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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. So choose wisely in the first place, this is the only forum software I have ever encountered that is broken by the lack of a ctrl key. And I sure do rate fixing it a higher priority than the current localisation effort. ... don't rip out standard features that people are using. BBCode has been intrinsic to forums nearly as long as such things have existed, and replacing something as generic as a text editor is downright stupid.
  2. Of course it's an IPS problem. It's perfectly fixable by ditching IPS. Squad decided to go with this proprietary solution, and was given feedback on these issues on day one. Choosing IPS, then saying "it's not our code, we can't fix it", when there are perfectly good alternatives (open-source and/or free, with real editors) available, is a right copout. Made bed -> lie in it.
  3. Your link directs me to a login page, so I can't see whatever that rar file is, and ergo I have no chance to see what's wrong with "him". Upload your output.log.txt or Player.log to something publicly viewable, like pastebin, post a link to it, and something may reveal itself.
  4. Compressing memory sounds like as good an idea as compressing hard disk storage was in 1995... which is to say a really good way to make the machine slow to a crawl. Pretty happy I have never encountered this "superfetch" thing myself. The whole point of RAM is that it is fast working memory, why on earth would you want to make it slower by compressing it? Many applications decompress their data into RAM, compressing it again is madness. As for compressing only "unused" memory, how do you know what's "unused"? RAM is random access memory - any data in may be accessed any time, in any order. If you don't have enough RAM, get more. RAM is cheap. That said, the real problem is the way KSP loads textures. Never seen Eloo? It's terrain textures are still consuming memory, even if they're never rendered. Obligatory warning: It works for some people, but it's not officially supported in the Windows player. Problems have been reported.
  5. Nope, this deletes text inside the quote for me. To compound matters, once the cursor is inside the quote box I cannot escape from it. This problem (and other IPS defects) was reported repeatedly after the forum "upgrade" and has been popping up periodically ever since. Seems it's still falling on deaf ears, and the forum editor still almost completely non-functional on mobile. Ctrl-rightclick options do not work on mobile. My phone has no ctrl key. Who thought this convoluted access to basic editor functions was a good idea? Can we please have a functional plain text + BBCode editor back? BBCode works in any browser, on any platform that can do ordinary ASCII input. This javascript monstrosity does not.
  6. ISP Helldesks. *true story* Trying to update CC details via webexcrementse -> Internal server error. -> Phones support. Phone robot: Press 1 to waste time, press 2 to listen to hold music, press 3 to bash your head against the desk.... Me: Mashes keypad. *Ring Ring* Helldesk inoperator: Thank you for calling Incompetent IT inc., can I please have your account number or login name? Me: *searches account page for account number, it's not displayed anywhere, so provides login name*. Helldesk: I can't find your account. Me: I'm logged into it now. Helldesk: Oh yeah, there it is, what seems to be the problem? Me: Your website is throwing "Internal server Error" at the end of the credit card registration process, so I can't update my payment method. Helldesk: Okay, please *HOLD* for technical support. 5 minutes later... Me: Getting bored, plays "Sales call abyss" into phone, opens book. 20 minutes later... Helldesk: Hello? Hello? Me: Sorry, had you on hold while I took a dump. Helldesk: Technical support doesn't seem to be answering. Can you try the form again? Me: *clickety clickety*, Yep, "Internal Server Error" again. Helldesk: Oh, how about another payment method? Me: Do you accept BitCoin? Helldesk: Ah, no. But if you me your credit card number I can update it for you. Me: Over the phone? *laughs* No. Fix your website. You do want paid, right? Helldesk: Ok, can you try the form again? Me: *clickety clickety*, "Internal Server Error"... Helldesk: I see, there does seem to be some kind of problem with our payment system at the moment, perhaps you could try again later today? Me: Close my account, I'll find an ISP that accepts credit cards. *hangs up*. That's ~35 minutes of my life I will never get back, and the hold music is terrible.
  7. Yes, this. Though it's still far more likely that one of the sites you use has its database stolen than your cleartext login getting filched off the wire. it has happened to some big players *cough Yahoo! and it will happen again. Just remember that anything you post to some server on the internet is on some server you know nothing about. Security there may be questionable or non-existant. Assume the worst.
  8. It's not a case of SQUAD loosing stuff, not using SSL just means that any data transferred between your browser and the forum server is unencrypted - so theoretically someone could snoop on it. Theoretically. Not using SSL is pretty lame in this day and age, certificates can be had for free, and the only reason I can think of is that somebody is too cheap to get a server that can handle the encryption overhead. Hell, I run SSL on my ancient (2008) webserver box, it's not hard.
  9. If it's the one I think it is (annoying box under the login text field), yes. IMO there's no valid excuse for this forum not running ssl, but so long as you don't re-use passwords or enter any really sensitive data here, there's no reason for the enforced paranoia. Who's going to man-in-the-middle your connection to a game forum anyway?
  10. nyan cat == April fools, running ModuleManager on an unsupported KSP version (e.g. prerelease), or Sarbian just felt like stirring up the forum today.
  11. As there is (AFAIK) no ssl version of this site (On that: Why, it's 2017 already), and therefore no cert to complain about, I assume you have recently upgraded Firefox and are seeing the latest feature that nobody wanted - bugging you about entering logins on unencrypted sites. Ignore it. If it annoys you, disable it by setting "security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled" to false in about:config. This nagging nanny krakens is getting out of hand, and as such I have recently ditched Firefox for PaleMoon, a fork from before things got silly.
  12. You could, but most machines will automatically correct it via NTP (or whatever time.winblows,com uses). Changing the system time also tends to have unforeseen consequences, particularly if moved backwards. I would consider recompiling ModuleManager less hassle, and neither worth the effort to remove a once a year joke.
  13. Not without modifying and recompiling the source code. But why would you want to? 'tis just a harmless joke after all. I really don't understand why some people get so worked up about this, it's just a cat. Grip: lost.
  14. So far so good. That said, this appears to be a workaround (not using Unitys size restriction) and the real fix (using SDL like a sensible person) is landing in 5.6. Why Unity decided to reinvent the wheel (badly) in the first place boggles the mind.
  15. While I will most probably buy any DLC SQUAD decides to release, the distinct lack of performance improvements touted for this update make is rather un-exciting to me. While I'm sure localisation / new parts etc. are all fine and dandy, what I want to see (and have since day one) is the eradication of the GC stutter, and reasonable (>30FPS) performance at the tier 2 facility part count limit (255 parts) on current consumer hardware. Finally fixing those terrain seams is nice though.
  16. #1: Game engine that scales reasonably well (preferably with GPU physics acceleration) and doesn't freeze periodically, use ridiculous amounts of memory or crash my desktop. #2: Other minor details, like life support, ΔV & TWR display in SPH/VAB, and a career mode that doesn't suck. Strategia, Contract Configurator, KER and USI-LS or Kerbalism in the stock game. Something like KAC (or decent maneuver planning in the tracking station) would be nice too. #3: With #1 sorted out, we could have other nice things, like stock clouds and terrain textures that aren't boring and oh-so-obviously tiled. Something like idtech's megatexture rendering / texture streaming would be nice, and would avoid loading everything into memory at startup. Then again, real game-engines cost real money, so we'll probably be stuck with this Unity turd forever, and SQUAD will never be able to implement these nice things without murdering performance. Additional features have had this effect already.
  17. Just installed DooM (2016) in wine... buttery smooth 60FPS on ultra, now that it's denuvo-free as it was meant to be. Excessive gore, badass demons, frantic action, awesome soundtrack, and classic doom levels to boot. Highly recommended if you like that kind of thing (and have 76GB disk to throw at it ).
  18. You can have an april fools loading screen any time you like, just add -nyan-nyan to your KSP launch options.
  19. April fools, that's what. It's ModuleManager, Sarbian has a fine sense of humor.
  20. It's standard practice to have only one ModuleManager.X.X.X.dll in GameData, always has been. In theory, ModuleManager should detect and disable older versions of itself on load, in practice this doesn't always work as you would expect. Having multiple ModuleManager dlls shouldn't cause any problems, but every now and then strange things happen - especially if one of them is really old. You might want to consider using CKAN (or PyCAN) to manage your mods, it will fix this (among other issues) for you, and so long as you use only the mods it deems worthy it makes installation pretty easy.
  21. Please do, the current situation makes MKS uninstallable if IFS is needed for other mods (at least 5 I have installed), and you don't want a complete shambles of multiple tank switchers. Better yet, drop the hard dependency on GroundConstruction/ATUtils altogether. While I like the idea of off-world construction, these extra hard dependencies = PITA for users. What was wrong with (optional) EL support anyway?
  22. Frustratingly, this is not at all unusual. Unitys "screenmanager" is horribly broken on GNU/Linux. I think "fix" is a bit of a strong word here, this is just a workaround. The real solution is for Unity to just stop passing garbage values to the window manager... i.e. RTF freedesktop M. In the mean time, best set that file read-only or immutable to prevent Unity from lousing it up again, sooner or later it's bound to try.
  23. That'll go pretty well methinks It's pretty much the top end in every depertment.
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