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Everything posted by Spaceisbeautifulul

  1. I uploaded a whole ton of pictures to help some guy recreate his dreamscape: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34691-First-dream-about-KSP-brings-an-interesting-idea Aside from that, I tried to bring 12 people to the Mun but failed horribly when I couldn't get them all on the rocket.
  2. Alright, I'm going to the Mun now.
  3. Me like to break physics. PS: Its: SpaceisbeautifulUL
  4. Yeah, if I had actually read his whole post about hitchiker tanks and solar panels and stuff, then it would have had to been more complex.
  5. Well, I don't know how to link the craft file, but its basically an asparagus effect launcher, that will get it up to high kerbin orbit. Then a nuclear transfer stage (a couple of nuclear engines and a little bit of fuel), then a small tank with a mainsail for deorbiting. Then some struts with small separators and capsules on them.
  6. Pfffsh, you had me at "Blow up some kerbals for me!" No, but really, good luck with the new job.
  7. I'm sorry I didn't put two parachutes on, as I finished the mission THEN read your comments. Anyways, no use crying over it: here is (what I imagined to be) your dreamscape. The orbit map before reentry. The capsules descending on their parachutes in a neat orderly form. ...and their toppling over after a rough landing. I decided that it didn't look nice and proper, so after a little bit of elbow grease from Bob... ...things are looking good. I hope you liked this little thing I put together in about an hour, it sure was fun. Also, while we are on the concept of dreams, a little bit of irony comes into play, because I just started getting interested in lucid dreaming. http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-signs-recall/132328-dream-recall-compendium.html I registered here and got my first lucid dream only yesterday night. There's a lot to that topic so I'll just end my post... Here.
  8. Ok so for my first test, here's some interesting stuffs. I can in too steep, so all the parachutes ripped off. Unfortunately I did not quicksave. All except for Jebediah Kerman, that badass survived and here is him with his parachute deployed. Despite all of your people's whining (and some of my own) I decided to go ahead and test it without the cushion or larger parachutes or larger capsules. He came down at a rough landing of about 13 m/s but he survived none the less. So now we know that we can do it with small capsules, one parachute, without a landing cushion.
  9. Yes, I'll try, I just got back from school so I got about 2 hours.
  10. Yes, but it might take me a while. Keep an eye out, maybe someone would cheat to do this. But I'll do it all stock. Yes, this is possible. *Note to the guy above me* What if it was a strong capsule? Or it had some struts under it to keep it from exploding? It doesn't have to be a soft landing.
  11. Ok, I'll toss something at you. #6 on minmus, I elect to call it the "Higher up highlands of minmus".
  12. Yes! My first lucid dream! Here's what I wrote on my dream calender: MEMORABLE Length: ~3 sec Type: Lucid I woke up during (what I think is) my REM, at 2:00. After 5 minutes fell back asleep. In the dream I was playing basketball, did nose RC then woke up. Yes, it was only 3 seconds, but as soon as I realized I had just had a lucid dream, it was a huge boost to my self-confidence. Also, the nose reality check woke me up, did I do something wrong, or do some reality checks wake you up? It might just be that it was a short dream.
  13. I vote Ike, just because its the first moon that I bothered to establish a colony on. Plus, it was named after: The great, and indescribably cute, Ike, from Quantum Conundrum the game.
  14. Can you get into orbit from a different SOI to another? What I'm trying to ask is if I was in orbit about Duna, and then tried to get and encounter with Ike, could I get an encounter that pulls me into an orbit? Thanks in advance.
  15. A couple things; 5-6 times a WEEK? HOLY DANG IT I wish I were you right now. Nobody cares about space? I'm with you on that. Is the dream journal helpful?
  16. Man, dreaming has always been something I wanted to do regularly. A lucid dream would be amazing. Trying everything I can to dream tonight, it sounds very calming too. Thanks for telling me about this.
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