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Bizz Keryear

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Posts posted by Bizz Keryear

  1. Yeah, I am back more or less. After a while away with no time to play I try to catch up.

    My next step is, when I am not accidentally logging out of github... cause I lost my password and my saved emails are not working..., to look up the source code again and update the wiki (which is completely outdated right now).

    Well some jester changed the text of the wiki starting page to 123 apple ... what people do when they are bored...

    Anyway since I still haven't much time it takes some time to read through the old posts. So this text might be some days old before I post it.

    What I really hate is that you have to know your math if you want to program something for a spacecraft.

    Man I hadn't to deal with any harder than the rule of proportion since I left school (decades ago).


    Your post made into http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ. Congrats!

    If you get the common ship-comes-off-rails-and-half-of-it-is-gone bug and want to rescue your save file and still be able to use the broken vessel, there is a workaround you can do that will ressurrect it and bring it back alive fully formed without having to revert to an earlier save to do it.

    FIRST: If you get the bug and see the ship half missing, do NOT ALLOW KSP to write to the persistence file. It will write out its broken idea of what's in the vessel and then it's stuck that way. Instead force KSP to quit without saving to the persistence file You do this by NOT using the menus to exit. Don't quit nicely or it might save as you back out to the space center and then to the main menu. Instead do a forced hard quit externally (i.e. using the Task Manager in Windows or a "kill -9" in Linux or Mac.)

    SECOND: Just get rid of the entire memory context of the vessel in the save file.\

    This will have the effect of making the vessel "forget" all its variables, although it will still have all the files on its hard drive. But in so doing it will also avoid the bug that's been preventing the ship from loading properly.

    Here's how: In your persistence save file there is a section for the vessel that has the KOS part on it. It will look like this:


    This means that SCS part will have forgotten all its variables in memory, but will now load properly.

    Obviously, don't edit the persistence file while the game is running a campaign. Make sure you've gotten out of KSP first, as explained above.

    • I wanted to write a little program that removes that from the sfs files (both quick and persistent). Problem is I am slow it would be in in python and I haven't convert it into exe since ages. Obvious exe wont work on MAC or Linux.
      So is there someone here who can do it in java?
      It should run everywhere and would be a great help to everyone which don't like or is unable to touch the sfs files manually.
    • I also have read in the forum that saving a corrupted ship can also reverted if you use this method.
      Can someone confirm this?
      I can't say if I am time for that. (Making this post including reading everything has roughly taken 4 days in my short spare time)

    Session time is mission time, or time from vehicle load. Do you mean a clock format like universal time? There does not seem to be a function that does that, but converting the seconds to a clock is not hard:

    //kOS code by Camacha. Released under the BSD license. Only for non-commerial use and free of charge distribution.
    //(C) 2013.

    Feel free to use the code, as long as you leave the comments in.

    You sure you hold the copyright for that? Isn't this a solution (beside of the name of the variables) 1 million programmers came up with already (in other languages as well)

    so its another useless mod without ability "move to nearest ship"

    in multiplayer (kmp) itll be great

    Not useless, only just not finished. Most people would be glad if the existing features where just bug free now.

    But I agree we need arrays and we need them fast.

    P.S.: kOS is currently incompatible with kmp (as long as kmp doesn't fix that)

    missed "." (dot) in line 10


    I thought they arn't needed anymore (since 0.7 I guess)

    Is anyone else getting the this problem to frequently recur like I am?

    ... If the terminal window was ever opened once, and a program had ever been run on the craft, even if it no longer is still running, and the craft goes "on rails" because I went to the tracking center, then ANYTHING that brings the craft back "off rails", ..., will make the entire game suddenly BOG down to a standstill, going down to about a 1 FPS frame rate, and furthermore it usually triggers the parts disappearing bug...

    Can other people confirm or deny whether they get the same thing happening or is it just me?

    Oh, this needs to be tested and if confirmed fixed. I have a hard time cause I barely play lately. Can I suggest to test a workaround: Shut down the power of module before leaving. This should get rid of the processor task.

    Prepost edit: So it seems confirmed. And also it might that my workaround idea might not work. (since it is a variable which causes that)

    Umm. It seems sometimes a flush() could be useful (which empties out all variables)

    Anyway I added it to the wiki.

    That would be a good idea except that you can't read radar altitude above about 10,000 m or so. so you can't do it on a world with atmosphere. You'd just get captured on the first pass for being too low.

    What really good would be something like isa mapsat ... or SCANsat does.

    An integration of those mods would solve everything. You could get height data from a previous flight over as well as collecting height data on way down (since it captures an area which is as bigger as higher you are).

    PrePost edit: I just requested it in SCANsat.

    Liking this mod. Thought I would post here my K-prize qualifying run, done completely under kOS control.

    It's on SkyDrive - clicky pic below to play.


    Really cool, besides that I can't see a ****. Honestly Skydrive? Youtube is too mainstream,eh?

    No really the output of kOS would have been really interesting. And Youtube would have allowed HD. (skydrive, too. But I guess that it if your space is limited)

    Anyway it is really cool, feel free to publish it somewhere. Our wiki maybe?

    Ok done some tests.

    TL/DR: variables ar global across all programs, so you can "simulate functions" with "run" command.


    Its a bug not a feature... Kevin stated that. It will be removed in later versions, but then you have a possibility to return something.

    Edit (did forget that one): Before I doing a GitHub

    [request] Transmitting data should deploy antennas.

    The new science system has the neat way of deploying and retracting antennas.

    I think that also should be used for transmitting data ... or do we leave that it to RT2?

  2. Is it dead? I really like to have a searchbar.

    Edit: Is not really working anymore because recently it hides partly under PartCatalog and can't be moved (I was editing the cfg which seems now to have no effect for some reason)

  3. Sorry If I sound dumb, but is this mod including also all features from StretchyTanks?



    For myself I was astonished how the readability with the correct using of



    • Lists

    is improved.

    I suggest you use them in your description. They will vastly improve it and make it easier to find important information... at least for me.

  4. In the final game there should be an ultra-realistic option... (There are enough mods around which do that.)

    Beginning of the Tech Tree, over the size of the Solar System and Celestial Bodies, the data and behavior of parts, the used fuel and oxidizer, life support and many more.

    The modders show that it isn't impossible to do so and it will be a great fun for experienced players.

    But it should only be an option, since new players would be frustrated.

  5. I have a problem with the latest version.

    I don't achieve any results when running a simple script:

    lock throttle to 1.


    That was indeed the problem. I have set it to wait for 30 seconds and it did a 30 second burn and then stopped. I guess I'll have to compile the program all the way to the end and not test it by stages like I wanted to.

    Thanks for the help.

    I think I might add a FAQ to the wiki, since this and some other mistakes are very common. I am a little short on time lately, though.

    I have exactly the same problem. Very interesting because I started play first time with the KOS v0.85, and this script worked fine. Today I got a same "error", but when i run one of my older (yesterday) file it works properly.

    Any idea?

    You might have done the same mistake (very likely), but without code its hard to tell.

    1. Antennae have no effect on targeting vessels. They only affect your range to home base for the sake of getting to your archive files.


    3. I don't know about targeting docking ports. It would be a good idea, but I think it's a ways off because we still don't even have access to the ability to control translation via RCS, which is sort of a prerequisite for docking maneuvers.

    1. Not entirely true the antennas where intended to have an impact on the targeting range.

    (described in one of his videos)

    However it might be dropped or bugged right now.

    3. Kevin is still struggling with identifying //acessing parts. Which is a requirement for any actions like those.

    Never mind, found out how at http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/Issues

    Finally someone has read it

  6. If this thinf scares you off, you might reconsidder going into rockets at all. In a normal capsule you can move no more than in this one and the ticho brahe gives you an acselent view:)
    But is not having a view not an advantage?

    Btw. Space capsules aren't that cramped anymore.

    And I doubt I could scratch my head in that one. (unable to lift my arms)

    To all of this, I have a few words to say:

    I would.

    That is all.

    Let me point this out: It would be the trip of your lifetime (well, most probably the last trip).

    Oh, and just to point this out- if I was you I would probably be scared to drive a car or fly in a plane, as all are propelled by mostly-controlled explosions. Barley.

    But, in opposite to rockets, cars and planes do not tent to explode randomly. Even if Hollywood says otherwise. Actually It takes a lot of effort to make a car explode, well crashing planes can create an explosion since the fuel gets mechanically mixed with air (impact) and there is also a ignition source (running engine) which is also the reason why the fuel is dumped. But in general they don't explode unless its provoked from the inside (bomb) or outside (e.g. missile).

    Which (fuel dumping) is not an option on a rocket. 1. While dumped fuel from a plane is burnable but not explosive (at least not near the plane) the dumped fuel from a rocket contains an oxygen source (aka. oxidizer) which makes the mixture highly explosive. 2. The dumped fuel from a plane does not pass the engine (ignition source) however on a rocket it does (gravity can be bitch sometimes).

    Before I use something like this it has to be proven as (potential*) safe. It does't have to be save as a plane but at least as safe as a car.

    *=In statistics is often used "deaths / number of persons used" which makes the plane safer than the car. That same statistics might make that rocket the safest cause no one ever died while using it. (cause no one ever used it)

  7. OMFG: Who actually is crazy enough to put him/herself in this deathtrap. Well actually Kerbals are, but this is also a RL deathtrap ...erm... rocket ...eh... deathtrap.

    I am getting creeps just by looking at it.*3)

    I would s**t and p**s myself. When I realize that ...

    1. ... I will go into that thing.
    2. ... I won't be able to move.
    3. ... I am even closer to the "bomb"*1) I am riding on than in a normal rocket.
    4. ... is has not abort system.
    5. ... I am wearing no suit and only the very thin hull stands between me and death.
    6. ... a parachute failure will kill me. (as happened to the prototype)
    7. ... (-that) all this ducktape that is closing the lit.

    And also

    1. at launch.
    2. and especially at the (probably) head first*2) reentry.

    I am just realizing that it could be a marketing trick to sell (more) diapers for adults.

    Has anyone actually measured....

    1. ... the G-Forces which where applied to the (brave but yet dummy) pilot?
    2. ... the reentry heat applied to the head? I mean a cooked brain may seems funny (yummy?) to some people but surely not for the pilot.

    My tip: add more parachutes... way more parachutes (especially for the case of failures) to it... and make sure it even works (bring back the pilot safely) even with much higher payload. I mean 70kg for an adult isn't that much (nerd launcher?). And even if you assume 90kg there is something called security tolerance mhich means if the pilot weights 90kg it should still working safely with 120kg+.

    Real edit: If you put in the minister which is responsible for the latest dog laws, forget the parachutes (all of them).

    *1)=If you actually don't know yet. A rocket is practically a bunch of flying explosives which, in best case, is prevented from uncontrolled exploding.

    *2)= ballistic trajectory with no correction devices assumed.

    *3)=which won't make me hesitate to put a kerbal inside

  8. Bizz I think you might be able to just mod a part to play a sound when it is activated by action group.

    The sound playing function of KSP is a little weird right now requiring a very strange and specific directory structure to get it to work properly.

    Check this out.


    There is a full explanation of how to add custom sounds to KSP in the first post.

    I tried to do this about a month ago but I didn't have that information available at the time.

    I haven't tried this method but it is reported to work by lots of people for KSP .22.

    Note: You may or may not have to configure the part as an engine with no thrust.

    Not true! Simply not true.

    This code is from chatterer and those sounds are in <KSP Folder>\GameData\RBR\Sounds

    Well actually he sorted it up in the last version to chatterer, probe and sstv, but never the less its just for sorting them. It may be different if you use the KSP internal function that might be useful if you create a part and don't want to use a dll, hey wait don't we use already one?

  9. The short answer is no. I haven't put any work into this project for weeks.

    Frankly, I am absolutely burned out on KSP and KSP mod-making at the moment. I got this game when it was 0.15 and spent almost every bit of my free time for the next twelve months playing and learning how to write plugins for this super-addictive game. But it's like eating the same food for dinner for a year.

    So if there is anybody who wants to take over Chatterer and do your own thing to it, that would be great! I'd like to see it stay alive in some form, but I can't be the one to do it right now.

    The source code is linked in the OP. Please feel free to make it your own or use bits of it to make something similar!

    I am sad to hear this. Honestly I think chatter can be improved a lot, but its also great right now.

    Anyway since I don't speak C* I think I don't should mess with your code.

    *=Not enough to program anything, but still enough to read the code somehow, since many languages have similarities.

    Since I am also not going to the Louvre to "improve" the Mona Lisa....

    But I am feel attempted to put it on Github. Maybe Chatterer is the thing that pushes me to finally learn C, too.

    I am not saying that I am taking it over (not yet at least). But Github can't hurt, maybe I do that the next week or so... or not .. dunno ... I am not reliable.

  10. The antenna part in kOS is kept very simply. And it should stay that way, but it might be very simple to include a RT detection or a trigger which mods can flip and use their own antenna thing.

    Actually really good news: Kevin has started to work again on kOS and fixed a few bugs already, even though he hasn't released a new version yet.

    I would build my own ... if I know how.

  11. Agreed, about the library of subroutines instead of one program that does everything. For one, doing it that way it's basically just a MechJeb replacement. Also from a standpoint of saving space, not everything would need a landing program, or skycrane program etc, so a "one program does all" situation doesn't really work for everything. Though I guess thats really a personal choice in how you play the game.

    As for codes/programs, in my opinion, for what its worth, the wiki is a much better option for this I think. Codes posted on the forum would quickly get buried by other stuff, well unless on a separate post, but at least with the wiki we have a chance of keeping it clean and organized.

    I really like to look at the code of other people, because they can come up with solution I might never thought of and I can adapt those to my own projects.

  12. Are you still working on this?

    I mean updates used to come in a short time but now it is silence for a while now.

    And its somehow stuck in mid between 0.5 and 0.6 (which seem to have really cool new features I really do like that)

    I don't wanna push you, just know.

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