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Everything posted by MrTaxman

  1. Some dead things should stay dead. I can understand comicbstudeo's desire to have MOAR PARTZ... but there are lots of part packs out there.
  2. I think Cheebsta is correct. I find I have the same problem (spinning) when I use fins on my final stages. I figure it trades atmospheric maneuverability for rock-steady directionality in LKO. *shrug* I figure it's a small problem for a large benefit.
  3. Kaptain Kerman's Kerbal Fried Chiken - it's fingerlickin' good!
  4. I couldn't say for sure - I've always found that the CoM needs to be a touch *behind* the CoL for planes. Maybe my experience is flawed, but that's what I've seen.
  5. What is the maximum height on your cruise missile? Is it only a ground-based debris killer? (as the jet engine strongly suggests to me) Kessler syndrome to the max!
  6. It looks like it should be - with some careful attendance to flight control. My question is: What is the proposed purpose of your Kerbstok? A capsule-to-orbit lifter?
  7. Nice lil jet you've got there - well done.
  8. Most awesome! But you need to upgrade your advertising campaign - get those billboards around Mun and Minimus!
  9. I would love to see some sort of a Flying Dutchman (ship on a massively eccentric orbit, probably WAAAY above the elliptical plane) - if you can catch it you might unlock some secret tech or some such neato prize
  10. Could you show some pics of it? Have you put it up for download? I'm very interested in a greenhouse module.
  11. I love the B9 stuff and I use KAS plenty. I've not seen a need to download Mech Jeb yet - but that may be ignorance speaking.
  12. If you can get your retrograde marker (has an x in the middle of it - not clear like the prograde marker) to be pointed straight up then you can be sure your sideways drift is ok to land. The just make sure that your m/s is less than 5 m/s (preferably less unless you've got good landing gear). Happy Landings!
  13. 9/10 Looks like a NASA or ESA mission logo.
  14. That totally means that much of the human race has lower than human intelligence
  15. Impressive bird... I'll bet it makes for a super awesome debris field!
  16. Holding shift while moving parts around is an *invaluable* thing to know.
  17. What's the part count on that monster?
  18. If I could get ISA MapSat to work... *grumble* Looks like there's a new feature in the Kerbol System I need to go check out! Neat find, painking.
  19. Radiation, poisonous environment, water is undrinkable, etc -- sounds like a great place for a summer home research base!
  20. Perhaps you could trawl the forums to find some pre-made crafts that have been put together to save you some time and heartache (plus, it'll show you how they're put together).
  21. I literally just got on the forum (after opening my game up) to ask whether eclipses happen in the game. Ha!
  22. I still can't figure it out. I can see stuff in the aerodynamics category, not science, and I don't have the UI. I have an orbiting satellite with a dish on it, but I cannot activate it. I believe I followed the installation instructions correctly. Where have I gone wrong?
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