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Everything posted by Nereid

  1. Well, this is the second time I tried this plugin/mod. I have tried and (unfortunately) deleted it one before KSP 1.1.0 because of the memory restrictions. I have not seen much of it, but if 1.1.0 works in 64bit and memory is not an issue those kind of mods are really needed. Thanks for this quick update. A minor sugestion: Emphasize the dependency for Kerbal Constructs on the first page a bit more. On my first try, nothing worked because I just overlooked those hints. Not a big deal, but maybe red letters?
  2. Yes. I thought this was your wish for this release.
  3. Strange. Any other experiencing this? FF doesn't alter the crew portraits in any way...
  4. Thanks for your work, but I was already changing the code before I read this. If you find any solution for the gear/brake indicators feel free to make another pull request. I will delay this for a few days (and if we do not get a solution until the release of Stellaris maybe a bit longer ;))
  5. Updated for KSP 1.1.0 The indicator gauge is not working at the moment. I have to figure out how to get the brake and gear states. SQUAD has changed the classes for wheels. The Zoom/Exact-Readout-Option is not working in the current build. It should not be that difficult to fix, but I have decided to release a version for KSP 1.1.0 as soon as possible. The default layout is now different. If you play on screens larger then 1900 pixel horizontally you will get a more useful layout of the gauges as default. And not all gauges are enabled for all gauge sets. You can change this of course afterwards. (this was the reason I have delayed the next release to KSP 1.1.0, because it was completely broken in my last builds; and I was a bit to lazy to fix it) And finally I think NanoGauges is complete now, so it gets an major version of 1 (my internal last build already was at version 0.9...).
  6. Ok, update released. Have fun and report issues if you find any.
  7. I have tried to avoid this, but it's not that easy. I'm assuming you got the ribbon because your vessel is not stable at the launch pad and so KSP detects a launch without starting any engine. If this is the case the vessel situation changes from PRELAUNCH to FLYING and then to LANDED in fractions of a second - multiple times. This causes FF to detect a landing (and formally it is a landing). There is a way to cover this case: check if the vessel was stíll "grounded" in the situation just before LANDED. Then it was not a "real landing". Problem with this is: I have to scan all parts of a vessel, to detect if its grounded; each time the situation changes. Well, situation changes happens not that often and this may not impact performance that hard. But I really do not know what happens to larger vessels and I'm not quite sure about side effects. And there is another problem: If someone lands a vessel in a dirty way and touches the ground in flight and just lands afterward, the landing gets missed. Not good... So another restriction ("vessel needs not to be grounded the first 10 seconds after launch") has to be added. Ok, doing a dirty landing 10 seconds after launch is not much of an issue, but if you wobble 11 seconds on the launch pad you again will get a landing ribbon. Checking for a running engine or the location of the landing leads to similar problems. I think we will have to live with this issue. lets take it this way: Kerbals are proud of any achievement. Even some more or less trivial like a "not really landed vessel after a launch without leaving the ground" is a sucessfully landed vessel. Every success counts - they do not have that many. PS: If you do not like this kind of landing ribbons, just delete the ribbon graphics for the landing on kerbin ribbon. The ribbon gets disabled this way.
  8. This looks like you have changed the installation path. Does FF reside in KSP_HOME/GameData/Nereid/FinalFrontier ? Do not install the plugin into KSP_HOME/GameData/FinalFrontier It will not work.
  9. If you "launch" just by accident ("wobble to launch" ;)) then there is not much I can do about. The situation will change from PRELAUCH over FLYING to LANDED and this is a landing. But I will take a closer look. The second one is more suspicios. And yes there is a bug. The ribbon was not checking for kerbin. I will fix this. If those are all reported bugs, I will upload an updated version tomorrow on Curse. I'm currently updating NanoGauges. The good news: about 60% of the gauges are tested and working and the layout is working. The bad news: trim indicators are broken (and not that easy to fix) and the exact readout option gives me a few headaches. Maybe I will release NanoGauges without the non working features for KSP 1.1.0.
  10. Cool. And thanks for reporting guys. It's a bit of a surprise that there are no major issues, but well... we should not complain about this.
  11. Just wait. Priorities are: FF, NG and then S.A.V.E
  12. Ok. If anybody wants to test it (own your own risk): FinalFrontier1.0.1-2082.zip If you test it, please increase the log level to DETAIL if you want to report bugs. And there are some debugging outputs in the log. I have fixed the altitude record ribbons; but the first kerbals will get some of them just for 1 meter above ground. I will replace them with some ribbons for 1000m, 2000m, etc. NanoGauges is working, too. But with lots of exceptions. I will have to investigate this. Most of them are NaNs.
  13. What exactly is your plan with them? I can remove them from the custom ribbon list. That's no problem and will take only a few minutes.
  14. Then I will send you a link for downloading a release candidate the next few days. I will not do much today anymore and my time on friday is very limited. But maybe you get the current version tomorrow evening (CET). Currently the landing ribbon and the altitude award ribbon are clearly broken. The second one should be easy to fix (I think we just get an altitude record of 0 meters at the moment).
  15. Ok. It's working. There are some quirks (the landing ribbon is awarded without a launch) and I do not know which ribbons work or won't work yet. But at least missions counts are working, ribbons get awarded and persistence seems to be fine. I will do some smoke tests and fix the obvious bugs in the next few days. Then I will remove the save game converter (its of very little value now) before I release FF in version 1.0. I anybody volunteers as a betatester...
  16. Ah. Thanks. I will take a look. PS: RenderingManager causes the trouble. I will have to change the code. But not today. Its to late and I may introduce way to much bugs if I do such things now. But this link seems to be VERY helpful.
  17. I'm currently investigating how FF can be transferred to KSP 1.1.0. There are still a few compilation errors, because SQUAD changed quite a bit. As far as I can see now, most if not all are moved classes from one namespace into another. I need a day or two to solve this. PS: Ok, I finally got it to compile without errors. This was easier than I was expecting. PS: Compiled, but not working at the moment.
  18. I will check it. Maybe its a bug, but I cannot confirm this now. I was working an a release on NanoGauges, added some new features, fixing the reported bugs and then the flu got me and prevented me from fixing a last but major bug. Since then I was a bit reluctant to analyze it and its delayed until I will get some time to do it. Don't expect a fix in the next few days. Maybe early march I will continue to work on it. It should work out of the box. If it doesn't try to change your primary screen and delete the NanoGauges.cfg in GameData. (I have a report of a friend that a tripple screen configuration with a primary screen in the middle can cause problems).
  19. Hi! Its relocated on curse now. And thanks for keeping me informed that Kerbalstuff is down. I had a nasty kind of the flu a few weeks ago (I was completely out of business for about a few days) and after back to work for coding in C++ my motivation to work on code in my spare time was not that great. In the trunc of NanoGauges is a major bug I have to analyze but if anybody is out of business for some time its not that easy to come back; so even the next release of NanoGauges is delayed until I find some time and ease to fix it.
  20. Thank you for reporting. I will incorporate a fix in the release today. I have changed the version to 1.0.x because the standard gauge layout is a bit more useful and all major asprects are implemented. The AMP meter will have to wait a few days.
  21. Ah, nice observation (copy & paste of the skin). I will change this in the next release. I have added at least 2 new gauges: Time To Apoapsis time To Periapsis And the Terminal Velocity (Vt) is not very useful in 1.0.5 (vessel do fall way to fast ob kerbin in my oppinion). So I changed it and calibrated it for a small probe. I just have to test, if it works on other bodies, too. I will try to get these values. But at the moment I have no clue how to get them (but I cannot investiagte the code/API at the moment).
  22. If you land a rocket with 5% fuel left, a ribbon would be totally adequate. Most of the time, you don't have any fuel capacity if you land with parachutes and in this case you won't earn a ribbon (no capacity, no ribbon; and 0% off 0 tons are the same as 100% of 0 tons). FF cant dinstinguish between vessel types well, because the player can assign any type to any vessel. And even a rocket can use wings or landing gears or can assembled in any editor, so no, you can't identify the type of a vessel in any way. Most times you should get those ribbons for landing a lander or airplane with nearly empty tanks. But if you design you vessels in such a way, that they return the empty fuel tanks with the lander/capsule... well, just give the kerbal the ribbon. He really earned this one (for returning junk to the base). EDIT: Oh, and if you don't like the ribbons. Just delete the png files. The ribbons get disabled then (someday I will add a GUI for this).
  23. I have added a few new ribbons to 0.9.8 First North Polar Lander ribbon North Polar Lander ribbon First South Polar Lander ribbon South Polar Lander ribbon 5% Fuel Landing ribbon (only liquid fuel ist taken into account!) 1% Fuel Landing ribbon (only liquid fuel ist taken into account!) 1500m Mountain Lander ribbon 2000m Mountain Lander ribbon 2500m Mountain Lander ribbon 3000m Mountain Lander ribbon 3500m Mountain Lander ribbon 4000m Mountain Lander ribbon
  24. Yes, but this should only happen, if the current mission was recovered with a mission time of 0 seconds. Those missions are not counted as missions but do display the ribbons of the previous mission in the summary.
  25. In the current build something is wrong with the mission count. Sometimes a launch is not detected or saved. I'm investigating this currently. EDIT: I cannot reproduce this. I have experienced it myself now. At some point a kerbal regains all of it ribbons from the last mission AGAIN and the mission count is not incremented. For some strange reason the launch event is missing in the persistent file. Game type: career. Its a fresh one and in my last mission the vessel wasn't really launched (it was just a engine test on ground). EDIT2: Ok, this happens, when the mission timer on a mission was not started. This is working as designed but it should not show any new ribbon at all in the summary window. Confirmed. There is a small bug in the code that collects the gained ribbons for the mission. Its working if the mission lasts for at least one second. But FF ignores missions with a mission time of 0 seconds (for a reason). Unfortunately the code just displays all gained ribbons from the previous mission in this case. This looks like the mission should be counted but wasn't. EDIT3: Fixes in 0.9.6-1826 But this is a rare and just cosmetic bug. No real need to update.
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