occasionally. if i want to test something out (when using FAR and especially deadly reentry, its not that clear sometimes if something will work), but i always revert the flight after i have the needed informations. i call it "HyperSimulator"
whenever KSP's physics engine glitches, it is said that the mighty space kraken is to blame. and if you try to abuse its might (use physics glitches to propel your craft), you are building a kraken drive.
sorry but i have to ask some noob questions.. seems i am not able to find the answers reading back or the wiki on my own... how do you scan for water? until now i used common sense (minmus flats, duna poles...) but is there a way to actively scan for hotspots? and how do you get ammonia? is it mineable or a byproduct of some other process? or do you simply have to bring it along? thanks!
first testflight of the KerbChaser Crew Transporter. the launch (on top of a rocket) was very VERY wobbly.. COM was low placed, but i think the control surfaces on top are very BAD for stability.
anyone using the new IR telescope with remote tech? is it enough to simply boost the DishRange value from the antennas.cfg? or is the range somewhere hardcoded? will it affect only new crafts or already launched ones too?
this plugin is so awesome and growing so fast.. a big wiki update would be cool. i already read back nearly 100 pages and still don't know how to use half of the parts
well on the other hand.. ksp IS a GAME.. and it would be pretty awesome to have one so i can understand people asking.. even if the 'real' thing would probably disappoint them.
simply speaking: a black hole wouldnt prevent anything. you could try an visit it and orbit it. only any attempt to land there would be fatal plus: those things are MASSIVE. it would not orbit the sun, the whole system would orbit the BH.
i never mined in KSP-I until today... but it really looks interesting! you say "small quantities"... is water/ice an exhaustable ressource? or does it only affect the yield of your mining operations?