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Everything posted by Spaceisbeautifulul

  1. I vote, uhh er, Pol! Should we look on Pol first? Its underused, so its most likely to have an easter egg. Plus, its perdy.
  2. WOAH BRO, slow down, people are posting and changing like crazy. Yes, your chobit's second hand ma- err-woman? The user below me just got their post sniped.
  3. HOLY WHAT, two people posted in the time it took to make my post. GOD DANG IT. Well, not really. The user below me is on page 96.
  4. Granted, the tea tee-bags you. UNH for da win! I wish I had a samurai sword to defend myself against the pony.
  5. I believe there is, and I would be willing to fly with you to find it. *salute* *Insert seriously serious face here*
  6. WOAH BRO, slow down there. A black hole, next to a star? urhmaigoawhd. Look at the black hole against the star, distortion happens. Is Rigel real? MY GOSH, take it all, take the whole pack.
  7. Yep, more than once. Tat usar belaw mey's alllike, face-to-dat-deskuh-broteb.
  8. Banned for making me run out of ideas for what to ban you for because your always the one I have to ban. BANNED
  9. Granted, but, er, well, it might be... too hot? For some? Nevermind just go ahead and stick your face in it. I wish for a pony.
  10. Yeah, this video made me install it TODAY. Now I'm going crazy about all the awesome stuff I'm seeing.
  11. Before I go on preaching just one thing, feel free to move this moderators, because I have no idea where it goes. THIS... is why space is beautiful. I know, it's a spacengine trailer, but I couldn't help but notice it clearly demonstrated why space is beautiful. I'll let it speak for itself.
  12. False, they're Purple The user below me laughed.
  13. Granted, KSP will now not have Jeb. This is more of a question than a wish but, meh; I wish I knew what would happen when pinochio says "My nose will grow now"
  14. Banned for being an Insane rocketry Madman
  15. Yep. The user below me is a little scared by Rage097's half-robot-ness.
  16. Granted, it will spit cider in your face instantaneously (can't believe I spelled that right). I wish that Spore would not crash constantly so that I can actually play it! RAGE!
  17. Here's my contribution. Those two gas giants might have some interesting moons too! Also, those gas giants must be HUGE to be seen next to their star, and the star must be very close for us to be able to see those gas giants. Agh, it wont work, could someone fix it? Thanks!
  18. I love the one with the lava planet Nice work!
  19. Banned for living in the Philippines. (I'm not being racist, I love the Philippines, I just couldn't think of anything better)
  20. Granted *Pulls out gun* BANG! I wish that my social studies teacher was nicer.
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