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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. In what context? In general internet slang it's usually 'Parents Are Watching', but there are plenty of more technical uses - such as Physics Analysis Workstation or Plasma Arc Welding...
  2. Unless you want to play a game... So what? That's still resources used that have no bearing on the task at hand. When Steam clearly states the DRM status of the products it sells and allows all DRM-free titles to run without Steam open, I may reconsider. Aside, DRM of any kind is pretty much a guaranteed no-buy for me. If anything, it encourages piracy. Login to download is fine. Login to use local content is not. Can I skip or roll-back updates too? Can I go back 3 revisions, or to the initial release? What if I want to patch a copy I have squirreled away somewhere else? Just give me the patches so I can do what I want with them. Any advertising, and popup advertising in particular, is too much advertising. I already bought stuff from you, stop harassing me. I have a perfectly good storage array that could be classified as "all in one place". Why would I want to download things "again and again" anyway? If I want to take a copy with me, I use a flash device... Oh, wait, I'd also need an internet connection for a pointless Steam login. The brokenness of SQUADs updater is another matter, and entirely unrelated to Steam. What's unfortunate is that many developers seem to see the existence of Steam as an excuse for not providing basic support services themselves.
  3. Sure am. But my point was, if it's sorted now, why have I been hearing "Unity bug, can't fix" for so long? Ahh, so the cries of "Unity Unity Unity" from official channels was just a smokescreen? That figures. This may be so for KSP, but all the projects (not games, generally) I have been involved with see bugs that crash the application or prevent it from running on supported configurations as extremely good reasons to delay release. Honestly, this is probably the bit that yanks my chain the most: Issues are raised in pre-releases, by people testing in their own time, then they're not addressed for release. Then they're not addressed for patches either. Kinda feels like SQUAD asking for people to find bugs, then only listening to them when it suits the marketing department. So am I, and back when games were distributed on floppy disk or CD, needing 4 hotfixes after release (which many would never get) would be a death-knell. And very good cause for a acquiring a "bug-ridden" reputation. Yes, complexity has increased, but the tools to deal with this complexity have also improved, and I can't help thinking that a lot of the release-day bugs are there because "Yeah, we know, but if it becomes a problem we can just patch it later". I'm not annoyed that there are bugs, there will always be bugs. My issue is known bugs that make it into releases and then go unfixed for an inordinate length of time. "It's a new bug, they're working on it" paints a rather different picture of the game than "It's a known bug from the prerelease, 3 or 4 patches ago". Indeed, and I dislike the "KSP is bug-ridden" meme as much as anyone else. But the only way to kill it is to stop making buggy releases. Anyway, this has been off topic for a while now. If you want the last word, it's yours. I've said my bit.
  4. Editor extensions. Oh, wait, you mean stock parts. Cubic octagonal strut then - it's been the standard tool for putting things where they don't belong since it forever.
  5. Dunno 'bout ferret, but I for one hate Steam with a passion. And it hasn't even done anything particularly horrible to me. Steam is just pointless, intrusive, resource consuming, DRM bundling, login requiring, surprise update springing, advertising ridden middleware. Why would you want such a thing? Well, yeah. I did say <4GB. Even if you have exactly 4GB, running a 32bit OS will rob you of some ram, and if you're running a 64bit OS, you might as well run 64bit KSP.
  6. Seriously people, why get worked up over this? It's just a Youtube video. If it's BS, who cares? If it offends your sense of fair-play, don't watch it. It's not like finding a misleading video on YT is an uncommon occurrence, and there is far more concerning misinformation to be found there than some guy cheating at a game. Getting worked up about this is every bit as idiotic as editing part configs for more e-peen, or whatever this was supposedly worth. Why bother with either? Besides, Hazard-ish has apologized. Storm-in-a-tea-cup over, move along, nothing to see here.
  7. Sigh... Guys, it's still full of butt-ugly shadow artifacts. Enough of this, what bits of your configs do I have to eviscerate to get rid this cloud shadows thing? I think I'll write a ModuleManager patch to kill it, so I don't have to fix this every update...
  8. Don't. Remove it all and start again. The SVE folder structure has changed significantly, and CKAN being CKAN I can't see an in-place upgrade going well at all.
  9. Exactly as much as 32bit. Which is to say yes, but not where it matters most. A 64bit application (running on a 64bit OS) can address more memory. So you can run more mods It's more complicated, but essentially yes, that's correct. Everyone uses 64bit, there's no reason not to. (well, maybe if you have an ancient machine with <4GB RAM... But good luck getting KSP to run on it at all).
  10. Might be worth poking around over here, to see if it is the infamous GC problem.
  11. Why not, derailing is good fun. Then again, nah, I'm going to sleep.
  12. Indeed, the sort order I'm seeing is the same as the default order produced by most GNU utilities (e.g. ls). 'ls -v' is "natural sort of (version) numbers within text" (and it's in my .bash_aliases since forever). Likewise, 'ls -f' ignores case. As I suspected, looks like it's a default nobody thought to change. Don't take away my caps-come-first sorting though, that's a religion. This would be the best option, yes. (assuming you sort by date in a logical fashion of course). Well I don't know about libraries for Unity / C#, but zlib, info-zip and many others are under unrestricted BSD-ish terms. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something suitable to be found. Then again, all the best software is GPL. The 3 text editors I use regularly will transparently open and edit zip, gzip, & bzip2 files (and probably others I haven't tested) so long as the relevant utilities are installed. No extra steps at all. Dunno 'bout Windoze tho. And you shouldn't cheat anyway, it's bad for you.
  13. The point is... That's not the point. The topic is a mobile app. i.e. one that runs on your phone/tablet/smartwatch/mobile crumpet toaster. Whether it can run on the same system as is running KSP is irrelevant. If it can, bonus. Looks at trajectory in native app on phone == looks at trajectory in browser app on phone. Zero functional difference. Say what? You mean there are Android applications out there that you can just say "run on iOS today" to and it all magically works? No porting? Not even a recompile? What is this witchcraft? Can you say "run on XBOX" too? Oh, wait, that's a platform-independent HTML5 app you're describing... or Java maybe. It's certainly not a native application, it'd have to be running in an interpreter... like a JRE or a web-browser. You do realise that there is more than one mobile operating system in use, right? Or perhaps you just want an app for your favorite one? So explain to me how a "pip boy" app would change data in your KSP save (adding nodes etc.) without a network connection. Wait, let me guess: The pip-boy app talks to a server built into Fallout over the network... Just like Telemachus, which is the system I'm suggesting. Whether the frontend runs in a browser or not makes not a lick of difference. Nowhere have I said that this would require an internet connection, that's your interpretation. "web server" does not imply "internet", nor does "web browser". WAN, LAN, Bluetooth PPP, who cares. Any TCP/IP network will do. If you don't want the server on the internet, don't put it on the internet. This is why I suggested it be a webserver-as-KSP-plugin, running on your own machine and using existing tools. If you want to be properly masochistic about it (or have as much money as Bethesda) you could invent a completely new protocol, but you're still going to need a server somewhere to get at the save data. Because Bethesda has the manpower and money to make it so. You need to rewrite, recompile, or run in an interpreter/runtime to support multiple operating systems with the same code. And what 50+ different systems? I said platforms - in this case that means mobile operating systems. Brands and models have nothing to do with anything. Sure, native apps tend to run faster. They also take a whole lot more work to write if you want to support multiple platforms - i.e. code written for Windows Phone will not run on Android. Why do you think Youtube's primary, universal interface is a web-browser? Viewing the map screen and editing nodes is not computationally intensive, and doesn't need direct hardware access, so there's no reason for it to be a native app. Unless you like more work. No, I'm saying it shouldn't be a native app because that's way more work than writing it as a browser app that will run on anything that has a web browser. KSP the game already has enough that needs doing without this additional workload. It'll also entail using more disk space on the device, scaring the paranoid with permissions requests, clearing it for Google Play and Apple Store, making sure it will run on all the versions of Android out there, pushing security patches, taking down malware laden counterfeits, etc. etc. As for disliking apps for everything, that's because 99% of them are overweight unnecessary frontends that bring no advantages over a website that already works perfectly well. False comparison. KSP is a computationally intensive simulation that requires every bit of CPU power the system can throw at it, and graphics acceleration well beyond most mobile devices. A mobile app that displays the map screen and allows basic editing is a whole different kettle of fish, and will run just fine in a browser. Telemachus already has access to most of the data required, all that's needed is some additions to the UI and a way of pulling out the map graphics. Edit: Oh, wait, Why don't we just update this? Viola, map view on a tablet, no native app required: Now, who wants to volunteer to get it working properly with 1.2 and add maneuver planning?
  14. Might be a good idea, Ubuntard is planning on switching to Wayland soon... True, however again this has no real bearing on QA, it's simply out of scope to test on misconfigured setups. As for the pulseaudio issue, Unity (and by extension KSP) is advertised as being able to run without it, and hence lacking it is not a misconfiguration of the users machine. This previously working functionality clearly wasn't tested at all, yet QA is supposed to test for regressions, is it not? And I do. However I am pretty tired of situations where the only valid reply is "known bug, several releases old now". Releasing with known bugs and leaving serious engine problems unfixed for several patches is not helping here. They may be Unity bugs, but they're going to reflect badly on KSP anyway - particularly for those who lack the motivation or knowledge to dig around on the bugtracker. KSP being bug-ridden is a meme because history says so. Name one post-beta major release that didn't need immediate hotfixes. That this happens again and again can only be described as a QA failure, or releases marching to a marketing-department tune. And it's clearly built up a reputation. Take #11382, for example: It has now been worked around for 1.3, without upstream code fixes. Yet for the entire 1.2 cycle it was written off as "Unity bug, only Unity can fix it, case closed". Or the pulseaudio crash: I don't see an official SQUAD workaround anywhere, rather it was the community that put in the effort to get the game running. Where's the effort from SQUAD on this one? This doesn't reflect well on them at all. Don't even get me started on how "double free or corruption" memory mismanagement is not a user-end misconfiguration. And this was, again, known about on release day and left unfixed for an entire cycle. Was there an official memo in the release notes? Any kind of warning for those not following the bug tracker or keeping an eagle-eye on the forums? Ditto for having a standards-compliant window manager that respects EWM hints... How about save-destroying console port bugs? We're at, what, 7 months without a patch now? Maybe it's FTEs fault, but have a wild guess who looks bad here... Yup, it's those guys with a big logo on the loading screen. If you keep tossing game crashing/breaking bugs in the too hard basket and releasing regardless, is it surprising that people write off KSP as bug ridden?
  15. Muuuch better.* As for your issues, I've seen stuff like this before, but it's always been mod bugs or mod interactions causing it... If this is happening in a stock game, my only suggestions are: Corrupted install, corrupted save, AV interference or some other file-access problem, or possibly some of KSPs threads crashing due to OOM or hardware instability. The logs will most likely reveal the culprit. * Pedantic trivia: It's not "spaces" that were missing, rather Carriage Return / Linefeed (CR/LF). Hence "Return" (from the typewriter) is an alternate label for the "Enter" key.
  16. No reason those couldn't have been written in HTML5, and run on Android, iOS, PC, smart TVs, etc. etc. Jus' sayin...
  17. Dunno, consoles have web browsers, right? If they don't, that's just plain silly. I don't get the "behave like a laptop" bit either TBH, tablets also have web browsers, do they not? Eh, whut? What's the difference between switching away from KSP to another app (custom) and switching away from KSP to another app (web browser)? Running it on the same system isn't the point anyway (though if it was a web app you could if you wanted to). And require at least twice as much development time. So that's a native app for each phone / tablet OS (>=3) + a native app for each supported console (>=2) + a native app for each supported PC OS (3)... That's at least 8 apps to develop and test, versus one web application. So write it in HTML5, which can run offline. Whatever you use, it's going to need a connection at some point for access to your save and / or a running copy of KSP, in order to actually do anything. We're talking about a mobile app here anyway, how useful is your phone with no network connection? Writing it as a web application means it will work anywhere, without horsing around with umpteen different builds. Alternatively, Telemachus embeds a webserver into KSP as a plugin already, why not conserve development effort and just extend that? Yes, you would have to leave KSP running somewhere (and have some technical nous to forward the port if you want access from outside your LAN), but you could connect to it and do stuff in near-realtime from anywhere you have a 'net connection. Developing separate apps for all the platforms people will want is pure madness, and the time would be better spent improving the game. Either I'm missing your point entirely, you think web browsers only exist on PCs, or you have a serious misconception as to what an "app" actually is... I dunno.
  18. So what? The offending binary that is passing garbage to the window manager is named KSP.x86_64. KSP stands for Kerbal Space Program, right? Also, thanks for that bit of information, I was contemplating buying Sunless Sea. Now I won't, at least not until it's fixed. If the game will not run without certain additional software installed, it's a system requirement and should be listed as such - just like, say, DirectX 9.0. As for why, or who we're passing the buck to, I don't really care. None of which can be blamed for any of the issues I mentioned, and none of which should affect QA... Unless your QA testers are all using unstable, misconfigured, malware ridden overclocked machines? What's your point? Was stock parachutes being non-functional on launch day due to overclocking? Or perhaps the infamous temperature gauge memory leak was caused by drive fragmentation? The mind boggles. This I will agree on, it is pretty stable... Once engine regressions have been worked around. Here's what my first impression of the 1.2 prerelease looked like (after applying community fixes for pulseaudio): It still does this, but hey, at least it doesn't CTD at random like 1.1 did.
  19. Of course, in general. But maybe not for KSP. Good IPC and high turbo frequency. That's all that matters here. An I7 will likely perform better for general workloads, but for an app that multi-threads about as well as I can tango (i.e. KSP), clock speed and single-threaded instructions per clock are the metrics you're looking for.
  20. Nothin' wrong with clutter. I got ~12TB of clutter and it don't destabilize me... much *mutter mutter* . Too many cats is what makes computers unstable, and mighty indecent too.* All my clutter makes my desk super stable, holds it from floating away and that. My computer is on my desk, so it too must be stable.** *A picture of a cat is worth 6.73 live cats. Watch out for that, it sneaks up on you. ** 1 logic is worth -13.49 cats, you too can offset your cat count.
  21. Holy wall-of-text batman! Please, for the sake of my poor widdle brain, use the [ENTER] key from time to time. And more importantly*: When logs are eliminated, all that remains is a rhetorical question. *Linking to modded support due to mention of ModuleManager. I'm not reading that mess to deduce current mod status.
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