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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Really? So I asume you reguarly finetune your apoaps/periapses to within 1m than? Cause that's the level of precision you need if you want 2 crafts to stay close to eachother. If you put them in DIFFERENT orbits, they are eventually going to drift apart. Won't be long until they are on opposit ends of the planet. You call that easy to move between? And you know what's boring? Launching the same ship 20 times over. I'll just let mechjeb to do that for me, thank you ver much
  2. Your melon fails to meet expectations
  3. I love your idea, but other than editting the save file to get theyr orbits to be exact, I can't see it happening. Or maybe use tons of RCS fuel to constandly adjust the orbit, but than your game would turn into a station maintenance job
  4. The problem is that, if one of the parts is the root of the entire craft (the part you started with), you can't just take it out. There is a way to do this though: Detach the REST of the rocket from your main pod. Now delete the pod. You can now do nothing with the rest of the rocket (which is red, the same way a part you didn't attach would be) until you pick a new root part. Pick for this the other pod. Now reattach the rest of the rocket to this new pod
  5. Ofcourse, stupid of me. Kinda reminds me of the way I (and probably everyone) used to think on the first few launches, before knowing what a gravity turn was
  6. In theory, if you go fast enough before the engines cut out, it should be possible? Anyway I believe there are some ion engines strapped to the back. And unless I'm mistaken, gigantor solar pannels on the front side of the wings that don't have air intakes
  7. That's not lag. I play FPSes on 8FPS with my crappy laptop 900 parts would be a slow slideshow for me I'd imagine we'll get all the optimazations later, when the game is nearing completion. Doubt it's a priority right now
  8. With mechjeb's prevent-overheat function, you burn at like 95% and it's still fine. Eitherway, it's a flawed design. With something half as big you can get twice as far
  9. Granted. It's on the moon. You are not I wish for food
  10. Granted. To save batterys it no longer plays music I wish for icecream
  11. @billybobsatan: mintbery crunch defeated him in it actually, so you took a step back Holy crap that thing is big. Sorry
  12. You will ALWAYS be on an escape trojectory if you enter a moon's or different planet's SOI. (or most of the time) Just burn retrograde at the periaps to lower the apoapsis to within the body's SOI, and only than will you get a capture
  13. People now read even less I wish for my mod to do what I want
  14. The amazing mintberry crunch to the rescue
  15. Actually, ASAS doesn't give any torque, it's ONLY a computer. Normal SAS does give torque
  16. Granted. It's frozen solid I wish there was something good on TV
  17. Nope, don't even have it. Person below me is thinking about sex
  18. As long as they have been given the order to deply (by putting them in the same stage as the seperator), they will deploy. However if you are up high enough, the falling boosters will unspawn eventually (stuf not in orbit will unspawn if you are to far away from it)
  19. That mainsail IS going to overheat. It's cause of the orange tank not being able to disapate the heat fast enough. It's a weird bug with the heatsink mechanisms. Put a tiny tank under between the mainsail and the orange one, and you'll be fine
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