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Everything posted by frash23

  1. Alright, as i am a bad loser, i just had to correct mine. Again, done without mods. Here is my entry for both: Again, i took two orbits, just to check it wouldnt ruint itself somehow. AP: 3081M PE: 2656M
  2. I DID BETTER. CHECK OUT THIS POST Everything done without mods. I got: Periapsis: 2760M Apoapsis: 3099M Took me 2 hours. Imgur took out my orbital map view, so here it is: I took 2 extra orbits of this, just to make sure i wouldnt crash ^^
  3. Interesting story, but you should really read into your writings. Your descriptions are vague (there are some good ones), and it's pretty short per chapter - other wise, i think this is great.
  4. Awesome, definetly useful for landings! I'm not very fancy with unity and it's graphics system, but i could help oyu out with anything else, if you wan
  5. I'm writing a detailed tutorial (only the building chapter done, writing more now), you could check it out.
  6. To be honest, i got it off TPB, but as i started to see that the linux version only got the main updates, and no bugfixes, i dropped it and bought it at 0.20.2
  7. Follow the structure of the in-game lights. Look in the part.cfg etc.
  8. I use them myself sometimes, but i've seen a lot of people use more than 4, and i just don't understand why. One big and one small is what i usually use on my explorer probes. It's also more just to make the reader understand that putting unneccesary thins on your rocket is going to affect its performance.
  9. I'm not a mac user, but if you could upload it to mediafire or something, i could make it into something KSP compatible.
  10. -= How to space! =- - A tutorial by Jacob Unoriginal name aside, this is a tutorial assembled by all my experience so far. This tutorial might be a bit heavy on images, so DEAL WITH IT This tutorial will (hopefully) take you to the moon and back using stock parts. (I am using linux v. in this tutorial. I might update it, i dunno.) As you probably can see, this tutorial is put up in chapters, so grab a snack, sit back, and get ready to be educated about rockets and stuff. REMEMBER: EVERYTHING I AM DOING IS WITH STOCK PARTS. I HAVE A LOT OF MODS, BUT ALL OF THIS IS STOCK! Chapter 1: Building the rocket To me, this is usually the hard part :I Building a good launch stage, orbiter stage, docking stage or whatever it is is usually hard for me. I don't suck at building rockets, but it's still hard. Optimizing Delta V If you are having problems with your ship whilst flying it, whether it is spinning, uncontrollable, out of power or something else, it is most likely something that could be fixed in the VAB. A very important thing to pay attention to whilst building your ship, is the DeltaV (here as referred to as ÃŽâ€v). I'm not all fancy with this, but as far as i understand, ÃŽâ€v is the amount of velocity your spaceship can change from its current position (usually in m/s). I'm not going to go into detail about the equation, but it is about your total mass, dry mass and your engine(s) ISP. The higher your engines ISP is, the better. The easiest way to increase ÃŽâ€v, is usually by lowering your dry mass as much as possible. This means lots of decouplers, and cleaning of unneccesary stuff and even changing part sizes. Here is an example of a standard rocket and a ÃŽâ€v optimized: The unoptimized rocket got me 48k meters up. The second got me 400k meters up - quite something, as i didn't change much! (thrusting directly up all the time with both.) (according to this post, nosecones are pointless. Correct me if it is changed.) Now that you've learned about optmizing your rocket, lets move on to the next part! Making a rocket capable of (x) Alright, we got our ÃŽâ€v sorted out, what now? Building a rocket capable of doing something of course! In this tutorial, we will be going to the mun and back - because minmus is too easy, and getting out of the kerbin system would be too hard and boring for a beginner. I have had some problems with my lifts lately, so if you know you can make yours better, you are very welcome (submit yours if you want). We have a couple of things to do. Let me put them in a list: Making a capsule capable of landing safely back on kerbin. Making a mun lift stage. A mun landing stage. Mun orbiting stage. Kerbin orbiter stage. Kerbin lift. It may seem backwards, but we don't want to start with the initial lift, do we? First things first, we need to make our kerbals land safely on the ground. Here's my favourite way of building capsules: The low-drag parachute on top is to slow us down if we come flying against kerbin with a too high speed, so the other parachutes don't cut off. Thereafter we can deploy the radial parachutes at a reasonable speed. Next, here is how i build my mun lift and mun landing stages: Actually, the nuclear engines are used in some of the mun orbiting stage as well. For my kerbin orbiting stage, i use the tri-coupler to put three nuclear engines on one big tank: This stage is more powerful than it looks as long as you use it correctly! Here is what i made for a kerbin lift. It isn't as good as i wanted it to be, but it successfully gets us into kerbin orbit (by the help of the kerbin orbiter stage): Green lines mean "stage <=> decoupler" Let me quickly explain how i used asparagus here: There are four decouplers with fual tanks and engines on them. Every second fuel tank has a fuel pipe going into the one right to them. The stage fires all 4 rockets. This means that all four rockets will first be draining the two fuel tanks with the fuel pipes first. When they are empty, you are supposed to launch the next stage, and throw them off. Then you have two sets of fuel tanks and engines left, all full. It's not completely asparagus staging, as there should be going fuel pipes from the last two into the middle, and the middle should be firing too, but it is close enough in my opinion. That's all for chapter 1! I will first be writing chapter 2 tomorrow, as it is 2 AM right now. See ya tomorrow! For anybody interested, here is the .craft: Tutorial vehicle.craft Images of landing on mun and kerbin (for proof (kinda)). Album Have fun making successful missions!
  11. Just having a long throttle-up would be good. Also, wouldnt this be better if/when there will be multiple solar systems? I mean, if they would be realisticly slow, they would be pretty much useless right now (imo).
  12. I have a suggestion, as it still is beta: MinThrust should be 0.01, and max should be 1, it should take 10 minutes to gain max thurst, and needs to be running at 1 efficiency to reach max thrust. How does that sound?
  13. I haven't read the rest of the post, but not even uClinux? Running a NES emulator on that would be hilarious
  14. Eh, i just added the "PART{}" stuff, and changed the solar panels charge rate from 2/sec to 0.5/sec. I'm not gonna as i modified it form its original parametes.
  15. Hey everyone! I'm frash23! - Or just call me Jacob or Jake I am going to be posting actively on this forum from now on. I am a geek-type person with a sense of humor! (kinda) I got hooked on KSP a couple of weeks ago, and i have almost toured the kerbal system (going to enter the grand master challenge soon !), and i am looking forward to future updates! If you wanted to know more about me (this is an introduction post after all), i made this list of stuff i do: Program/code (various web languages and a handfull of others) Design stuff (still learning) Maintain servers, and host stuff Play KSP, of course! (takes up 75% of my freetime) Other stuff, i'll add when i remember it Other than that, i guess you can say i am a linux geek, and a bit picky on grammar (i know i typo a lot myself though). Oh, and heres a gift for you, just because you took your time to read my post: Updated spacetech mods (escape pod, Small decoupler EX, lightspot, fair-ified small solar panel) I hope i am gonna have a good time here
  16. KSP only takes up about 700MB memory for me. I am using linux, so my OS only takes about 100MB ram alone. You could try running the linux build on a slitaz dual-boot. Seriusly, if there is a driver for your video card included, you ARE going to play it flawlessly. You can PM me for linux help if you need.
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