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  1. Extraplanetary launchpads I was able to get working just fine, but for some reason I can't get simple construction working.
  2. Can you provide a tutorial on how to use this mod? I can't tell if my install is broken or I can't figure it out, but I'm not seeing any menu related to construction anywhere, only the parts.
  3. Mod seems to be broken in sandbox, as shown below taking a photograph of an unknown body does give a prompt saying the body is unknown but does not discover the body in any way shape or form. Taking 100 photos of the same body will give the same "undiscovered" message 100 times. Photos attached show the issue, ksp.log linked as well. Disappointing because I was looking forward to having science matter in sandbox mode. Photos ksp.log
  4. I figured out the issue -- it's a feature not a bug. On the Proteus capsule at the far top right, you'll see two switches labelled "batt" and "bus1". Flip them both on, and your screens should all turn on.
  5. I'm having a similar issue -- screen switching is working for me in the proteus pod and although the button sounds and functions work, the buttons themselves aren't changing state when pressed. For example, if I hit the button to enable RCS then I'll hear a button press effect and RCS will turn on, but the RCS button doesn't move or light up in any way. Here is my ksp.log
  6. Why aren't The Nuclear Reactors showing up? Are they not located under utility? For some reason the nuclear reactors are not showing up... help?
  7. Help PLEASE! When i add the ore scanner to any ship and try to launch i am automatically sent to a screen the ship flying away from kerbin, i cannot zoom or control the spacecraft or change it in any way. Same thing in VAB as SPH. Please help?!?!?! Running 0.23 with only Kethane, KAS and extraplanetary launchpads added
  8. Whenever i try to use the stock mechjeb ship that comes with mechejeb and add on parts it wont let me move it (the mechjeb pod 2.0 kit) the only thing i can move are the landing supports, the rest of the pod doesnt even highlight when i move my mouse over it. Any suggestions?
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