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Everything posted by GavinZac

  1. Ah, ok. I must say, I am far too excited about this. I am sitting on a tropical beach at 8am with sweet black coffee and a lady cooking me spicy noodles, yet here I am fantasising about satellites that unfold for deployment and KAS winches on the end of moveable cranes!
  2. If the only thing you need is mumech.dll, go ahead and use it, you already have permission to use, modify and redistribute - it's GPL.
  3. If mumech.dll development has ceased, the fix could be distributed (for the moment) as drop in replacement for it, with it including the all the non DR stuff? It would fix several other mods, such as Modular Multi wheels which is choking on a DR function. It could then be adopted wholesale as the new 'canonical' mumech.dll version.
  4. That's very useful then. That's why I love Free software - it makes for sane distribution. Kudos to Ramon for doing so. So the fixed dll can be distributed then? I would offer to host it but again, I'm not in a convenient location, and as geektastic as I would feel uploading a dll to my web server from my phone, I wouldn't like to disappoint people of it doesn't work.
  5. Yes, but who does mumech.dll belong to? If they've already given some other people license to distribute their own versions of the mod, surely those people are then within rights to fix buggy code within the dll? I would check who the original creator was myself but I'm on a GPRS connection off the coast of Malaysia in the South China Sea.
  6. If we are stripping back to just what DR needs, is that going to affect other mods that use mumech.dll? Or can two versions be loaded? Also, if mumech.dll is already distributed widely, is there any proprietary reason why sharing a bug fixed version of it would concern the DR modders? If the same buggy code is being distributed by other mods, but just not being executed to cause errors, I don't see a reason the bug fixes can't be distributed as part of those mods. The part files specific to this mod would need to be cleared, obviously, but then again those are rather easily fixed by hand without me having to install Visual Studio (Netbeans will be very upset if I cheat on her again)...
  7. Looking forward to it, I really like the aesthetic from the pics and want to get it installed when it's fully ready.
  8. This looks superb. I especially like the idea of using them as rover 'bodies'.
  9. Is your command module orientated the 'wrong' way? I had this where I thought I could stick the probe legs on the *top* of the Stayputnnik and have MechJeb land on them. Instead, MechJeb happily pointed the probe at the moon and suicide burned in the wrong direction. If it's awkward, what I do is place a dock at the 'right' end of the ship and right click -> control from here. You see the navball change and MechJeb knows what direction to go in now. Edit: I just read that it was in Ascent Autopilot (I had been in reading Autopilot...), yeah, it sounds like you put in the Orbit inclination.
  10. Well, yeah, I'm sure I can legally do it, but people get irate about odd things. If the original authors had a problem with it, I could (try to*) make it for myself and just not release it. Or just make it so the user selects which two images to overlay. Colourising the Kethane map shouldnt be too hard, but of course, you'd lose the trademark green. a) sounds like a corner one has worked oneself into in programming - maps being certain sizes and so on. c) well, I guess necessity is the mother of invention - if it's quick, I could give it a go in a small mod without endangering the wellbeing of a massive existing mod. I can code in C# when forced to, but I need to find a "hello world" display item code example, I think.
  11. I've tried searching, but trying to search for 'kethane' and 'mapsat' results in every second post ever coming back. Is there any way that ISA MapSat can check if a Kethane map exists, and if so, overlay it on a topographic map? If not, or there are no plans to ever do so, is it ok (license-wise, and friendly-wise) to access MapSat's data from a third (fourth?) party plugin?
  12. I have it installed, but I've never used it. However, it adds a protractor item to the science tab - add that?
  13. What's this like? Im a bit wary of overpowered engines - this isn't going to make it 'press spacebar to win', is it?
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