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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. i'd love to have a small optical indicator which threads i follow. like the little tick on the old forums.
  2. yes! thank you!! i will tweak it a little to fit my preferences, but its MUCH better than the original!
  3. maybe someone who is really good with CSS could make a custom stylesheet to use with Stylish (or other browser plugins)
  4. [quote name='AlamoVampire']*snip*[/QUOTE] this! oh my god, so much this!
  5. personally i think there is no need for one. so all the elitist pricks who think that would be cheating (lol) and should be damned to the seven hells can still enjoy their unsullied vanilla game and all the others (like me) use mods anyway.
  6. @ship size: best thing would be to use the welding mod. build the base structure of the ship, the structural skeleton and some tanks, then weld it. voila - a big and rigid single part to attach everything on, like habs, propulstion, electronics etc...
  7. i want to start using this mod, but i have one question that bugs me: if i weld some parts together, then use this new part to build a craft, launch the craft, then DELETE the welded part... what happens to the launched craft?
  8. i expect my performance to be significantly worse. because of the metric sthitton of mods i am going to install
  9. and thats cool too! but the question was if I would buy a realism dlc. and MY answer is no, its fine as it is i simply stated my personal opinion.
  10. nope. for me, KSP is a game and for fun. it's fine like it is now.
  11. SSD! i just removed the last old disk drive from my system, now everything runs on 3 SSDs
  12. they say 500 solarians are still missing and thousand lost their little plasma houses
  13. 32gb here. i often work with video and big raw files, so it comes in handy. i am ready for KSP x64!
  14. playing witcher 3 70+ hours on the clock and still a looooong time to go!
  15. me too, but it's not possible. you can't do parallel executed physics calculations because they are dependent on each other.
  16. can't wait! i will mod soooo hard!
  17. somehow, the H-IIB looks really kerbal.. with its short boosters and ugly struts on the sides
  18. did they change that? last time i checked, physics was CPU only. plus: unity (and KSP with it) is already multi threaded. the problem is: physics can only run in one thread. apparently it is impossible to run the calculations on several threads at once.
  19. true, but the most important thing, the physics engine is still limited to one core iirc? i wouldn't get me too excited. unity5 is more important for 64bit functionality and no memory limit.
  20. no, because Unity cannot run with DX12. you can try to force, but it will fall back to DX10 or 11. maybe Unity5 will have a DX12 render path in the future.
  21. so you CAN mine asteroids but it will get depleted? interesting.. i have yet to play around with mining and refining. planetary deposits are inexhaustible?
  22. does unity4 even support DX12? maybe its simply going into regular mode and thus not delivering better performance.
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