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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. I have played the other one, and if I get it, I will more than likely allow my teacher to use it. I really want it.
  2. kenbobo


    Better get a gummy bear hat.
  3. kenbobo


    Has anyone seen the company called ARCA? They make rockets and drones. It's a really cool aerospace company. They're working on an SSTO rocket. KSP is slowly becoming reality. Clicky Clicky
  4. I'm keeping a case and a hard drive from my old computer to make it ready for gaming. I'm (almost) a complete n00b when it comes to this, so heres the question- Intel or AMD. Then, what motherboard to get? Also, what brand, and amount of RAM to get? What kind of SSD to get? What kind of graphics card for gaming to get? Also, this is aimed at a small budget. Below 600 with OS please. Thanks!
  5. Welcome back! I have you in my prayers
  6. I have decided to go wired, AKA power supply.
  7. Sadly, the big ones are too big and the small one that would fit in the case doesn't have the amperage.
  8. *sees that I didn't make it* *cries self to sleep due to how much effort in those videos did nothing*
  9. For something I'm working on I need a slim 10000 milliamp battery pack that goes to micro USB that is constant power. AKA No need to flip a switch to feed power to it. Plan on hearing about this project further on.
  10. kenbobo

    iOS 9

    #iphone6 high speeds
  11. kenbobo

    iOS 9

    The private beta has been released and I plan on getting a developer account withing 2 days, so that's good.
  12. Note- make a liquid fueled foldable prop please It's quite hard to keep up with something that uses a pair of 2 foldable props without using extending solar panels... and fuel is better for blimps.
  13. used to be a cub scout when younger
  14. Ill add it to the front that it is a fake because 2 people have now asked.
  15. Make a scaled down version that fits in a cargo bay and I will be happy.
  16. No no, the proper way to hide from a nuke is a fallout shelter.
  17. *Salute* I really should make a memorial in KSP. Give me a couple hours.
  18. The thing is fake, yes, but what would you do if that was real?
  19. That is EAS. All iPhones from 4s and up have it, and I'd like to say all android phones do too.
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