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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. Remember that engines can overheat, but it isn't a problem unless they are nearly to the max heat (you risk to melt them down) ie. a nuclear engine work at full throttle without having any accident,even if the "overheat" alert is at 1/3-1/2; so Mainsail engines can work at 85%
  2. Oh, well, that's what I've not done...I weren't in the right place...thanks
  3. Maybe it's a bug, because my An and Dn doesn't go under 0.5°...I'm going to do some tests
  4. my dock-ship whit his lifter weight 32 tons at takeoff... I learned that power and autonomy isn't all 70 tons, however, aren't plenty when you're going to put on orbit an all-in-one command module+lander
  5. Happy news: the can has been landed on Kerbin with two living kebonauts...and four mk 16-XL parachutes! I were worried because, during a test, a rocket blow up "due to overheat" at about 550 m/s at 1900 m (to try, just place an OKTO-2 probe on a "trash bin full o'boom" and launch it, it's exacly what I've done) The ships that i've docked don't roll during translation (luckily I love phisics:)), so I'm going to execise I'm trying new lifters, and I think I've found some good ideas Two other questions: How can I get something better than Bottle rocketeer? How can I put two orbit on the same plane? I can't go under 0.5° of inclination beetween thoose two
  6. "without any fuel" Wobbling-propulsion sistem aren't allowed, right? because if it isn't, some special plane can fly (theorically) for an infinite time!
  7. Hi everyone! As I wrote in the title, I've some question for you, I hope they'll find an answer First: I docked for the first time some day ago. It was fantastic (), but i burnt/wasted a lot of RCS-fuel (about 350 units) using two light ship (about 12 tons or less), so I think I can't use all this resuoces for a single docking or half of the weight of my future lander will be used by the rendez-vous fuel (I'm joking, but not so much). Have you any tips to do them better? I followed, more or less:), this tutorial: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24670-Tutorial-Orbital-rendezvous-You-can-do-them! Second: Can a Mk2 lander can survive to an 3 km/s reentry? (don't ask anything please:)) Third: Can you post some efficient lifter? The best that I have put on orbit up to 70 tons (my first lander...this explain a lot of thing about the previous question...) Thanks to everyone for the help
  8. Thanks to everyone! and... My first ribbon http://ribbons.cgagnier.ca/image.php?ribbon=4399' alt='image.php?ribbon=4399'>
  9. mmmh...I have RCS and ASAS...it seem so simple to do! P.s. fantastic landers... mine is horrible...
  10. How can I post screenshot? My lander is so heavy because I can't perform docking, so it has enought fuel and thurst to go back to Kerbin. It has only a single stage because the radially mounted nuclear engine were damaged in tests by a decoupler. it is made by an X 200-32 fuel tank, four nuclear engines, an FL-R1 RCS tank, an mk2 lander can and some other things...quite an horrible design, but it's the best that I made:)...I hope I'll learn how to dock and to pilot ships... I'll try with the RCS because I have about 300 unit unused. Thanks!
  11. Hi everyone! During my first mun landing I touched ground with an horizontal speed of 0.5 m/s and my lander overturned , killing my crew. I were using ASAS and SAS but the ship had (and presently has) an high barycenter, so it weren't enought:( How can I save my Kerbonaut? Many thanks for Answers!
  12. That's one other disvantage of this propulsion sistem...my probe has a mass of about 5 tons...I'll add that to the list.
  13. Also you are right! I used the Kerbal X rocket to put my probe on orbit at about 250km (to use the X1000 time warp).
  14. You're right! I made a two stage-probe: once the first (and the most heavy) is empty, I can gettison it and continue my flight with the second stage, lighter and with lower power. Sorry, can someone explain to me how to put images in a message? I have the screenshots, but I don't know how to post them:(
  15. I'm still working to make an interesting RCS-Probe...i'll post some screenshot as soon as possible do you suggest me to make it lightweight or with a big RCS tank?
  16. Hi guys! Have you ever done an probe with an RCS propulsion? What do you think about that? Post here you answer! Personally I think that it has advantanges and disvantages, something like that: ADV (potentially) higher thurst than the standard "ant engine" and the ion engine:D new design:sticktongue: something new to try:cool: DIS uncontrollabile throttle;.; lower ISP:0.0: inefficient propoulsion sistem:mad: very heavy fuel:blush: Do you agree with me about that point? P.s. I'm not a mother-tongue, so write me if you found a mistake...I hope I will learn!
  17. I've just started to play KSP and I've made some (horrible:)) rocket and I discovered that ASAS makes big rockets to roll. Is it normal or have I done something worng? One other thing: do you think that it's better to learn how to dock or, almost for the first flight, make an all-in-one command module-lander? Thanks for the answer and excuse me for the bad English! P.s. how can I put images in a message?
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