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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. i think i'll go on the hunt too. i am sitting on 3,2Gb after loading the game. the only 'bigger' things i use are Better Atmospheres V5 and KWRocketry. the other mods are only small, functual mods without high partcount. so i think 3,2 is too much and something is using all my ram..
  2. I am using this, Better Atmospheres and ATM with 0.25 without any problems. everything seems working just fine.
  3. me to. it would be a hard hit to my plans if you never release them
  4. i like it a lot so far (Win8 denier speaking) some small nuisances with the GUI here and there, but the overall impression is pretty good. the chances are pretty high that it will replace my beloved Win7 someday.
  5. is there a download for v0.8.1 still around somewhere? i'd need it for my still ongoing 0.23.5 mission. thanks!
  6. Dunafish, on the way to Duna. Maximus, to Minmus JoolyJoker - Jool Drestroyer - Dres Mohawk - Moho Adam - Eve Eeloosive - Eeloo and so on..
  7. aggressive is too... aggressive for my taste but i am working on simply cherry picking the needed parts to stay within memory limits.
  8. man, this COULD be awesome.. tried it with all the planets from Westi29's manual, but together with KSPI and B9 it uses too much ram. even with ATM installed.. and x64 is working with either B9+Interstellar or Stars+Planets, but not both together.
  9. oh my gawd thats so awesome. it walks so smooth. best mech ever. 10/10
  10. besides being probably overpowered.. would there be any problem if i copy the sabre configs over to the vtol engines to get sabre vtols?
  11. ATM works a treat and the effect of the basic version on graphical fidelity is negligible. its still too much for my game and i had to cherry pick the wanted parts no problem for me because i am not into space planes, but the HX fuselage is a godsend for large cruisers and stations. *looks at his 36.000 tons space station*
  12. perfect, thanks NathanKell and thats exactly what i was looking for.
  13. thank you and congrats i'll abuse those new parts sooo hard!
  14. is there a way to unlock all parts in a tech tree? i just added some more mods and now i have to klick every node multiple times to unlock all the new parts ... BLEH! is there a faster way?
  15. i could play without MJ and do my stuff without problems... ...but why would i want to do that? its the tedious, repetitive things that MJ is really good at. holding a lock with SmartASS, or finishing that 5min interplanetary burn. i want to play the game, and not hypnotize the navball for several minutes
  16. are there any HX sized crew habs and SAS modules planned?
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