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praise the suuun

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Everything posted by praise the suuun

  1. when i was watching the latest 0.22 video, the developer discussed saving a space plane in sub assembly and bringing it up in the VAB. my concern is that they have not fixed the lift models in these separate hangars! before 0.22 VAB designs always had a lift marker pointing forward no matter what. SAB designs had a more flexible lift model that would change dynamically based on airfoil placement. if they havent given the same lift model to both hangars then this subassembly addition is doomed before it has begun. on a side not i havent been *edit* playing since 0.21 hit the scene so i might have missed some ninja bug fix.
  2. clearly buzz and neil i mean come on its a no brainer out of the choices.
  3. imagine the synchronised aerobatics one could film when throttle and trim are shared in the atmosphere!!
  4. its a game about death and survival of the fittest. im actually suprised games that involve violence have a community to begin with. (protip they dont. just people whining and insulting.)
  5. Hi again ubiozur. I had an idea what if you took a built craft file, close the game and open the edit file, keep the part module lines and positioning but delete all the rest of the code using your format of code to turn it all into a single part, could this function in a similar function? sure the parts would lose there special functions but say if you built a frame in the SPH with steel panels then do what i mentioned. i am just a super average coder very beginner.
  6. Yeah sure man I understand. I just need to be able to change the value for some cheaty mc cheap skate designs I think it would make a little more sense if you put the jet engine at a lower thrust value than the turbo engine as they're both at 140. I cant wait till we get some fuel in our wings; it would probably act like a passive SAS wheel.
  7. Ferram, ive been chasing this issue about why the stock engines are frozen at 140 at ive found it finally when i trial and errored all my modulemanager.dll mods.... finally! you have assigned the thrust value 140 to both the stock engines in FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg. may i ask your reasoning behind this value? are the engines overpowered? surely it balances out due to the heavy nature of all the stock parts compared to IRL aeroplane parts.
  8. Had a once over my memory. It seems I deleted the RCS blocks long ago. There are two parts stacked together: One a B9 aerospace reaction wheel. Then there's a Fustek Munox RCS ring clipped around it. If clipping wasn't so lenient it wouldn't really work but I'm guessing it just doesn't like having two parts on the same attachment node. I thought it would be an easy fix when I recognized the "missing part" dialogue as "shuttle.rcs block" as an rcs port but its a little bit harder. >_< my question still stands though. id love to know how to remove a non structurally crucial part from save file correctly.
  9. Title says it all. I built an enormous craft; about 650 parts, and I backed it so I could perform a fresh installation. Ive accidentally left out one part from my fresh installation. After hours of goggling I cant find it again. thankfully its not ae deck of cards scenario; it's just ae radially attached rcs thruster. I attempted to remove thee three instances of the part by deleting each separate block of text completely from the .cfg but booted up to an 'all-buttons-frozen-craftname-is-helloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworldhelloworld etc'. I felt like i'd come across a demon imbedded in my hard drive! what do, engineers?
  10. WOW 1 GB! if ksp.exe is hard limited at 4GB i might have to pass on this fantastic mod dammit im such a mod whore i just realised that now lmao.
  11. I've read others have had this issue but I cant recall how they fixed it. I've only had an unexplainable occurrence of non-symmetrical COL when I was placing symmetrical wings. Your picture shows that your issue is nothing like mine because my COL was all the way underneath one wing; off to a side. Sometimes it's a perspective illusion and the COM is off center not the COL which is what I found with my recent craft.
  12. this is helpful. but I have another question. I've been cleaning out all but one modulemanager.dll for gamedata, but my issue (values of stock air breathers frzon at non stock values) still persists. will a clean install of all modulemanager using mods reset this problem?
  13. OH! So the design hangar used has a specific wind vector for either vertical rockets (VAB) or horizontal planes (SPH) but not both? That's amazing thank you so much ferram. I hope I can transport construction to the SPH without hiccup. I've seen those kind of bugs before.
  14. Is this the reason why my center of lift stubbornly points up no matter where my wings are? the COM is inside some wayland cargo bays.
  15. So if i want to have more than one MM using mod, how do i have each of theyre own copies all directly in gamedata? wont they overwrite each other and the last to be added is the only mod with specific code in place?
  16. so what do i do when mods come packed with it and place their own one?
  17. but theyre written specifically for one mod and then coded to minimize clashes, deadly reentry just wasnt coded well enough.
  18. *edit* found the issue. all the mods are fine together with there own modulemnager.dll's except "deadly reentry". thats the one thats messing up my stock parts
  19. *edit* found the issue. all the mods are fine together with there own modulemnager.dll's except "deadly reentry. thats the one thats messing up my stock parts
  20. if you develop modifications then the build can be downloaded from the first page. if you want a mod with modulemanager.dll included theres a few out there.
  21. is it possible to strip down the mod to make lazor eva a stand alone? this mod has some great features like first person view, docking camera, radial camera but the rest doesnt apeal to me. :/
  22. sure is infested, im having runtime popup crashes after installing deadly rentry.
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