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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. it would take less energy to send a new rover than to jump on the surface of eve
  2. bumping to show there are still people waiting for this awesome mod in the meantime i am using giant (functionless) built in orbit structures and hyperedit in an lame attempt to simulate a warpgate but this isn't the same...
  3. i think they should introduce a procedurally generated universe with a fixed seed. so it is still the same for everyone to compete in challenges and achievements, but others who want to see something new could just go further beyond the 'inner systems'. of course, we'd first need some sort of resource system for this to keep craft sizes down to a bearable limit. maybe you could even choose your starting system if you desire so.
  4. didnt see this one.. awesome fix'd
  5. cute litte thing but like salt to my wounds
  6. yep. i just added the persistent to my daily backup script. but its too late now. i could rebuild some with my crafts and hyperedit. but the WORK (transfers, dockings etc..) is still lost. may others read this thread and learn from my mistake.
  7. procedural structural parts would be even better. girders, struts, panels, beams.... we have several procedural tanks, srb's, fairings, wings... but still no structurals? oooh the things i'd build...
  8. awesome! can't wait for it but it will most likely need new launch hardware too?
  9. if you don't like explosions, then maybe this isn't the right game for you? docking ports are actually a good idea. i already use them to 'decouple' delicate things like small probes and rovers.
  10. yesterday my save file went corrupt. the game just locks up when i load the save. i even tried to manually delete flights i deemed problematic from the persistence file... without success. i lost everything in an instance. my mun, minmus and duna bases. my space stations, my ISS replica, my satellite network.. all the hard work gone with the wind. Backup your save files, folks. You never know when fate strikes!
  11. can't wait to shoot this sucker to the stars
  12. this is an early (stock) interplanetary ship. completely overengineered. i LOVE overengineering! this is a newer one. more modern, elegant and antimatter driven and this is the last iteration. its small, fast and reliable. the front and command module is a lander, the drive stage is docked behind. its completely antimatter fueled and has enough dV to return from eve. but lately i ditched the somewhat overpowered KSPI mod and started to build my crafts in a more realistic approach. like nasa's copernicus
  13. i use MJ because it comes with a maneuvernode fine tuning tool, Smart A.S.S. and landing guidance (tot arget the KSC)
  14. i have a problem with the processors and KAS. i flew all the way out there with my shuttle and wanted to switch the installed lowtech with the medtech processor, but my kerbal installs it the wrong way around. he even grabs it the wrong way what can i do?
  15. i think there are no "bad" mods because for every mod, someone has worked very hard. there are only mods i personally don't like or don't find useful.
  16. you could use the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter mod. it has some really nice (althought not ISS styled) station parts, trusses and solarpanels. plus you get a working space shuttle http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-23-5-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v2-08-aka-Kerbin-Mini-Shuttle
  17. its Kethane you have to add "ShowInMenu = False" in the kethane cfg file to make it disappear in the menu screen.
  18. just found the switch to activate the indoor lights. awesome are there more 'hidden' features?
  19. K.E.S.A. the Kerbal Empire Space Agency
  20. we should turn it around. make the biggest explosion possible with all kerbals surviving
  21. i am using my spacebike for low-grav worlds
  22. KSO Serenity deploying the Kubble Space Caleidoscope in an 260km orbit. i had to push the operating range to the max. Reentry beauty shot
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