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Everything posted by SnappingTurtle

  1. I have a satellite in Minmus orbit with the stock round dish on it and a station in low Kerbin orbit with a dish aimed at Minmus. When I control the Minmus satellite and target Kerbin I get no connection, but if I target the station directly it works. Sup wid dat?
  2. Thanks Nachocuban that let me grab and re-attach a part, but when I grab it it doesn't go to the Kerbal's back like most parts do. I tried enabling attach on EVA which let me attach the part to my Kerbal's helmet but then I couldn't take it off again.
  3. I'm trying to make it so I can make the ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit from the Kerbal Engineer mod grabbable from EVA. I added a KASModuleGrab module copied to the ER-7500 part file so it looks like the code below. Right clicking on the part from EVA I can click the grab option on the part but it doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone know how to fix this? PART { // --- general parameters --- name = Engineer7500 module = Part author = CYBUTEK (Code) || Keptin (Part) // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu texture = model000.mbm rescaleFactor = 0.8 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = start entryCost = 0 cost = 500 category = Science subcategory = 0 title = ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit manufacturer = CYBUTEK Solutions Ltd. description = The ER-7500 goes back to roots with the Kerbal Engineering System. It combines the Build Engineer and Flight Engineer into a single unit, using the latest in magnetic tape technology. This unit has been proven to be at least 1x10^-5 times faster than a standard hard drive. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.000001 dragModelType = override maximum_drag = 0 minimum_drag = 0 angularDrag = 0 crashTolerance = 15 maxTemp = 3400 MODULE { name = TapeDriveAnimator useBakedAnimation = false minReelSpeed = -30 maxReelSpeed = 30 speedStopZone = 10 speedDeadZone = 2.5 speedChangeAmount = 30 minRepeatTime = 1 maxRepeatTime = 6 repeatTimeDenominator = 8 reel1 = geo_reel1 reel2 = geo_reel2 reel1SpeedRatio = 1 reel2SpeedRatio = 0.75 lights1 = geo_buttonSet1 lights2 = geo_buttonSet2 lights3 = geo_buttonSet3 lights4 = geo_buttonSet4 lights5 = geo_buttonSet5 lights6 = geo_buttonSet6 lights1Speed = 0 lights2Speed = -2.5 lights3Speed = 2.5 lights4Speed = 10 lights5Speed = -15 lights6Speed = 17.5 } MODULE { name = BuildEngineer } MODULE { name = FlightEngineer } MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) attachNodeName = null customGroundPos = false dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) dropPartRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) physicJoint = false addPartMass = true evaTransformName = jetpackCollider storable = false storedSize = 1 bayType = null bayNode = top bayRot = (0, 0, 0) attachMaxDist = 2 attachOnPart = false attachOnEva = false attachOnStatic = false attachSendMsgOnly = false grabSndPath = KAS/Sounds/grab attachPartSndPath = KAS/Sounds/attach attachStaticSndPath = KAS/Sounds/grappleAttachStatic detachSndPath = KAS/Sounds/detach } // ----- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT ------ }
  4. Cool idea, I had a go myself and got the same roll coupling problems the wikipedia page mentioned but it was stable every other way; just needs the right trim. http://imgur.com/a/JNgxu#0
  5. Did something happen to the amount of lift generated in the last patch? I have this craft that seemed to fly a lot better before than now. Could just be me.
  6. Yes. It looks fine to me. There are many 1.25 to 2.5 adapters especially if you use mods. I'd prefer not to be swamped by multiple parts that vary only minutely. After all, that's what the adapters are for.
  7. The Oberth effect doesn't give you energy for free, it's just the fact that you get more energy for the same impulse at a higher velocity.
  8. Unity's wheel physics aren't great, and those engines are causing a large pitch-down moment because they're mounted high up. They're probably putting too much pressure on the wheels and causing your problems on the runway, and it's also why you're having trouble rotating upward. The tail wheel is very far back increasing your takeoff rotation problem. You could shoulder mount the wings and put the engines under them to reduce the torque the engines cause and move the tail wheel further forward. Finally, those tail fins at the back don't look like the canards. You need elevators.
  9. Yes, if you can refuel at the Mun it's better. You already have the high GPE and both the Mun's velocity, which would be the same for any object at that altitude, and your orbit around the Mun.
  10. Would it be possible for this mod to make the compression heating effects more indicative of the energy lost to the environment?
  11. Kethane converters have to be directly attached to a fuel tank. Also you don't need more than one. I think fuel turns out to be more dense than kethane so it takes up less volume after conversion which makes it easier to move. I don't know if it's any more or less massive in total.
  12. Quick question: Do the solar panels with casings cause less drag in FAR than those without casings?
  13. Just some preliminary feedback: Could you add an attach node under the space telescope so I can put it centrally on a stack? Also I can't put it under a procedural fairing if it's surface attached.
  14. Looks cool but which zip do I need? Or do I need both? Edit: Never mind, I somehow read over the "Source:" bit.
  15. I like FAR and Firespitter but I don't like the sound of this. Is it because FAR assumes symmetric airfoils?
  16. Since .23 I've been having trouble with my planes getting seemingly random but massive kicks in the roll axis under certain conditions (no SAS but FAR wing leveler on). I have some red numbers in the stability derivatives (I put in the estimated temperature and mach number where I was having these problems) but I don't know how to fix these. Before .23 I never paid attention to the stability derivatives and stuff just kind of worked so I don't know what's up. http://i.imgur.com/OnV6iuF.jpg P.S. FAR could do with its own subforum for these kinds of questions.
  17. This is the radiator I'm using. It has a deploy action that doesn't do anything (it's only visible in the VAB action group menu, or with the action group manager plugin). Waste heat builds up unless I toggle the resource flow off like I've done in the image. I don't know if it's supposed to be this way or if it's a bug.
  18. I just got this mod. Are there tutorials anywhere? The only part I've used so far is the small radial radiator. It seems to have a deploy action that doesn't seem to do anything, but when I toggle the waste heat resource to not flow the waste heat goes down. Is this how it's supposed to work?
  19. Would it be possible to allow control surfaces to also be flaps so we can have things like flaperons?
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