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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. I'm a semi-newcomer to KSP modding, and basically, I was wondering, is it possible to make part addons using unity editor 5.0.1? Also, what's the compatible part tools package? Thanks Ken
  2. Maybe a plastic cockpit? Sorta like they took apart a whole bunch of toys and put together a makeshift cockpit, also, transparent plastic for the glass
  3. *prepares trumpet* *grabs taps sheet music*
  4. I had a thought the other night that having a USB like mod that adds the following- Hard Drive (will explain) KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Ports (progresses as tech tree expands) KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Cables (available as ports come available) So What would this add, might you ask. You could have 2 hard drives, one on each vessel and ports on those vessels. One gets some science, and that science (which is already determined) is -- Mits. It then transfers the data from your vessel to the other one, and the speed is determined by 1.0,2.0, or 3.0. How could you attach these cables, is another question which might be asked. Well, KIS or KAS sounds like a viable option. Thanks for listening! Ken(bob5588)
  5. My iPhone doesn't have an IR blaster and its just fine so...
  6. I could make it, but it depends. Does it need to be interactive? Do you just want the planets? Cause it's fairly easy to add spheres
  7. The network at my old school was an all mac network. On this network, if you just go to the server, and choose the "users" drive, you can access all of the students and teachers files. Then we (i guess) changed to Google apps and now that's nullified.
  8. WHOA This is GREAT! I've been secretly hoping for a mod like this! N1, get ready to fail!
  9. It also seems like it IS user accessible, so if the RAM isn't enough or I need a better graphics card I can do that so... i guess give me some suggestions as to what to add for a gaming PC...
  10. Thanks! I'll probably load windows 10 once it comes out... i like it from my VirtualBox testing
  11. I have done 1 of those things. I have never been into space I have never made it to Eeloo I have not had a cat.
  12. I was wondering because of my upcoming birthday if I could get this to run KSP smoothly, aka 30-120 FPS. Would this run it like I want to? Thanks Ken
  13. LA is Language Arts confirmed. benderisgreat.bender.isgreat
  14. Kernited States Kerpollo Merkury Redstone
  15. DOCTOR PEPPA YEAH (actually off brand Dr. Choice is my fav)
  16. That's in the agreement. "All students will be assigned one laptop provided by the district for the remainder of their education at ---- ---- Public Schools."
  17. Actually, it was MalwareBytes so actually never mind. I guess something happened and I got a virus!
  18. [mods please message me if this is in violation of forum rules BUT] So my school district handed out laptops to all of the students not in elementary school (grades Kindergarten through 5th). Me, being the techie I am, of course, know what "viruses" and "trojans" are. Also what the district can use. Turning in our laptops at the end of the year, is a long and tedious process. I was called down to bring my laptop down. I dropped it off, and headed back to class. The next morning, I was called down to the media center. They then say they found a couple of viruses. Me, being the techie I am, asked how that was. They showed me the screen on my laptop- a "free" virus scanner showing a virus. I kinda giggled on the inside at this. They then gave me a little bit of a talk and I just nodded and said I had learned my lesson. this just cracked me up on my way back to class. Anyways, TL: DR, my district doesn't know credible sources.
  19. I was looking at the viewing people after having a demon dream (nightmare in a nap i guess) and saw this. I am now spooked. SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS
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