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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Given the caliber of your craft, and obvious knack for spaceplanes, I find this somewhat hard to believe. Landing on the runway 'ain't that hard. Staying on the runway on the other hand...
  2. Indeed, and I see any excuse for more varied contracts as a good thing. Life support on its own would just add grind, but integrated properly it would open up opportunities for more varied things to do, and better contracts. IMO, this is almost a point in favour of it being a stock thing - where it could be better tied into the contracts/progression system. The right set of mods already gets close to this.
  3. Resupply missions, crew rotation, a real reason to go back to a base/station. As it stands, once a base construction contract is fulfilled there's very little reason for it to exist, or to actually do stuff with it - much the same as the "launch a satellite" contracts were before comnet. Life support would also serve to balance the infiniscience labs, making ongoing science generation an ongoing cost. I didn't see a problem with comnet remaining a mod TBH, but here we are. I don't see life support becoming stock as any more, or any less silly.
  4. <citation needed> The same could have been said for the new comm network. Likewise I don't see a problem with stock life support, so long as it's a difficulty option. Comnet is just as realistic (and potentially annoying) as a simple life support mechanic would be, so the "gameplay over realism" doesn't really wash either.
  5. So having read that, you would know what information to provide in order to get useful help. Providing that information matches any case. So. Logs? Mod list? OS? You haven't answered my question either, have you tested with only EVE installed? Everything that adds clouds uses EVE. Aside from that there is Scatterer (fancy shaders etc.) and Planetshine. And probably a few others I haven't used.
  6. FWIW, -force-opengl will quite likely cause issues with current game version. @jzp706: As Raendy suggests, use the 64bit executable. I assume your OS is 64 bit? If not... That's properly crazy with those specs.
  7. Another option might be uploading it to KerbalX, it has mod detection. How well it works will depend on how well-known the mods involved are though.
  8. IIRC, that's a KW Rocketry part. Revived here:
  9. Never caused me any problems, and KSP makes backup saves in any case. The convent CTRL-ALT-ESC-<click on offending window> has taught me bad habits There's only one game that does quit-nagging properly IMO, and that's DooM. Everything else is just wasting time, and those sliding menus annoy me on startup too.
  10. I use xkill, on Windows, I hear ALT-F4 does much the same.
  11. FWIW, the mods I've come across that do this use Custom Barn Kit.
  12. Where did I say no drag? I said 'slippery' as in low drag. If supersonic drag is low enough, the length of the runway is the limiting factor, not high altitude acceleration, and certainly not control authority.
  13. If you say so... Though I do have more than one craft (one of which was my workhorse for station assembly until superseded by something bigger) that require RATO to get off the runway at MDTOW. Fly fine, re-enter fine, land fine. I don't see a problem here. The limiting factor for minimum TWR & wing area is often the length of the runway. Not saying it's too short, but it is a limitation.
  14. SRBs are cheap, and often cheaper than the extra fuel to move more jets, or a second launch to split the payload. The whole point of SSTO is that it reduces cost per ton to orbit... But if a not-quite-SSTO works out cheaper, I'll go with that. Or you culd just use the grass... it's longer than the runway and just as flat. ...Or you're running FAR and building ridiculously slippery things with silly high wing-loading. Hence the RATO to get off the runway.
  15. Any idea why this murders game performance? I've tried it before (in 1.0 IIRC), and it killed performance then too. Recently upgraded my GPU (680->1070) so I thought to give it another spin... And I get <25FPS around the KSC. No errors in the log, no other issues, just miserable performance with this (Kerbinside-complete) installed. I'd expect some performance hit from the extra models in scene, but this is ridiculous. I have a few other mods installed, including SVE + Scatterer, but without Kerbinside/KerbalKonstructs I'm getting at at least 60FPS in the same situation. GNU/Linux, latest KSP, latest KK, installed via CKAN, etc.
  16. It does, just not by much. RATO for takeoff, drag 'chutes for landing. At least that's what I do.
  17. It's not just you. At a guess (having not profiled it), I'd say it's a longer-than-usual garbage collection run due to all the stuff that just stopped running (and all the objects that are now out of scope). AFAIK, there's been no effort to "optimise" the garbage collector, it's part of the fossilised version of mono Unity uses. There's been an effort to reduce garbage creation, but in this case it's probably both unavoidable and unimportant, as performance doesn't matter much when you are leaving the game.
  18. Yup, that's it Much thanks. Had a feeling this might be causing greif. I guess it was using ModuleActiveRadiator in preference to FissionFlowRadiator, so only getting 5000 energy transfer? In any case, good to know you can't have both on the same part. The original config's not mine, I'm just trying to fix it.
  19. It's the reactor core that overheats. I got a little frustrated with this, and I've now about forgotten where I was up to, So here's the part config for the Pluto (pulled from MM cache, post-M2X bundled patch) before I messed with it: With this config, I get: Embedding these is fubar for some reason: https://s23.postimg.org/d1fr21obv/screenshot11.png I figured it needed exhaustCooling set in FissionFlowRadiator, so I patched it thusly: Now I get: https://s30.postimg.org/5g2cf9b8h/screenshot12.png
  20. Works fine. I should clarify what it is I'm trying to do: Use NFE reactors with a non-KA engine, using just the patch from KerbalAtomicsNFE.cfg. This works fine if I have KA installed, but does not if I do not. There is no plugin in KA, so I should need only NFE to make this work, right? Clearly I am missing something. The only other patches that come with KA, and are applied to the stock NTR, are hydrogenNTRsSQUAD.cfg and (optional) KerbalAtomicsLF.cfg. The latter is irrelevant in this cse as it only touches fuel type and atmospherecurve. hydrogenNTRsSQUAD.cfg however, changes FX and thrust transforms to use those from KA... If this is the missing piece (and it appears so) why? What do I need to make a stock (or other mod) NTR use NFE, without installing KA? Ed. ------ So ModuleEngines != ModuleEnginesFX. Duh. Stock NTR works now. But I still can't get the M2X engines to stop overheating. Even copying all the NFE related config from the stock NTR. Screw it, I've had enough of fighting with this thing. Where's the documentation on how to set up an engine properly?
  21. So it was over a year ago that these complaints were first aired, and over a year ago that I (and others) asked for a plaintext+BBcode editor... What happened? Nothing has been fixed, nor improved, no editor provided. This thing is still as shoddy as day one, and I still can't quote on mobile.
  22. I'll add a few to that list: Editor is almost completely unusable on mobile, quoting anything traps the cursor in the quote box, any attempts to add text below it jump right back in. Android, observed in both GNU IceCat (Firefox 38.8) and Firefox 45.0.2 As previously mentioned very few of the "advanced" editor features work, as they depend on the CTRL key. Refreshing the activity stream stalls my browser (Script is not responding dialog) repeatedly, untill I get frustrated enough to outright kill the browser window. Observed on 3 different PCs (Firefox 45.6, 48.0, 50.0.2) and above mentioned mobile browsers. I'm guessing this is due to the fancy "infinite page" thing it does (and all the crud it loads in the background to do it), please make it go away and just give me ordinary pages. No blurring, fade-in or any other frippery required. The editor itself is unreasonably slow, often lagging behind by several keystrokes, this on a fairly quick (3.8GHz/quad) machine. Right now, adding a newline in this window takes anywhere between 0.5 and 3 seconds. This is ridiculous. The forum hijacks my browser history, and then screws it up, preventing me from using "back" to reach the first page of a thread. Most importantly, very few of the feedback items from the launch (most importantly to me: plaintext, non javastupid editor) have actually been addressed. Vbulletin is better (and faster) than this, as is PHPBB, MyBB, IceBB... the list goes on. In fact this is the single slowest, most infuriating piece of forum software garbage I have ever encountered.
  23. If you mean Interstellar Extended, the thread says it works with 1.2.2. If you're trying to install it with CKAN, CKAN is probably just being slow (or stupid, CKAN does that). Install it manually.
  24. Fast, very. Easy to drive, not that I've heard. Something to do with to insane power + considerable turbo lag. Does yours spit flames?
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