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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. To quote the forever eternal words of Gloria Gaynor- "GO ON NOW GO WALK OUT THE DOOR JUST TURN AROUND NOW YOU AIN'T WELCOME ANYMORE" actually you're entitled to your opinion so i guess stay
  2. I would kill for a stargate. Even just a stone ring. DO IT
  3. Once a kerbal I inserted named Chad Kerman did a 720 barrel roll 2-3 meters radar altitude in an albatross and made it out alive.
  4. I don't have Windows 7. I have vista.
  5. Ramen noodles. Veggie Dip. Cheese Triangles Nacho cookies (actually tostinos with shredded cheese in a microwave for 1 minute) Grilled Cheese
  6. My dad wants to know what he can do with his old one now that he has a new Windows 8 laptop... specs are as follows
  7. Shirley Temple? Kerbals launch higher than most religious temples.... semi-related!
  8. I'm now going to book a flight for 100 miles away just to watch that on a plane. also watch Archer while flying. DANGER ZOWNE
  9. When Scott Manley pushes the space bar, it goes to space.
  10. Yes... however sometimes while booting it up it has to restart... i suggest Virtual Box.
  11. IDK... also Spartan isn't just Halo, the Spartans were a greek civilization.
  12. Yes, however right now it has been named Project Spartan.
  13. Yes, Microsoft made Halo and they carried the name over. Heck, even the voice actor for Cortana was carried over!
  14. Insider Preview is for a group of people who signed up for the program. It's the new icon. Cortana. A Siri for Windows, came default Well, it's quite a bit better than windows 8 (or 8.1) and it seems like a great OS! Project Spartan (the new internet explorer) ROCKS!
  15. I can confirm, that in windows 10, I can run chrome with ease and on the forums it seems great! WOOO WINDOWS 10 ROCKS
  16. another group of people related to me- the Bartling Brothers. Look 'em up.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Gottlieb_Bartling
  18. Nice! Also, It's my first professional analysis of anything! So feel free to give criticism!
  19. Aye lad, it seems difficult. I cannae help you with this as my coordinate grid skills are limited.
  20. So I always find it SUPER creepy... watched too much of the EAS experience... got a tornado warning on my phone and panicked... turns out it was for California and Verizon messed up... Also, AMBER alerts make me cry because of the fact a kid is missing!
  21. 2/10 confusing but seems good Humans were assimilated in the year 1941, all fighter jets destroyed, only a few organic-only humans still exist. Pros: No wars. Cons: No individuality
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