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Everything posted by Mercy

  1. I was going to sign up as a British Army Cadet when I was younger, because I'm from a military family. I never had the time to do it though, but I'm hoping to join the Royal Army Med Corps as a CMT or the Royal Regiment of Scotland as a Combat Medic next year after classes are done,
  2. See, the REAL problem here is that people actually play League Of Legends.
  3. I'll just post a couple songs. ONLY A COUPLE. But yeah, that should give a basic idea. I listen to almost everything though, from rap to pop as long as it's good. My preferred genres are metal/electronic. I use the term metal VERY widely though, basically meaning everything from that's heavy and uses unclean vocals. I play punk bass too. I could list 100+ more bands and musicians that I love, but I'm lazy.
  4. There's a difference between being cynical/negative, and being correct. There is currently not much point in space exploration right now. Honestly, humans should get our **** together here before we even think about going to another planet.
  5. Why does it matter? At all? If you're trying to take a screenshot, but your flag is the wrong way, just take the screenie from the other side. That's the only way I can see this affecting the game at all, and it's stupidly simple to solve.
  6. "Rage Faces", SJWs and people who'll run their mouth on the internet knowing full well if they acted like they do online IRL, they'd be hospitalised.
  7. But that's wrong, you idiot. EA certainly isn't bad as people pretend, but saying DRM like SimCity's is a good idea is blatant stupidity. That game was an absolute disaster. On top of that, some people may be able to afford the game, but not internet (Which is a subscription) or DLC (Which is repeated payments.) Not everyone makes a lot of money for stuff like that, myself included.
  8. Yeah, I kinda realised that. I just made an assumption, the 3rd iteration slipped my mind entirely... My bad.
  9. I was talking about the first improved rocket.
  10. First rocket has 4 parts. 4 x 2 = 8. Second rocket has 5. 5 =/= 8. Not twice the parts.
  11. Because SQUAD should focus on implementing important core mechanics instead of largely unneeded things such as P-Parts, and if they just keep taking things from mods and patching them into KSP, the game will turn out like Minecraft. (That's very bad, BTW.)
  12. The problem is that people always just stick 100's of struts on randomly, which is stupid and inefficient. Try using a triangular cross pattern of 2 struts instead of just sticking loads of them on at random, it'll cut your part count and increase FPS.
  13. What? I'm pretty sure the "Not 13" remark was about how a grown man/woman will have less spare time than a 13 year old kid.
  14. The tutorial works and doesn't spend 90% of it's time on a single step. It's a pretty good one, regardless of the language used. But yes, it contains some strong language and a single use of a word that may be offensive, so don't use it if you're bothered by that sort of thing.
  15. Here, OP. http://imgur.com/DbXanP7 Try this tutorial that someone made for another KSP community, I hear that it's really good. Eventually after the first few times docking is easy as pie, and manual docking is very rewarding. Oh yeah, profanity warning....
  16. Stop derailing the thread. I would like to remind you that prior to this, we have interacted once. You have no right to judge me and call me out on my opinion, which the very subject of this thread is asking for. I shall also go ahead and remind you that derailing and personally attacking users is against the rules, trust me, I've had experience.
  17. OP asked for my definition of Kerbal, I gave it. I have my owns reasons for not being 100% happy all the time, so I recommend you shut up.
  18. Honestly? I think it's a dumb phrase used by dumb people to cover their incompetence in game. >Oh man, my rocket blew up! >>You suck, dude. >NO ITS JUST BEING KERBAL OMG!!!111!
  19. Oh boy, why not come and sign up with me next year? That's as realistic as it EVER gets for ANYONE. You're awesome. You're also awesome and so is the old lady.
  20. He called the other guy out, I presented a rebuttal as well as leaving another subject behind to avoid a fight. Don't just blame one party, especially when the other one is being antagonistic.
  21. "Well, a ship rocket actually." Tell me how that makes sense? And I don't think the guy that replied to you in the first place even cared about the stupid joke, more the fact that you called a ship Kerbal after 1 failed launch out of hundreds.
  22. I'm not getting into the Mechjeb argument again, but I want you to know that was a terrible pun and not even funny as well as nonsensical.
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