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Everything posted by steve_v

  1. Tangent: they'd likely just rain down on Eath again and make holes in the ground... nobody is stupid enough to make a nuclear warhead that detonates on impact (without a ridiculously complex arming sequence anyway). On topic: An ICBM (with warhead, which is the point) won't make orbit, let alone escape velocity. It's gonna come down somewhere.
  2. Eggzactically. Orbit is just a straight line bent by gravity
  3. Yes, when applying said thrust at any given point in the orbit... but thrusting anti-radial constantly will effectively add to the force of gravity, increasing the velocity required for any given orbit... so curved path just like an orbit, only with 'augmented gravity' keeping it circular. Note this means continually adjusting your thrust vector to match gravitational acceleration too.
  4. Depends on how you read it - I got: use engines (attached to a craft) to orbit (the craft around) a planet faster than escape velocity (of the planet in question) Making the planet exceed escape velocity of its parent body (Kerbol) is indeed impossible in this game, though only (highly) improbable IRL.
  5. What has de-orbiting a moon to do with anything? Yes, it' totally possible to exceed escape velocity while using an engine to maintain orbit*... Physics says yes, not sure why you'd want to though... Did something like this for a jet speed challenge at some point, required 'downward' thrust to stay in the atmosphere. *but then it's not an orbit, it's a circular path maintained with constant thrust, and it's not particularly usefull.
  6. Well yeah, but you gotta pick your "real". DRE makes re-entry realistic for an earth sized kerbin - without scaling to an earth sized kerbin, which kinda makes sense in that it's the only way to make re-entry deadly on a 1/10th scale planet... if you run RO, it's not needed, but in stock re-enty is ridiculously forgiving... so Deadly Re-Entry is aptly named. Agreed. I'll take DRE over stock for the challenge though.
  7. Agreed, first thing I do is to set that to "minimal"... beats me how a relatively simple graphical effect can be such a CPU hog, but it is. Seriously, that effect has zero effect on GPU load, but it absolutely tanks my framerate with CPU overhead.
  8. About the only thing(s) I have wanted from KSP since ~0.25 is a game engine that doesn't suck. Screw aditional content, make this game a performant platform on which to add mods. Unity is: Slow, CPU bound, Garbage collector (mono) hobbled, and not particularly nice looking. All in all it's about the worst choice available for this type of game on any criteria except price. My number one issue is, ATM, not the graphics (which are okay, but certainly not great) but the antiquated version of mono that the game engine runs, and the horrible garbage collection stutter that it induces. Second to that is the BS resolution roulette that Unity plays on GNU/Linux systems... somehow Unity missed the memo on how to create a window in X11... one that has been valid since ~1986.
  9. Earth wait, you mean in KSP... In that case: Tylo (technically a moon, but WTH) - much gravity, no atmosphere. PITA to land on. 2nd place: Eve - much gravity, much atmosphere, rockets don't work so well but at least you can fly.
  10. There are always a few minor bugs, but nothing due to the changes in 1.2.1, and so far nothing I can't smooth over with ModuleManager... or in one case some minor hackery on the source.
  11. CKAN is a nanny. The prerelease worked in 1.2, 95% probable it works in 1.2.1 as well. While I don't have InfernalRobotics installed, I do have ~30 other mods installed that CKAN thinks are not compatible... and they all work fine.
  12. Infernal robotics? Overkill for just rotating a camera perhaps... If I'm reading the current state of mod correctly, you want the 2.0.5 release (for the parts), then install (follow instructions regarding deleting folders) 2.0.7 pre-release over it.
  13. For lack of understanding, no. For implying that someone is speaking gibberish rather than asking (politely) for clarification (or using google), sure. No demands here, but a proper design document helps everyone - yourself in getting across what you want to achieve, and any prospective volunteer in what they are getting themselves into. As for setting up a webserver (LAMP stack on Debian), it also helps to have something to test on, assuming you still want to go for a web-based system.
  14. Ditto here, message is "can't be done right now". @Z-Key Aerospace: Please, a setting to disabe the warp-halt and irritating noise on biome transition, ideally a radio-button on the here and now window. The window is great, but this means I can't leave it open. Seconded, the toolbar clutter aggravates my OCD something wicked.
  15. Looks like CTT.cfg needs updating for the new greenhouses (moves old parts to hydroponics, but not new ones) and the large recycler (not mentioned). Easy fix though, this works for me: @PART[LS_Tank_250]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability } @PART[LS_Tank_375]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability } @PART[USILS*Recycler]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = recycling } @PART[USILS_Greenhouse*]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = hydroponics } @PART[Fert_Tank*]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = hydroponics } @PART[FertilizerMiniPack]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = hydroponics } @PART[MulchMiniPack]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = hydroponics }
  16. I was going to post a properly scathing response to your needlessly dismissive response... but on second thoughts, I'm sure you know how to use a search engine. pxi offers good advice, suggest you heed it (and post your design document).
  17. KSP is produced by SQUAD, not Valve. So that makes Steam/Valve the "third party" by definition. Also, this forum software is STILL essentially un-useable on mobile, it took me ~6 minutes of frustration to quote that.
  18. Having some issues getting the Pluto and Rontgen engines to work as engines (with NearFuture installed)... They work great as heaters though. I'm getting core overheats at ~30 seconds after starting the reactor, with included radiator active and with or without the engine running. Looks to me like there's no cooling effect from the propellant at all, as running the engine makes no discernable difference to rate of core temp increase. Thoughts?
  19. @TriggerAu: I hate to be "That guy", but this isn't completely solved... I'm still seeing it with the parts list scroll-bar. Thankfully it appears to be only the scroll bar this time.
  20. Have you confirmed that it is actually broken? KSP-AVC will flag it as incompatible but the changes in 1.2.1 are minor enough that it may well still work. On the original question, this is one of many reasons one should always have backups. Also one of the many reasons I don't use Steam.
  21. No, but "people" may not exactly refer to the OP either. Unless of course shouting "WHAT" constitutes "flipping out"...
  22. Enter 'ckan.exe upgrade EngineLighting=1.4.5' (sans quotes) into whatever passes for a command-line on your OS, while in the directory containing ckan.exe. IIRC, on Windows this would be: open "Command Prompt" -> cd c:\path_to_ksp -> ckan.exe upgrade EngineLighting=1.4.5 You can only force ckan to install "incompatible" mods from the command-line, for some perverse reason.
  23. Means this has been beaten to death in other threads, with several people getting rather excited about it... to a level that could indeed be considred "flipping out". Amazing really, that a harmless little animated cat should cause so much fuss.
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