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Everything posted by SnappingTurtle

  1. I disagree with this, I have a Radeon HD 4870 which handles the graphics of the game fine. It's probably more a matter of your old CPU and probably more/faster RAM would help.
  2. Of course closest approach indicators need to be clickable like ap/pe indicators. There also needs to be an easier way to focus on planets rather than double clicking and accidentally switching to a different vessel. But most of all the closest approach indicators need to be visible all the time. It's so difficult if not impossible to hunt for an efficient interplanetary trajectory with manoeuvre nodes when I can't see them unless the target orbit and my projected orbit closely overlap. If my closest approach is a billion kilometers away I still need to be able to see that. That last - and I would think most easily fixable - problem is really killing interplanetary travel for me.
  3. I have the same twitch controls for my tailed planes. Reducing the maximum control surface deflection isn't ideal because it reduces the control you need for low-speed landing. So for flying tailed planes I pretty much always use trim (alt + w/a/s/d/q/e, and alt+x to zero trim).
  4. How should I balance gravity and aerodynamic losses for a rocket launch? Should I limit Q to some number?
  5. Deflecting flaps past their stall angle seems to work, this should cause extra high drag because of the separation of the boundary layer, right? Is this a good or bad idea for landing? Are FAR flaps from standard control surfaces more realistic than B9's airbrakes which seem to have extremely high drag?
  6. In the control surface assignment FAR tells me that my flaps have a stall angle of over 800 degrees. Is this because they're so close to the center of mass?
  7. Anyone got tips on how to place landing flaps for best drag and lift? Should I put them on my main wings aligned with the center of mass? What angle should I deflect them to?
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberth_effect According to the equation on this page the rate of change of kinetic energy is proportional to velocity. So if you're in a lower orbit that has you moving twice as fast as a higher orbit you'll have to burn your engines for half the time to achieve the same change in kinetic energy. Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician or an astrophysicist.
  9. I had the same problem. I had to push the part along until it got close enough to the ship. If it starts going in the wrong direction grab it and use just W and S to move it.
  10. I just have one at geosynchronous orbit over KSC and one at a very high polar orbit with the super long range dish. Two satellites and eclipsing is only a problem for like 1% of the time.
  11. @Autochton I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting for something like that. As long as it's not too much hassle to actually use.
  12. Speaking of which the problem I mentioned seems to have been fixed by downloading the latest version. I should have done that first but I don't have enough RAM for all the mods I have, which means the game can be extremely slow with all the page file operations, which often leads me to posting before I've checked all the usual solutions.
  13. Does this work with B9 parts cause my plane still tends to wobble a lot.
  14. I'm having trouble with procedural wings with FAR and B9. The lift indicator becomes asymmetrical and hops around left to right as I change the root chord length. Maybe because it's clipping into the cargo bay? Anyone know anything about this?
  15. I'm sure we have some musicians here, hopefully some of whom wouldn't mind indulging me in trying to discern the bass line to this interesting track, and hopefully have a better ear than mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i89ZvBaOojM It seems to be based in F. The main bass hook seems to be based around the three notes D#, G# and A. Apart from that there's that rising bit then up to a high note and back down for the main hook. The rising bit to me could be any four notes between E and A, I honestly can't tell (but I'm leaning toward F# to A in semitones). After I've tried it so many times they all sound virtually the same to me. Then I'm not sure maybe the high note is an A. Help if you please!
  16. Do you mean that the center of lift indicator is jumping around when your aircraft is in different rotations? I think the center of lift indicator assumes an airflow coming from the front of the hangar, and in the VAB it assumes an airflow from the top of the building. If you point your aircraft forward and rotate the whole thing slightly with shift+w/s you can see this. That's why the the indicator changes a lot when you rotate your craft 90 degrees at a time.
  17. Anyone know what's up with the low-velocity flame jet?
  18. I suddenly recalled hearing that the ratio of a rocket's diameter to its length is important for stability. Is this an aerodynamic effect? Does it matter with FAR?
  19. Has anybody else had issues with Fustek stations matching velocity with the craft you're controlling on its own?
  20. You're always going to have enough fuel or be able to add more. Unless you're aiming for really tight margins just estimate and feel free to err on the side of caution. As for calculating when to start burning I guess you could take the thrust of the engine and subtract the weight at the Mun's surface, divide by the mass to find your upward acceleration and divide by your speed to find how long it will take to stop. You could use that information in a suvat equation to get an altitude to start burning at. @Mr. Shifty I see, good explanation.
  21. My best way to land is to get a very shallow trajectory to the surface. Then, when you're almost over a good landing spot at about 15 to 20 km burn toward the horizon so you lose most of your lateral speed. I'm not an expert but I think that would remove the problem of losing efficiency by losing your descent speed too early. Remember to be in surface mode on the navball. The method shown in the video might be okay for a pre 0.21 Mun but I wouldn't recommend it these days. Probably better to get a more accurate landing. I'm not convinced by that video anyway, the guy spends a long long time burning at greater than 45 degrees off the horizon, spending more fuel resisting gravity than slowing down for several minutes.
  22. What would be really really awesome is a spherical, Discovery style command pod. http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/images/screenshots/various/fic_2001_Discovery_and_its_pod_1__Cham.jpg
  23. If the planet has an atmosphere you can aerobrake. If you have the fuel budget you can include stronger engines. Or take less fuel and get shorter burns. When I was trying to make a large SSTO go interplanetary I sent up extra fuel/engine stacks to dock with it after it reached orbit.
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