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Everything posted by inigma

  1. http://servers.kerbalcentral.com is up and running. feel free to register and add your servers.
  2. Well, try publishing this then godarklight as the new KMP serverlist. It redirects to yours currently until I can set something up on my end: http://servers.kerbalcentral.com
  3. I am attempting to setup a server list that server admins can manage their entries at kerbalcentral.com. In the meantime, please continue using this thread to post your servers. From now on, also please post your broadcast port.
  4. Apparently Jumba has dropped off. No word. So yes, godarklight developed a server list application and I'm trying to integrate it into the kerbalcentral.com wordpress engine. The idea is to have server admins able to register, login, and manage their server listing on their own. For now though, I am simply trying to set up a simple server list, but running into an issue that ill have to negotiate with my web host: they are blocking port 8081 on my server, so I can't grep in data broadcasted by KMP servers by default. argh. I'll know more later today going into tomorrow which direction I'll take. If I can't resolve it, we might just need to default to using the demo that godarklight setup on his end and setup a kerbalcentral.com redirect to it. Stay tuned.
  5. Im working on a server list application at kerbalcentral.com with godarklight. I am hoping to get it posted soon.
  6. Cruzan manages that file link. Here is my copy. Try this and let me know if it works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ept147e70hbq33/SSI%20Viper%20%28Type-2%20Shuttlecraft%29.craft
  7. Can you add [24/7 US-Denver] Kerbal Central - Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. ssi.kerbalcentral.com 2076 server status: http://ssi.kerbalcentral.com:8081 also if any other 24/7 server admins want a yourservername.kerbalcentral.com dns redirect, let me know in a pm. Also, kerbalcentral.com will be listing a global kmp serverlist soon. We could use help if anyone wants to volunteer. Here are some screenshots of the SSI Universe KMP server:
  8. I updated my entry to show my sig which links to my Proton III thread and craft file.
  9. I was curious, does anyone here visit the Spacecraft Exchange forum? I tend to spend most of my time there nowadays whereas I used to be in General KSP Discussion. What other KSP forums do you frequent?
  10. Updated OP with the addition of the newly certified Midget B1 class Type-1 Shuttlecraft. Also updated the OP with links to our threads, and SSI Certification Requirements.
  11. Updated Op to publish mrmcp1's awesome new crafts: the Newton II and the Horrocks class shuttlecraft.
  12. Another fine addition to the SSI fleet by a master Shuttlecraft engineer. Well done! I'll be updating the General Catalog soon. edit. added to the General Catalog!
  13. Lander. SSI style. The Proton III. With universal docking port. Details in my sig.
  14. SSI is collecting and cataloging these bad boys for publication. Feel free to submit it to our thread in my sig if interested in being included.
  15. Cupcake I have an SSI KMP server up: ssi.kerbalcentral.com port 2076 Enjoy!
  16. I would welcome any help with setting up a server list. Regarding a KC subdomain, do you already have a dynamically maintained DNS for your server? If so, a CNAME for a subdomain at kerbalcentral.com could simply repoint traffic to your server. If you don't have your own dynamic dns setup up, fear not. I've PMmed you details (edit: which i've included below). I'll see you on IRC and we'll talk more if need. Essentially any dynamic server admin that wants a KerbalCentral.com subdomain redirect, simply sign up at noip.com and then install, configure, and run ddclient from a linux vmware box to update your noip DNS automatically. Share with me that noip dns and I'll create a subdomain.kerbalcentral.com for you (you choose) as a CNAME record, and bam, you've got a nice kerbalized DNS for your dynamic KMP server such as yourservernamehere.kerbalcentral.com Server admins that want a kerbalcentral.com addy will be invited in the future to get an kerbalcentral.com account and maintain their own server discussion there for support if desired. KC is a project offered for free to the community.
  17. If it can go to the Mun, can it roundtrip Minmus? If so, then it's a Type-1A. Let me know. Great job!
  18. For you admins of 24/7 servers, I am willing to share free subdomains of kerbalcentral.com to point to your box such as yourservername.kerbalcentral.com Just shoot me a pm with your server addy and your preferred subdomain and if I can confirm connection, I'll set you up. In the meantime, would someone be willing to help me develop an auto-maintained KMP server list at servers.kerbalcentral.com for kmp server admins since Jumba seems to be afk?
  19. Thanks godarklight. I've routed the proper ports. You can check status of the KerbalCentral SSI server here: ssi.kerbalcentral.com:8081 I hope Jumba comes back soon.
  20. [24/7 US-Denver][No Mods] Kerbal Central - Shuttlecraft Systems Inc. ssi.kerbalcentral.com:2076 is now ready for testing. anyone want to be the first connect?
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