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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. blizzy78

    Which one?

    "Just" is too tiny a word considering the amount of time it takes to implement a plugin. I believe Squad only has a limited work force. They already have one.
  2. blizzy78

    Which one?

    Who's to say ferram4 can't cough up more acronyms?
  3. I think you're thinking of the wrong type of animation here. In Unity the common type of an "animation" would be one where it's not a sequence of single static images (or key frames being interpolated a play time), but rather a sequence of value key frames. For example, an animation can be used to modify the transform of a 3D object to displace it, or have it rotate, or scale it, or have lights go on/off slowly, or flicker. So you see, there's quite a variety of things you can do with these animations, but they are not your typical movie animation with individual image frames (or key frames.) Either that, or they could be using several cameras. You can set up a camera so that its output (which is what you as the player see on screen) does not fill the whole screen, but only a tiny portion of the screen (such as an editor button.) In addition, because the object in question is part of the same scene, they would have to use layers so that the object does not interfere with the rest of the scene and vice versa (lighting and shadows, for example.)
  4. The RCS Build Aid plugin can show you how much torque you're going to get from off-center mass.
  5. Sure, that should be possible through a configuration file or something.
  6. Check output_log.txt, not KSP.log. It has more information. Also, I do believe your error is here: // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_stack_top = 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, node_stack_bottom = 0, 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, The comment is incorrect. There is one last parameter following, which is the node size. You provided an empty string behind the comma, hence the FormatException. Try putting a real node size from 0 to 2 (or 3? can't remember) there.
  7. When it does that, there's usually an exception going on that should be logged in the log file. Check it out.
  8. Awesome, this works really well. Thanks a ton.
  9. Slightly off-topic, but would you care to share a link? Thanks!
  10. Toolbar 1.7.6 should be compatible with 0.24.0 as well without posting a warning message.
  11. Forgive me being frank here, but you just can't help everyone. You say you've provided a list, and helpful instructions. Now it's everyone else's turn. It's just not possible to get everyone up to the same speed.
  12. Not sure what you're asking. As long as you abide by all your mods' licenses, you're good.
  13. I don't think so, because you don't use Unity to compile it, but your C# compiler.
  14. public class ShipTemplate { Looks like it wouldn't work with FindObjectsOfType().
  15. I'm at work, so I can't look it up myself here. What type is ShipTemplate actually? Is it a MonoBehaviour? If so, you could try finding all GameObjects that have it attached: FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>().Where(go => go.GetComponent<ShipTemplate>() != null) This works with all types that are derived from Component (such as MonoBehaviour.)
  16. I shouldn't be the one to decide which tracks play when. I'm not the music artist
  17. Ah, okay, I thought you were going to use that more often
  18. Just a minor nitpick, perhaps bring out the head more by adding some rim light?
  19. Yes, it would just wait for a bit, no need to play music the second you touch the ground. Also, I think it would be best to just let the track keep playing once it has started, so no sudden interruptions. Sweet, I like where this is going
  20. Thanks SirJodelstein, I'll look into it. https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp-precisenode/issues/10
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