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Everything posted by alacrity

  1. IgorZ I have been using KAS/KIS for the ful duration of my time on Kerbal, and love that you took it over when Kospy needed someone to take it over. I have been lapse in my forum time and just saw this. I want to be sure I understand KAS Beta will be a full rewrite and and replacement for KAS? If so... damn man, you are ambitious. I look forward to seeing the end product. Was wondering what the end game is... Single MOD KAS to replace kis/kas? I will be setting up a separate install of 1.4.x to help testing as I can (I have an unfortunate lack of digi art and coding skills). Keep up the great work and hope I can help. Fitz
  2. Hey RoverDude... Just got 1.4.1 all up and running and had a question pop into mind that I keep forgetting to ask. With 1.4.x are you concidering a USI COMPLETE release. I mean the whole USI catalog in one DL for us serious Rover Fans. I am fairly sure I am accurate that I have messed up my installs each and every time at least once. Couple times I borked up Kerbal so bad I had to reinstall and start totally over.

    Just a thought (Please dear gods have pity on me) 


  3. Thanx boss... I can live without windowshine for a a bit I suppose
  4. Love the look.... Having problems with Mk1 parts being pink and same with large solar panels. Some of the depenencies may not be up to date yet
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