) and nerf Hyperium.
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