Hi Do you have a idea why there are no particles (flames) from the engines? I removed smokescreen and mp_nazari, which should be the only mods altering particles. KSP 0.24.2 64bit and Space Shuttle engines V2.0
Trying the KSP 64bit hack I have noticed better FPS ~15%, MUCH faster loading times and strangely a smaller ram footprint. That with a fairly modern PC. So I'm buying more ram and getting excited. If they aslo implement Unity 5 multi-threaded physics it'll be crazy... 2000 part ships/stations should be possible.
Still cannot run this on vanilla KSP and Active texture reduction... it exceeds the memory limits with its 100mb of texture data:( How can KSP bloat it up so much?
Hi Is it normal that this mod uses about 2.5gb RAM alone? KSP uses normally ~1GB for me with texturereduction. With planetfactory+urania my KSP crashes, because the KSP process exceeds the 3.5GB ram limit. edit: ok... planetfactory iself uses 2.2GB ram. Seems impossible to run.
2.15 does break my textures. Some parts of the textures become dark and lighting is broken. Normal and aggressive version. 1.1 work fine tho and helps a lot... Thank you!
Hm it seems with the 0.23 update I cannot anymore change what or how much fuel tanks contain. The window does not open under action groups even with original tanks. Using only "Regular Modular Fuels"
So we tried 1.4.2 with 0.23KSP vanilla. Started server just with /start. Now it showd the other guy ship and even synced I think, the previous version didnt even show the other ship. When we got close I EVA-d out and my kerbal got teleported 5km away. Had to switch back to ship through Tracking Station. Then my ship was teleported 60km away with no option to sync. Thanks for your hard work! But is KMP really playable for anyone in its current state?
My KSP stops loading assets when it reaches KW engines like KW1mengineMaverick1D. So I deleted that and then it stopped on the next. With or without reduced textures. edit: Sorry, not KW related, it's something general. It was Realfuels.
Hi Are you still working on a mbm batch convetor thingie? Because this could also lower memory usage significantly and allow more mods without crashing.
Thank you! Maybe it would be possible to add a feature to change the main attachable part? I know its a engine limitation that only one part is attachable, but could we choose what part it is...