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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. so, as i was playing with those enormous new B9 HX fuselages today, i had this silly little idea... maybe its not even a new one.. but maybe you guys like it and some clever modder could realize it. imagine a simple structural panel with a simple texture on it. you could edit this texture file with the name of your ship and then attach the panel onto your craft and voila, it's not just an anonymous mass of parts anymore maybe its even possible to make width and height independently resizeable? and maybe it could support more than just one texture, so you have several .png files with your shipnames in the folder and you can switch through them in the VAB? i think this would be a nice addition to the game.
  2. thank you but its not only the memory usage. also my VAB gets too crowded i am already searching forever to find parts
  3. man, those big fuselage parts are so awesome.. but i already have toooo much mods.. well, maybe i'll only keep the HX parts and delete the rest. @ K3|Chris i know you mentioned somewhere that you are working on a HX cockpit. are there crew and stronger sas modules too somewhere in the pipeline?
  4. i think someone should read the "what not to suggest" list as cool as these features would be...not gonna happen...
  5. the real question is: what do we really want? or what does kommitz want as this is his mod? do we want to stay close to reality despite playing a GAME? or do we want some nice, maybe a little OP late game engines at the end of the tech tree to make things easier? i'll stay with the second. i want some late game engines to replace those LV-N stacks. to haul big loads to jool even without perfect transit burn timings. to get sh*t done. of course, there is always the option to mod the cfg yourself
  6. right. star wars is a scifi opera, a fable. carrying bananas from one system to another is as casual as driving to work
  7. i think its the same thing with us, coming together in big cities. we too need farmland to sustain us. coruscant is the same, only scaled up.
  8. true. but if you look at a picture of our sun, it looks like a solid sphere. would a giant star look the same?
  9. so, there are many very.. VERY big stars out there. and i was asking myself how would the surface of such a star look like? would they have a visible/defineable "surface" comparable to the photosphere of our sun? or are they more fluffy like clouds? or simply unshapely gas clumps because of the immense forces?
  10. nooo! do not hurry! take your time to make it really awesome thanks!
  11. they are excellent mods without doubt. but i don't think they should be in the stock game. fairings are neat, but completely unnecessary with stock aerodynamics. and i think alarm clock hits the same spot as MechJeb, harv once said that he doesn't want to make it too easy for KSP players.
  12. if they add the cargo bay too, maybe they'll add their own mechanical functions too? meaning, future project like this could be more independent from firespitter. congrats and thank you porkjet. and i hope you will kepp working on SP+. there are still many more shiny parts to be made
  13. okay.. the cars and vehicles you made didn't make much sense for me, but this rover is awesome and: anyone running 3.11hf with .23.5? is it still working without problems? i am asking because some mods who got updated for .24 dont work flawlessly in .23.5 anymore.
  14. construction progress of my ISS build after delivery of the QUEST Airlock up next is the PIRS airlock and the the trusswork begins.
  15. i was nearly everywhere in he kerbol system. landed probes and rover on every solid body 'cept tylo. there was once a failed try, but no success yet. there even were some suicidal probemissions to jool and the sun. sadly, the probe simply crashes when coming near the sun. it would be so awesome if there was an upper atmosphere to explore. it should be very hot and parts should overheat and explode one after another so you have little time and needs for heat shielding. kerbals set foot on every planet and moon except tylo and they haven't touched eve yet. and as long as there are no rational means to bring them back, it will stay that way i think.
  16. thanks. especially sgt_flyer, exactly the answer i was looking for.
  17. so, those soyuz spacecraft are practically lifeboats for the crew, right? do they just stay docked up there or are they rotated somehow with the expeditions?
  18. it could be worse, at least its the same letters. imagine it was japanese or russian
  19. finally! no more sticking small gear bays onto girders good work with the model
  20. it depends. sometimes i am really obsessed and try to be as accurate as possible. i have at least one apollo and voyager in my saves. but usually it gets tedious/boring fast and i start to kerbal things up a bit
  21. i love this mod. and i don't think it is that overpowered. you still have to unlock the technology and set up way points throughout the system. Research Vehicle DSV Bilkis en route to Jool, towing the newly constructed JumpBeacon (the green thing behind the centrifuge) to be placed in Laythe Orbit.
  22. Waypoint Station 1 features several habitats and docking bays, two centrifuges, enough fuel and a jumpdrive beacon.
  23. this! the other parts look awesome, please keep up the good work (and maybe add a bigger landing gear, dualwheeled would be cool )
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