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  1. Does a sprint now mean potentially 0.2.2 mid April? Without making any promises or guarantees of course
  2. I don't know, they've already talked about switching from their own legacy multi camera custom render pipeline to HDRP, and from PQS to CBT, which both sound pretty in-depth as to game systems they'll touch For all we know it was already in the plan to use it for colonies and the like, which exist, but we haven't seen any of yet Or maybe they're just updating from 2020LTS to 2022LTS because the '20 is falling out of support, I was hoping they'd be planning on using some of the new features and capabilities which were coming along with the engine update
  3. Is part of the plan with the switch up to Unity 2022LTS being able to use DOTS (considered 'production ready' in said 2022LTS) for parallelization/threading these sorts of background (out of focus) processing elements?
  4. It almost seems like the physics needs a fix akin to the krakensbane solution? When the part mass difference becomes too large, the smaller mass object starts getting calculated relative to the larger mass object rather than all joints being the same kind of joint So you only end up grouping constellations of parts with acceptable (to the physics solver) mass scales together, and everything else is relative So lets say, you have two large objects bridged by docking ports, in the current system physics would go HUMUNGOUS-tiny-tiny-HUMUNGOUS, but what if (at the physics level) the game just did the joint as HUMUNGOUS-HUMUNGOUS with the docking ports visually present (placed by relative position), but not in the physics hierarchy.
  5. It seems likely this first 'spill' of the change of conditions from Unity is just a Door in the face maneuver With eventual scaling back to changes to what tiers of Unity (standard/pro/enterprise) devs need to use by install base, and then a top max 5% level just like Unreal uses Seems to have been very poorly handled by Unity though
  6. Those plasma trails look pretty sweet so far Are there any plans to add a bow shock/wave as well?
  7. Does this also address the inability to stage launch from bodies? That was kinda distressing when challenged to an Apollo style mission, but if you tried to do the ascent stage launch from the Munar surface it would just... not let you leave, and keep teleporting you back to the ground because you were "Landed"
  8. Every time you hear the developers talk about the game, you can tell they really care, makes me excited for the future of the game because they really want to make it right (and do right by the community, and modders too)
  9. Seems like a solar system map? Big light at the left being the star while the next two look like planets on orbit lines (with moons) Perhaps they're showing us the layout of other solar systems we could visit (in KSP2)?
  10. Given that later, higher-tech engines could just be straight up better than earlier ones, how will KSP2 handle this? Could the engines be improved or diverged to fill niches with variants (e.g. LR-87-3 on kerolox, LR87-5 on hypergols or LR-87-LH2 on hydrolox) or an upgrade system (e.g. S-3D->H-1->RS-27) to keep them relevant as surrounding technologies improve?
  11. Seems like a safe bet that airstrips would be covered under the whole 'can build new bases' thing considering what's been show of establishing new VABS/locations already
  12. Because pre-alpha (usually) means they're still in the research phase and have not settled on what features they want to implement, or feel they can implement Maybe pre-alpha means something different for the IG team, but the idea that there is still not a firm-ish set of features and game scope just has me scratching my head is all A rough outline of what Intercept considers the pre-alpha/alpha/beta stages would be helpful?
  13. I like what I am seeing Except that bit at the bottom which still says pre-alpha That bit worries me
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