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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. PreciseNode does not provide any toolbar buttons. This part is obsolete since KSP >= 0.23.5 can persist maneuver nodes in the save file now.
  2. Did you even read the OP? This thread is not about Curse.
  3. Put your nav ball into "surface" mode. Other than that, it should only spin if you're coming down over one of the poles.
  4. Ugh, can we leave the Curse discussion to where it belongs? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79011-The-Curse-Thread
  5. It is, and currently each achievement awards 5 science points.
  6. I've updated the OP to reflect that a development release is now available for download. Please let me know what you think about it
  7. I found that the lighter your rockets are, the more straight up you need to go with FAR before starting any gravity turn. This way there will be less atmosphere inducing drag on the vessel so that it would tip over. Once you are high enough in the atmosphere, you can lean over quite far and not lose control. Oh, and I don't usually use any control surfaces because I don't need them.
  8. I've added an FAQ about the download to the list now, at the very top. Hope this helps.
  9. Funny, I just clicked on that and it works just fine for me. Please stop telling me that the download link is dead when in fact it is not.
  10. No. This is the actual mesh, a mere 484 triangles. The rest is all just normal maps.
  11. Right, I guess that's where I'm at The thing is, you make that part there in Blender, and think, hey, this looks quite neat. And then, to make it believable, you kind of have to "destroy" the good looks by adding stuff that makes it dirty, look asymmetric, or what have you. It's hard to give in. Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate those.
  12. Aww, you're mocking my poor pipe But seriously, what do you think about the changes to put more details on the models? Is it enough, just right, not enough? Personally I think it's enough, but I really like getting input from others.
  13. I've noticed that when I set the new rover base "cap" to also allowing radial attachment, it is easily possible to place multiple of those hubs laterally:
  14. Not sure why you would call it "old." That Facebook page is quite actively maintained.
  15. No ETA yet, I'm sorry. I'm not even 100% sure of the general direction this will go, hence the posting in Addon Development rather than Addon Releases. For the time being, I won't even promise this will ever make it to release. If it will, I'd like it to be more complete than just the three parts I have now. Please note though that I really appreciate all the comments about the development so far, so please keep those coming About the B9 cargo bay, I haven't checked if this will fit. Even if it doesn't, I kind of like the scale of the parts right now, so I don't think that will change.
  16. Added some more parts - a rover base so that you can place wheels better, and a cover plate to cover up unused hub pathways: Cover plate put in place. As you can see, it fits snugly.
  17. Your observation is perfectly correct. I must have drawn the wrong conclusions from my testing. My statement still stands, though, that is, it's a serious limitation of the editor. Yes, indeed this does work as you describe it. Unfortunately this workaround is not a good one because you can't use the top/bottom any longer to connect the parts.
  18. Not sure yet. Considering that a heatshield should not come for free (in terms of mass), and that you don't always need it for your mission, I'd rather do it as a separate part. It should - it is a fair bit smaller in diameter than the new NASA 3.75 m tanks. Heh, me too
  19. I've updated the part with a few more details here and there that should now hopefully give more of an idea of its dimensions. I've updated the OP accordingly.
  20. Perhaps it's the "code analysis" you're running? I *think* I have never used that, I just compile stuff.
  21. I'm using Visual Studio Express here, and I just add the necessary DLLs as references to the project. This usually works fine without having to do anything else.
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