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Everything posted by Sᴄɪɴᴛɪʟʟᴀᴛᴏʀ

  1. Which really makes no sense due to the fact that Laythe has radius of 400 km and Mars has a radius of 3,396 km. With real world physics Laythe would be impossible even if it was solid lead.
  2. I'd be more concerned with the fact that a body with such low gravity could have an oxygen based atmosphere.
  3. There are more right-handed people alive and so there are more right-handed children born, genetics. Its a cycle that goes back a few million years where a tribe of lefties got eaten by lions and lost their spot in the gene pool.
  4. Tut-tut, you should be studying Welcome to the forums!
  5. Heavily modded games will probably be much more stable after the mod makers fix some of the bugs that new game updates always cause.
  6. Physics are calculated by frame so short answer, yes.
  7. Planetside 2, Battlefield 1942 (its free now), Tribes: Ascend and Bomberman online.
  8. Jool, purely for its healthy supply of moons. Your kerbals look quite happy with the landing by the way.
  9. The left kerbal's feet look like they're clipping through the table and their hands could use a little tweaking in my opinion. Overall, a good job.
  10. Consider downloading the H.O.M.E mod and the Kethane mod, they make base construction a little more worthwhile. Maybe you should watch something like or , he starts building a moon-base around episode 10 in that series.
  11. When you are landing on a planet or moon with an atmosphere make sure you compensate for drag by putting your theoretical impact site a little ahead of your intended landing zone.
  12. If you have difficulty reaching orbit with enough fuel to return you may have difficulty rendezvousing with your stranded kerbals. Practice with a probe before attempting another rescue.
  13. Then no, you sure your computer could even handle it?
  14. A rover with two left wheels, the right side broke during a botched landing. It had a set of solar panels so I used alternating WASD to drag myself around for a while, covered about a kilometer before I got bored. I might land a kerbal one day to fix it.
  15. You can install the Crew manifest mod, will do everything you want. EDIT: Ninja'd EDIT 2: Not Ninja'd, I'm just blind
  16. I have an obsession with putting relevant parts from every mod on most of my ships to cover all possible scenarios. Over-engineering to the highest degree. Does my command module need more batteries, aux tanks, communications and scientific scanners? Yes it does. 64 bit unity will be a godsend for me.
  17. Kerbin is 64% the size of Earth, is that not the agreed upon scaling factor??
  18. Eve actually, funnily I have landed a kerbal on every planet and moon except Duna where I have built an orbiting space station to manage probe missions. I will send a kerbal to Duna one day but there is just something about having the closest planet untouched by kerbal boots interesting and mysterious for me. Its probably because we have yet to go to Mars.
  19. Laythe has less gravity and a thinner atmosphere than Kerbin. Use a few parachutes for descent and have around 3.5 km/s of delta-v to get back into a low orbit.
  20. Not sure about this, but I don't think you can have a signature or avatar/profile pic until you lose your curious george title (after 5 posts)
  21. X = Engine & fuel tank H = Structural girder O = Docking port/command pod X-------X --H---H-- ----O---- --H---H-- X-------X Dock what you want to land under the command pod and drop it when you're hovering a few meters above the surface.
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