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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Multiplayer. It's where it's at. PM me if interested. We are running .24.2 and a KAS, RemoteTech, Karbonite modpack along with a ton of regular helper mods (MechJeb, KER, DPAI, etc). Private server.
  2. Everyone needs at least one of these babies for their bases in KAS, RemoteTech, Karbonite games: Base Utility Truck Features in 107 parts: Karbonite Scanner K7 Sat Dish Communotron 32 Seats 7 Kerbals, 5 inside! 3 usable winches 2 base winches with hooks for securing the vehicle 8 Cargo Containers loaded with pylons, antennas, generators, strut and pipe endpoints. Useful for picking up crashed test debris... And every base needs a winchable Cargo Airlifter to transport stuff back and forth: Cruises at 18km easy: Yes, that's a Base Utility Truck winched up and KAS strutted to a Cargo Airlifter IV. Notice the active dishes for global communications: Anyone like? Perhaps I should post a vid sometime.
  3. So I've been playing multiplayer KSP. A lot. And .24.2 just works with all the mods the server uses. Anyone else play multiplayer KSP? Anyways, I've repurposed an SSI Neutron H (see link in my sig below) to be compatible with Remote Tech - after all, you never know when you'll need an autonomous flying VTOL SSTO to rescue a downed Kerbal anywhere on Kerbin or at 120km altitude... The only major change is in shifting a few fuel lines, RCS tanks, and reverse snapping on a K7 Remote Tech dish. It eats up power when parked, but when flying, it's able to accomplish its missions autonomously. Anyone interested? I also have a .25 compatible version as well, but I don't play .25... not yet anyways, at least not until DMP comes out with version 1.6 on Oct 31.
  4. SSI's Positron still works. And we have been working on a duel nacelled kdrive for the past year. Reliability of our duel design is an abysmal about 33% though.
  5. You running Kerbal Attachment System? Any other mods? I ran into this bug, happens usually only with newly spawned vessels, and I thought this was a DMP/KAS bug. I hadn't reported it yet. Can you confirm if you are using Kerbal Attachment System when you duplicate the issue?
  6. @darklight thanks for nabbing bug #232. you are awesome
  7. @steven only the dev build is .25 compatible, and only then with bugs. Expect v 1.6 on Oct 31 which will include new features and full .25 compatibility.
  8. Found a nasty repeatable bug. Using a savegame turned Universe, loading any pre-existing vehicle, and then disconnecting from within the vehicle and then reconnecting using DMP GUI, the server duplicates all assets in the area: ships, Kerbals, flags, etc... which on load causes explosions. I sent a bug report to dl.
  9. This works in .25 btw. No recompile necessary, unless you want to change the name to Tracking Center Extensions.
  10. We really need a mod that does this. Anyone have one? Working on one?
  11. Using dev I find that the stock ships do not load in VAB. At all.
  12. Thanks for the info! I'm waiting to update the Essential Mods list once authors update their mods.
  13. Bombers are so 20th century... Shuttlecraft are the way to go. SSI is open for business and accepting Engineers! Prototype Delta: a VTOL SSTO on a qualifying SSI run. No fuel lines needed. Simply clip in a VTOL, clip in a tank, and a nuke, add runners for nacelle effect, a total of 15 parts and viola.
  14. RCS needs a recompile but I don't see any warnings. The rest work. Doing more in-game testing now. I won't publish a formal Add-On Releases thread with a .zip until I test it more. If anyone else has testing they've done and find something, let me know right away!
  15. This subset (found in the next post after this thread's OP): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94353-WIP-Inigma-s-KSP-Essentials-Mod-List-%28in-Testing%29?p=1428244&viewfull=1#post1428244 RCS Build Aid will need a recompile using the .25 assemblies, but it works when you do.
  16. As far as I've tested, the mods listed in the KSP Bare Essentials Mod Pack are fully compatible with KSP .25.
  17. The latest development build of DMP fixes the KAS issue. With .25 out I am testing the Bare Essentials pack, as well as the Essentials list again.
  18. dson and gdl: I'll work on duplicating the bug to the best of my ability. (I sound like a Danny fan, don't I?) Youtube and all. If I can. For fun I'll do it in .25 and the latest dev build of the server and latest KAS.
  19. Combine this with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal mod and this will be amazing.
  20. Im running the latest DMP server and client build, and KAS. I run occasionally now into a really freaky catastrophic bug with KAS and DMP. I twitched it last night, only to realize I wasn't recording. It seems most easily duplicable in a new DMP server environment. Two fuel trucks, stock parts, freshly spawned off the runway, then connected via KAS fuel pipe - makes the linked new vessel disappear, or even simply ripping off a fuel port and reattaching it to a vessel makes that vessel disappear. Entirely. Gone from the universe. Nothing to send home to mama Kerbals. After a while though, and I'm not sure what event causes it, but the server stabilizes and linking between vessels works, and so does removing and reattaching things. However, even in late game, even after vessels have existed for some time, even on a reload of the server, linking or attaching causes vessels to disappear entirely from existence before the hapless Kerbal's eyes. Only continued testing will have this new bug zeroed in on. Just thought I'd report it here.
  21. I've connected a Karbonite drill rig to a convertor rig and a convertor rig to a stock jumbo fuel tank rig and the fuel tank rig to a command pod rig. The connections are made via KAS fuel pipes. I am able to fill up on monoprop in the command pod, but the jumbo orange tank is not filling up. The convertor says it sees the whole system at 100% full, but the jumbo tank is empty. Thoughts? Edit: nevermind. "Pump here" is what I needed to set a port to.
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