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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. Wait, what?? It's up-side down then, nooooo!!!
  2. I didn't, it was regex - I took over maintenance of the mod after it was in But I agree, it's a bit ridiculous. Noone can execute nodes that precisely, not even MechJeb.
  3. Says the man who keeps pointing "at" the maneuver node marker by pressing keys repeatedly.
  4. Exactly, that is the issue Voice Commander 1.1.1 should fix now (together with MechJeb >= build 255.)
  5. Voice Commander 1.1.1 is now available for download, fixing an issue with MechJeb support. Please note that you now must have MechJeb 2.2.1 development build 255 or newer installed. There should no longer be any issues when you update MechJeb to >build 255 while keeping the same Voice Commander version. Also please note that I've fixed a bug in the commands documention: It listed one of the macros as <yawPitchRoll>, when in fact it should have been <axis>.
  6. You should look into LINQ. For example: List<Vessel> allVessels = ... IEnumerable<Vessel> spaceObjectVessels = allVessels.Where(v => v.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject); IEnumerable<Vessel> nonSpaceObjectVessels = allVessels.Where(v => v.vesselType != VesselType.SpaceObject);
  7. I'm not saying that this isn't what interfaces are for, just that you seem to be overcomplicating things (at least to me.)
  8. I somehow feel that you are overcomplicating things with all those interfaces...
  9. Sweet, I'd like to see a demonstration video, also with some camera movement in it.
  10. Not possible. You cannot use any type (interface or not) without creating a hard dependency. This is why I ended up adding all public types in the Toolbar Plugin API to the wrapper as well, to make it absolutely transparent to the user of the wrapper whether they're using the wrapper or the real thing.
  11. I got multiple, so I don't know which is which. But thanks nonetheless!
  12. First of all, I'd like to mention that I think you're on the right track, what with all the wrapping and such. Is that even possible in C#? It is possible in Java because of erasure, which means that at runtime, a List<String> is the same as List<Integer> or even List (not at compile-time.) If it's not possible in C#, you could try casting to just IEnumerable. If that also fails, I only see getting the elements via reflection instead of regular means.
  13. Does that happen if all MechJeb windows are closed, or only if some of them are open?
  14. I think I've found the culprit. MechJeb always puts a new version and build number into its DLL, so that when I'm compiling against it, I'm basically locking my VoiceCommanderMechJeb.dll to that specific build. In this case, it's locked to build 249. For the time being you can download build 249 from http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/249/, it should work. I'll ask Sarbian about what to do here.
  15. Your configuration is not correct. Open the settings window again when you have a vessel with a MechJeb part. Then, navigate to the "Mech Jeb: Turn into a Flight Direction" command, and enter "turn <flightDirection>". In the "Prograde" box, just enter "prograde", not "turn prograde". Reason is, the "Turn into a Flight Direction" command uses a macro, namely <flightDirection>. Please also check the full commands and macros list at http://bit.ly/1lnCdEv
  16. Is there an actual MechJeb part on your vessel? The MechJeb commands will only work when you have that. Also, you can check which commands the voice server currently recognizes by opening the settings window, then clicking OK. This will replace all currently recognized commands on the voice server. (It will say "Added engine command" for each command recognized.)
  17. Voice Commander 1.1.0 is now available for download, adding more commands and bringing flexibility for existing commands. Please note that I am still updating the complete list of commands linked to in the OP. Edit: Done, the list should now be complete. Please reload the page in your browser if it still shows red text.
  18. I've updated the OP to add a link to a list of available commands and macros. Please note that this list is not yet complete, but it should give a glimpse at what's to come in release 1.1.0.
  19. I'll have a look. On the other hand, the tank would be quite heavy to begin with if it's full.
  20. Well yeah, the vertical bars will bend or break. Triangles are an engineer's best friend
  21. I see. I could add a public variable that BTSM could set via reflection. That would avoid a hard dependency while still making it possible to change the value.
  22. It is not configurable at this time, that is correct. Why does it "mess so badly" with said plugin?
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