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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. as long as my crafts will work in the new version, i am fine. if i am very desperate i just hyperedit them in orbit again and go on like nothing ever happened.
  2. taking parameciumkid's Jump Drive for a test drive. in style. with a hacked together in 5 minutes serenity
  3. on the other hand, the beacon could be BIG and MASSIVE so it would be a little challenge to get it UP and OUT there.
  4. i just jumped my first ship from kerbin to duna in a matter of seconds. Awesome mod!!!!! one question: would it be possible to have 3 different sizes of jumpdives? and that you have to choose the right one based on your ships mass? they should have different energy requirements too.
  5. i love B9, but it is way too big for stock. SP+ on the other hand....
  6. CLIP ALL THE THINGS!! no, seriously. clip them! it's a game and if a certain aesthetic which is only possible through the means of clipping floats your boat, then do it. i know i do it.
  7. if i were in your shoes, i'd leave those haters be, save me the trouble/work and just go with english. most forum users willl rate you 5 stars for your effort anyway then again, i am not... and i understand that those ratings must be frustrating for you.
  8. what a neat little app, i love it! is there any way to change the language of apps on android? my phone is german, but i'd prefer the app to run in english since the game is english too and your german translation is somewhat.. well.. interresting
  9. Jeb is my test pilot. he is the first one to try out new crafts Bill is the one to send to dangerous/long/tedious missions because his stupidity is high enough that he doesn't complain too much Bob is somewhat intelligent for a kerbal, so he fills the role of mission specialist. he deploys and maintains new tech.
  10. after 700+ hours playtime, i couldn't imagine playing without SmartA.S.S. or letting mechjeb do a 10min ion-engine burn for me anymore!
  11. i just finished my first career with the telescope. SO MUCH SCIENCE!! this mod is completely broken! and by broken i mean AWESOME!
  12. i think contracts will be something like "bring me a sample from the mun. you will get xx credits if you do" HOW you do it is up to you. build a 1,25m one seater and fly it manually... or mechjeb a 3,75m monster out there. no one would care. well.. maybe your ingame wallet perhaps
  13. i had the same issue twice! first it was the KAC autosave feature. after deactivating it, it worked fine. the second time it was an outdated Mechjeb, producing some kind of out of memory crash.
  14. if anything, i think FAR will make it even easier. you need less dV, so you can save on fueltank costs.
  15. SlimJim89 your huge B9 craft looks interresting. do you have any more pictures of it?
  16. you can do it yourself too. i rescaled it for the smaller KSO. add rescaleFactor=0.65 in every part .cfg and change the opticsDistance to 2.21 in the processor .cfg if this is too small, you could try and use a bigger rescale factor. there is a formula for the opticsDistance somewhere in this thread.
  17. first: THANK YOU for this wonderful mod. the KSO is the most important craft in my fleet now second: do you think it would be possible to divide the phases into different folders? like KSO/Parts/Orbiter, KSO/Parts/Orbiter25, KSO/Parts/Station or something like this? i don't ask you to do this in your release (although it would be awesome) but would this even work? it would provide me with a better file/update handling, or i could just delete unneeded parts faster.
  18. i have some memory issues too. the two shuttles are very hard on my available memory. deleted some mods that i seldom or never use. but still its hard on the limit.
  19. EnterElysium for instance. Or Scotts reuseable space program if you haven't seen it already. Or Robbatz.. but i doubt you will learn something tho
  20. just re- or unbind the mapmode key in the menu or cfg file (MAP_VIEW_TOGGLE) mo map, no nodes.
  21. maybe they could release both versions. just use the 32bit version as default, but include the x64 executables to use per choice
  22. i never land my interplanetary ships/stages, i leave them in orbit to refuel/reuse them. or push them into a munar graveyard orbit (some day i'll make a museum there)
  23. if you think KSP is too easy just because the new SLS parts are powerful, then you have way too small payloads my friend [no] its not easier, you have to dream bigger!
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