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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Hm, Toolbar integration maybe? View and control every destructotron from a window also showing the countdown? Has anyone tried these to go all Bruce Willis on an asteroid? If DRE can burn them up and they are just parts ... *poof*
  2. A big badda-poof upon impact would be sufficient for me, I am not even expecting craters or something. There is a part file for asteroids in the NASA folder, yes? Wondering what miracles modders can do here. When I doubleclick a tracked asteroid in the observatory it says "Cannot control an object that we do not own" or something along the line - could it be that the asteroids incorporate some new code from the upcoming multiplayer mode already, which makes sure that one player cannot destroy stuff from another?
  3. The LES is usually seperated after a safe launch, so you would be wasting a chute (in real life) and b. not have a chute to land the pod (yes, not applicable in every design, still ...). I am also unsure if a part can have more than one staging icon/event? Copy the part.cfg to part2.cfg in the same folder and resize/-name it to get a LES for the 1-kerbal pod?
  4. His modded version has so many different (new) experiments ... I also think he brings more goo tanks than just one? Edit: Ninjad and standing corrected.
  5. Duna science returned safely to Kerbin: 1250+something science points. Pending court martial for aerobraking at 40km at Kerbin with nuclear engines and firing them - hoping to get off the hook by pleading a lack of fuel for a safe return. That was not what I meant to say, just the first thing I noticed while looking for the proposed flaw in the design. It was once, but then it was not.
  6. Someone claimed DRE to burn them into oblivion, I hope FAR does not stop this?
  7. I certainly will not miss jumpy-dancing stacked orange tanks that I would have to find tricks for placing struts along from top to botton - as well as engines ripping themselves off their tanks. Boosters still bend when not strutted and I still manage to explode rockets on the launchpad (e.g. by forgetting to move one set of launch clamps to the first group in staging and the rocket folding in on itself, boosters ripping off and shooting upwards on their own etc.). Some downtuning on stability might be in order though. (see FlowerChild's pics) Asteroids can be ignored completely if one wishes not to play with them: They can be clicked invisible in the tracking station, they are not really existent physically when they are not tracked, they will not destroy the planet as they would not reach the surface were stock reentry effects not just a light show (DRE really lets them burn up? Cool.) - maybe some modder will come up with a way to limit the PE range to above LKO (as well as putting resources upon/into them??!) Like playing a healer class in an MMO ... The only thing that might be seen as overpowered - as mass, fuel usage, d/v ... remain the same in the end - is that one can use the new ions to do maneuvers the old ions were not fast enough for - oh bummer ... Say, are these screenshots from shortly before everything crumbled on the ground or are the joints THAT strong now??
  8. Watts: Back off! You don't know the components! Lev Andropov: [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN! You are one tough gamer, you know! (Even in career?) No gravity, but linking several of them up with spacebridges and pretend they are hollowed out for base construction ... very cool idea.
  9. Thank you. Sunday I will have finished my .23 storyline and try porting my save over to .23.5 - finally ... my addiction/dependency to quite a few mods slows my update process down every time.
  10. No, ye good olde .23 save and install, finishing up my Duna mission. Parachutes worked for a new craft just fine.
  11. Is this residual damage from the prank or ... my COM is shifted accordingly btw. - is there anything ... ? Update: Without further doing anything it somehow corrected itself, but the parachutes have a temperature of -14000 degree and although I reverted to an older version of RealChute in my yet incomplete .23 save, I got a "warp drive spooling up" sound and a ship puzzle at about 30000m above Kerbin.
  12. Did you transfer a career game from .23? Check the tech tree for not yet unlocked parts in the nodes maybe.
  13. Give, give! Pretty please with suger on top.
  14. First I grinned - now I am almost disappointed!
  15. KerbMav

    Hows gravity?

    I think (working from memory and not 100% sure) - they were both still moving - the ropes were still budging - as soon as the ropes were both unwound from the station and reached their maximum extension they would snap/pull back - Stone's foot was already slipping out of the sling - Kowalski feared the lines would not hold the mass of both of them and they would drift away from the station together
  16. I would not want to get updates every day full of obvious bugs and only be able to play the game for a few days before it gets crippled again. I do not pay a company to be allowed to work for them. As a paying customer I expect to receive a working piece of software. The first time I heard about/saw KSP it did not appeal to me for its very rough cut unfinished gameplay/state. After playing the .18 demo many months later I was hooked and decided to buy now (for less) and enjoy a very playable game, that was still under development but did not really look/feel like it was. I do not feel entitled to be included in the development process beyond posting in the forums voicing my opinion on features just because I bought the game. Should any game developer at any point give me the feeling that the opinion of the customers is not valued, I cancel subscriptions where applicable and never buy from them again or at least only buy at very reduced prices (e.g. summer sales, years after release etc.) I put "I" at the beginning of every paragraph to stress that this is my own opinion.
  17. You are not talking about using air intakes as pylons for the engines, do you? Nukes' nozzles to close to the asteroid and not producing any thrust?
  18. Yes, but seeing that the asteroids are seemingly indestructable ...
  19. The possibilities of the current tech-level, the cost of the nodes, the gaining of science ... it is not that balanced right now. If one specific experiment/voyage can pay off to well, the tech tree did not have to have so many different nodes in the first place. Are there multiple/different experiements/results depending on size or orbit/altitude above Kerbin?
  20. Asteroids are classified by their orbit and composition, the latter actually using letters, but not A, B, C ... I could not find a source for standardized classification by size though.
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