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  1. try redownloading GAP and reinstalling it. I think I fixed it in a ghost update. You may have downloaded it just prior to my ghost fix. https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/releases ull notice a version b posted Oct 15. the character bugfix was related to a file path i believe.
  2. GAP 2.11 released. Enjoy. basically updated versioning scripts to give everyone a warm fuzzy. now accepting pull requests for any additional contracts people want to add. https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/releases/tag/2.11
  3. I have tested GAP in KSP 1.12.5 and so far all the contracts work as expected. No modifications to the code necessary as far as I can tell. Only slight incompatibility is with Luna Multiplayer Server in that if you are not the oldest session on the server, you may have to ask all players to disconnect including yourself and then you rejoin alone to generate the next contract. I'll update this thread if I run into further issues as so far I've only tested the flight science contracts and the passenger plane contracts (not yet the stunts or Coast Guard). edit: I am using Contract Configurator 2.11 maintained by KSP-RO: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator/releases/tag/v2.11.0.0 edit: and Module Manger 4.2.3: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/
  4. Thanks for keeping this mod alive. With the downfall of KSP 2, my org has spun up a KSP 1 LMP server and we're finding we need to make money. I am looking to fully update my Giving Aircraft a Purpose pack to the new CC so peeps can use it again.
  5. I am back and interested in getting this mod fully up to date as I run a KSP server now through my org, and are desperate for money making airplane contracts. I will need to check in with Contract Configurator to make sure things are functional.
  6. True but the neat thing is that ksp1 is stable forever so getting mods that work is a higher probability than ever before.
  7. Soo... back to KSP1 we go. Anyone have a recommended KSP 1 mod list to cover what KSP 2 intended to give us? Maybe something we could pin? Was looking for a minimalist list though to cover the basics: Multiplayer: Darkstar Multiplayer (DMP) Colonies: Hab Tech Outer Planets Mod Planetary Base System Simple Construction / Not So SimpleConstruction / Keridian Dynamics Communications: Economy/Missions: Stockalike Mining Extension Life Support: Kerbalism TAC-LS Science: Kerbalism Un Kerballed Start Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes Parts: Community Tech Tree Kerbal Inventory System/Kerbal Attachment System Nertea's mods Stockalike Mining Extension Utilities: MechJeb Kerbal Engineer Redux Universal Storage FMRS, for booster recoveries Visual: Scatterer Some ideas in this thread so far - Updated Modlists:
  8. Reposting this, since it's a GREAT challenge. And only one person currently holds the title after nearly a decade.
  9. Thank you! So happy to have inspired those to carry the torch into even more aircraft contract pack greatness! You have done very well with your pack. I look forward to playing them myself! Ooh something new to watch! I will check it out!
  10. Yay, glad to see someone wants to continue making planes a thing in Career. I heartily approve. Feel free to use anything from GAP! It's free and open source.
  11. This was always my most favorite KSP thread in history. Still glad the links work.
  12. Yes it is. The contacts are still in the pack, just disabled by simply not referencing them in the current progression of contracts. You or anyone are welcome to modify whatever you wish and share your modifications. I'll be happy to publish any fixes you can offer. Feel free to check out the github link referenced on the OP.
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