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Everything posted by Leveller

  1. Yes, ksp on my 3x 27" screens does.
  2. Just got my 2x 770 4gb Windforce delivered home.
  3. Finns "multiplayer" plugin så man ser varandra i mapmode realtime, inbyggd chat och man kan dela screenshots. Ligger bland plugindelen.
  4. Grattis sverige till classic car week som flyter på bra i år. Nåja. Svensk här. Tänkte mest säga hej.
  5. Hehe. I know. I just got a pretty decent tanker (2x rocko XL 64) in 300km orbit above kerbin, mabye its time to design the next step that will take me to Duna whilst looking at how to intersect it at .. the... Window (i think its called) Question: Whats the DV difference from the best window Vs the worst possible "just launch and goto duna" ?
  6. Im still kinda fresh in the game and havent really bothered with anything more than the mun and minimus... Mabye this is a good time to do so.
  7. Build a lightweight rocket to the mun and back. Just for fun.
  8. Granted, Jeb's real name is Bob. Wish I want more boosters!
  9. Granted ! But the Woppie is goldberg and sit on you. I wish for a new keyboard !
  10. Edit: If i knew this thread existed, i would have taken some more shots or the mission. Was just there to pickup 2 stranded kerbals. They landed with a far to narrow lander (with fueltanks on sides) tipping it over. So ive spent 2 days trying to make a decent rescuelander (with returncapabilities) Here it is:
  11. Actually, mechjeb and some Scott Manley tutorials teached me how to play this game. Althou i just mostly use it for stuff i already know how to do, and now when im a little more comfortable with the game, focus on learning new stuff by hand myself. I mostly use it for launches and other tedious stuff. But learning all new things by hand. I.e now im working on rendevous. Looking how mechjeb does it, Quickload, and try myself over and over untill i get it.
  12. Just on twitter from KSP team ! http://imgur.com/gg0THo4,9th0meP#0 from their official twitter https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP
  13. Also below 10k meters the air is VERY thick, going in high speeds below 10k (and depending on craft etc) even higher causes drag that tear the pieces.
  14. First game i bought to PC when i first got one. My old 133mhz .. Still collecting dust in the wardrobe. <3 But now with RedHat on it. And no powersupply.
  15. So here is the promised pictures. Basic core module: Extra fuel for refilling other docking ships: Trooptransport if you dont want to leave them up there for weeks: My 2 core modules, two tankers and one transport docked together @ 200km orbit This is still just toying around and all i can think of to make at the moment. I have started using kethane mod to mabye have a probe or tankstation at the spacestation too but i don't have much time to play at work.. It's also a work in progress to expand it. Suggestions is always welcome. (Pics on dropbox, currently syncing lots of files so may take some time to get them uploaded.)
  16. Im about to release a few finished stationparts with or without lifters to get everything pre-made up in orbit. I will be doing it in a week or so since im currently at work out in the baltic sea. There will be one basic orbital station with some rcs and habitat. That you can add more of to get more space and livingquarters. The only mods i use is: 1: MechJeb cause im lazy doing the same thing over and over. 2: IonCross (oxygen mod for added reality) I'm using lifterparts from Temstar that currently have a PM waiting if i can use hes creations in the "release". Still no answer thou. i will be posting pics here in an hour or two of the station with explanation.
  17. Heya. Im a 30 year old guy who have been playing for a month or so. Started to get comfy with the asparragus and onion stages. Starting to know how to land proper on the moon. MUCH is thanks to the great community. I've been using MechJeb to learn it all as it brings along a lot of "verbosing" whats happening and i can look at the map how to do it. It's just great. I've also tried to make some rovers. No problem in that. Also googled and searched the forums for ideas.. Wanna build a mun-lander with a rover attached. Still scouting. Don't want something pre-made or stolen. UNLESS its Zenith rocket family from temstar, Those things have really helped me develop as a rocketbuilder. Just wanted to say hi and how far i have gotten. : ) / Tobias.
  18. If i got a lander already landed on the mun. At what phase/time/distance ( ? ) do i input coords for landing in mechjeb at that specific point? And how much distance is it in meters if you change the last number in long or lat? Is there a simpler way to land near my existing lander?
  19. Edited: Double. Didnt read it had to be approved first post.
  20. Installed IonCross Crew Support plugin. And QUICKLY made a refit of my tanking-module to get some scrubbers and Oxygen up to my 2 part's station. So its now a 3 part station with the lifesupport. Tadaa ! Still a newbie on this game, but used mechjeb to learn some basic stuff. (its really good for learning how-to) ... exept the docking part.. i let MJ handle that..
  21. Finally getting the spacecraft to orbit (Got the game today) Lots of reading and trial-n-error to get staging to work. (all stock and will not be using mods i think) Next step is either getting to mum or start building a spacestation. Still havent figured out how to plan and drag lines to intercept the moon. Will keep on reading. Got 3 sat's orbiting earth helping NSA to capture phonecalls.
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