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Everything posted by totalitor

  1. Great pictures! I must also visit that place some day. I have a piece of wall of Berlin but it is not the same. I am interested in spaceflight, not Germany.
  2. In Spain Gran Canaria in village Carrizal I found a street: CALLE COSMONAUTA COLLINS. Eh...astronauta Collins? What? https://i.imgur.com/BAxfxdf.jpg
  3. After many years my rocket did fly. For a while. Thank you Kerbal Space Program for inspiration.
  4. Welcome to follow small rocket engine testing and rocket building on my youtube channel. Latest news: -Thrust vectoring controlling done. -The longest static fire ever done 25 seconds. -Throttling control done, thrust down to 35% from maximum thrust. Trying this summer launching and landing.
  5. On June they will try quantum drive in space. Scam or not. What do you think? https://www.universetoday.com/160516/the-first-all-electrical-thruster-the-ivo-quantum-drive-is-headed-to-space/
  6. Here I am sitting at home and watching live video from Moon. Very interesting.
  7. Sevenperforce: I knew it was you who make calculations. Thank you.
  8. Hi! I have been designing and building small rocket engines few years and now I have a rocket almost ready. It is passive fin stabilized. Wet mass is 3 kg. It consumes propellants about 35 g/s (average), burn time is 10 seconds. Thrust curve is 1 second intervals in newtons: 44-41-39-37-33-31-29-27-24-22 Yes, I have problems keeping thrust steady. I have tested that fins do work at speed of 10 km/h. Look video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSyWYE1VlM Now I need to build launch stand/rail/tower. Can anyone calculate lenght of launch rail to achieve that 10 km/h speed? And what is estimated apogee?
  9. Copper. Here uncooled rocket engine melts. Green flash if you look close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-EDY0cfBu0
  10. Yes, that is me:) After making rocket engine I have designed and build actual rocket. Slowly, but I think launch is next year 2022. I put videos about progress to Youtube. Welcome to follow.
  11. Simple and working rocket engine can be made. I did it. Pressure-fed engine using ethanol/water and gaseous oxygen. Cooled and not very heavy. I guess I was lucky? You can watch how I did it on Youtube channel: notmadrocketscientist
  12. sevenperforce - your camera angle is 90 degree wrong. I would reject your video right away.
  13. Would it be better that tower moves after superheavy landing and not superheavy itself? Still landing legs needed.
  14. Is it: the higher chamber pressure, the more nozzle extension you need. Correct me if I am wrong.
  15. Welcome to follow small rocket engine testing and rocket building on my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf2lLsBevPguEq7i2YKQ4Sg/videos Any suggestions to get more thrust or saving weight on rocket are welcome! Check it out.
  16. Yes better to be safe than sorry. In my tests I am 10 m away behind 15 cm thick wood and still I look rocket engine from mirror. It is nice to see what happen when you are testing but you sure look many times videos after tests. That is more important to analyze what happend during test. Good luck to your next version. I have collected parts to my rocket, I am planning if I can get it to fly next year. Now I have 3500 grams together including engine, pressure regulators, fuel. gaseous oxygen and other sfuff. Not including stability system and recovery system. Best thrust is so far 3400 grams so there is still work - this rocket can not fly yet. Cutting weight is important but I think I have done everything I can. Ok, I have "not-so-safe-system" weight 3300 grams but there is no check valves. I am hoping to get more thrust with more pressure. Next real test begin when spring arrives - on May I think.
  17. Nice work! I think O/F ratio is good, not too much fuel. I think my engine is more fuel rich. And your engine has 20 times more thrust. Great!
  18. Average thrust 41,6 N? Is that right? TWR=33? Sounds incredible. Use more cameras when you are testing. This IS science!
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