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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. What do the aerodynamic indicator lines look like with the parachutes deployed? It should show a huge amount of drag from the parachutes, but maybe something's not working right there, maybe the aero system thinks the four on the wings are occluded?
  2. It looks like you might be using radial drogues (the orange striped ones), they're (only good) for slowing you down enough to open radial main chutes (blue stripe)
  3. Hi NathanKell, which function exactly was the stock procedural fairing using (which made things really slow)? Just wondering if that same degraded function is in play which is making PP load so slow?
  4. Thanks @pellinor and @ferram4 for taking the trouble to work out the interoperability, you two are amazing.
  5. Hi Ferram, I'm having an unfortunate crash with FAR 15.6.3 (Kindelberger) and KSP 1.1.2 / Windows / x64 When sending a ship to the launchpad the game crashes, the log seems to indicate it's coming from the MFI (which says the vessel is being fired off the pad and into the sun with list of e = pi and value = NaN error ), testing with one at a time mod in/out only shows this error with FAR installed (although the error type is different if PlanetShine is installed for some reason) I've put the logs/dmp files from the generate report up here, please let me know if there's any further information/testing required
  6. Nope, I do have the following, USI MKS/OKS AIES Atomic Age B9 PWings EVE Chatterer Distant Object Enhancement DMagic Orbital Science Editor Extensions Ferram Aerospace KAS/KIS Kerbal Engineer Redux Science Sampler KOSMOS URM+SSPP Near Future (Construction/Electrical/Propulsion/Solar/Spacecraft) Final Frontier PlanetShine Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts Realplume + Stock configs w/Smokescreen Taurus HCV Scatterer Texture Replacer w/Raredens 8K skybox Kerbal Alarm Clock Tweakscale Universal Storage So going back through what I remember updating, I had just updated FAR 15.6.3 from 15.6.2 so I tried dropping this out and no crashes thus far. I'm not sure what's interacting with FAR under 1.1.2 but it certainly doesn't like it
  7. Similarly, I removed PlanetShine, and now instead of PVFC error crash with no log, it just normally crashes (but it does produce an error log/output) when I send a ship to the launchpad The end of the error log seems similar to the ksp.log from before though, with it ending by saying vessel on the launchpad is instantly passing by the sun with screeds of e = pi and/or value = NaN Time for a full strip-back I guess
  8. Huh, I'm getting this as well, unfortunately the crash doesn't create an error report either, but is usually when launching a ship (VAB->launchpad), the resultant ksp.log makes... no sense at all, saying the vessel was instantly shot past the sun with numerous NaN errors Will also test sans PS
  9. Docking ports have 4x Z-100 batteries around them, rotated and gizmo'd in so only their lights are sticking out and framing the docking port, so that I can see them in the dark
  10. Interestingly this particular function is already supported by the docking module, it just hasn't been enabled. A tweakable to turn this on/off would be nice (once everyone gets back from holiday). In terms of stuff that's missing parts wise... 3.75m (Capsule / probe / battery / RW / Hab / Lab / Docking Port Grande ), LF and EC powered props (for water and air), Ground anchor part (like the CLAW, but for planetary bases) Since it sounds like the Poodle is getting a serious revamp for 1.2, I think the original model should be recycled as a 2.5m monoprop engine (which would incidentally make the opening scene and various promo material make sense) Some larger Ion/NTR alikes would also be nice, possibly something like a VASIMR or MPDT ( in 1.25m format) for uprated/advanced ion options, and a maybe closed cycle gas-core or even fission-fragment (in 2.5m format)
  11. I did/do, I tried it without PF and got the same thing, although I suspect once the "lock" is in place it become part of the craft file somehow because they became permanently stuck no matter what I did thereafter. Built new ships from scratch very methodically one part at a time and everything's fine until that point, after browsing the PF thread it does sound like the PF autostruts are causing it, so I'll have to test that when I get off work.
  12. It's possible that PF and PP are using the same Unity function which Squad found was highly degraded under Unity 5, and ended up having to change how their own constructable fairings worked because they were causing huge lag when vessels using them were sent to the launchpad/runway.
  13. Anyone else getting stuck to the launchpad since 1.1.2 with Procedural Parts v1.2? Sorry that's a bit vague, I'll try to narrow down exactly what series of events leads to this for a proper bug report, but I've been seeing multi-stage rockets with procedural fuel tanks getting stuck in space above the launchpad, so the launch-clamps will detach and then the rocket will just hang in space no matter how much thrust, or lack thereof. I didn't see any immediate red errors in the log but I'll keep testing and get a log etc together later tonight
  14. At the moment, players can take contracts to get satellites etc into exacting orbits/inclinations, and this creates (in the map view) a visible orbital reference with tolerances for AP, PE and inclination And it would be useful if players could use the mission control at KSC to plan missions similarly utilising the same system, being able to create an orbital target like the current contracts provide to get spacing, altitude, inclinations etc spot on
  15. Unity released (for free) a significant atmospheric and environmental shader package for Unity 5, which includes terrain and atmospheric effects Now KSP's camera/rendering system is also spectacularly non-standard to deal with the scales in play, but maybe they'll provide good places to start?
  16. Hi @Nhawks17, could you please add KOSMOS URM and SSPP to the supported mod list in the OP? My PR with their configs got added a while ago but KOSMOS never made the list for some reason
  17. Works great, now I just need to figure out why the KOSMOS fairings will only attach in weird facings I'm guessing the attach vector in the config must be off
  18. Multiple canvas support was in Unity 5.3 so we'll need to wait until Squad moves up Unity versions from 5.2.4 (used in 1.1) to 5.3.something for this, hopefully in 1.2?
  19. If the root part for a vessel has a non 1 rescaleFactor specified in it's part config, it'll seem fine initially however after reloading with the vessel the scale of the part will be off (treated as 1, instead of whatever it should be) That's my memory of it anyway?
  20. Weren't dV and TWR were planned features for 1.0? I mean they were stated as such in February 2015 I believe it was HarvesteR who later said they weren't included because they weren't ready
  21. It's almost certainly a bug, PhysX3.3 should be more than an order of magnitude faster at physics setup than PhysX2.8 was. I'm sure it'll get ironed out once people get back from Easter
  22. @KasperVld did say he was going to send that particular craft file down the developer line, where I'm assuming they'll be able to run the unity profiler on it and figure out what's causing the (admittedly significant) loading hitch
  23. This may already be coming up as part of the 'harmonisation' of engines to the newer ModuleEngineFX system Everything will end up all working on one system (RCS would also gain access to emissives, particles and sound etc), and whether an engine accepts inputs via the RCS control or Engine throttle system will be set via a flag in the config, but engines will be able to have their input switched (via tweakable) as desired (although probably not all engines).
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