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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. that's the problem of a suicide landing
  2. do you need a goal? install an hardmode mod and try to do everything...without blowing everything up! note: also your gameplay will change. ie. instead of enormuos rover you'll prefer a small all in one, that is much more hard to design...
  3. "The KSP Valdez - Probably the largest useful tanker - 1500 tons to orbit" oh dear this is a CPU killer! 1 million of kerdollars alive or death!
  4. Hi everyone, I've a question: I use modular fuel systems (that changes the fuels properties) and FAR, can I post a valid entry?
  5. errrrrr I placed radially without the simmetry tool I staged everything in the worst way possible I destroyed everything (KSP style!) I forgot chutes! Sorry Bob!
  6. from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28352-The-Drawing-Board-A-library-of-tutorials-and-other-useful-information and here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=138325968 and from this 6 words: come on, it is a sandbox! welcome to the forum!
  7. Welcome! A good rule for beginners' landings is the "switch the navaball mode to surface and point the retrograde marker" (quote of the Control Tower while Bob were trying to land on the Mun:)). You can also try to use RCS thursters to kill your last m/s of horizontal speed.
  8. Nobody knows everything Nobody is perfect Nobody really knows what "truth" mean Nobody, except he himself, is god Once said that, we know very well something till someone discover that we are wrong. Human aren't perfect, so you're probably right, but presently we know how and why it does. Maybe tomorrow things will change. Maybe
  9. This may also be a collider bug. BTW you can always edit the persistent file to put the probe a couple of metres higher, improve the rendering quality and start again the simulation session.
  10. It's impossible to give a "right height" because it change a lot: depends on mods (as far), celestial body, TWR, weight... Just to give you an idea: my minimalistc design to minmus give the best if you start at 5km, my ultra-heavy payload lifter must start at 15 km to lift up to 200 tons (using FAR)
  11. Sorry, there is a way to generate B9 compressed air? once I end the small reserve that is inside each thurster they run out of it and doesn't work.
  12. Detto questo si può solo sperare e attendere...
  13. Hi everyone! Is there a way to add an internal view of the mk5 cockpit? Another thing: It's possible to show the crew "cam" of an crew tank?
  14. Click on "Edit" and then change the Unanswered of the tab near the top of the post.
  15. this look strange. Did you used the right action group and the right button (backspace)?
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