Sorry for the wave of paragraphs... I read that some users like to take the devs' intention into account before critisizing a feature (or the lack of). While this is a very nice thing to do, I think it has little to no influence on how people will play the game. We don't play the game with the devs' will in mind, but with the gameplay and the tools they give us. The problem here, is that the gameplay core mechanics and the tools given to understand it do not match. We have a game that quickly goes from "play with moons" to "get your mind around orbital mechanics". When I only played with moons (I started in 0.18, thanks to the demo) I didn't care and didn't need to know about Delta V. Chain crashing on the Mun crust was fast enough not to be bothering. But things have evolved. As soon as I had the level to put bigass ships into orbit, I wanted to go to other planets. I also didn't want to do ridiculously big missions and come back with 1400 units of liquid fuel in my pockets (pretending it's snacks has it's limits). To start doing so, I had to stop playing the game for a week. My game time brutally morphed into crushing numbers into Excel, to undertand how much delta V I need to go in Orbit around other planets, and go back ; then calculate it (circumventing the usual design problems, but without the KSP Jazzy tune, nor the nice graphics and it was quite a bother, because I actually wanted to fling spaceships to Duna and stuff...). Learning about delta V, I also learnt that it was useless, unless I learnt about transfer windows, which I had to calculate, and calculus isn't my strong suit. I am not complaining because I had to learn stuff. This is a great opportunity and I liked it. But I hated it at the same time because I wanted to play a game that lacked a ton of info that I needed to play. Even after calculating all my first Duna Mission characteristics, I didn't come with a good enough design. Once I had a Good enough design, I still had to learn how to fly it properly, and trust me, AFAIK, none of the displays I needed to get to the fun part (building, flying, orbiting...) would have helped me to play the game. They only would have allowed me to play it, while I wanted to have some Kerbal fun. And as for the "newbies argument", I dare say that, at worst, new players won't understand, or care, or dare give a crap, but as soon as they will want to give their designs some thinking, they will take notive of how the numbers displayed behave, use/misuse it at first ; Then some will look it up on the wiki and others will deduce it's use from trial and error ; But in the end, everybody will feel better for having it than to, either give up due to a lack of accessibility from the game, or boredom because they don't like/don't have time for the math, or just have their fun game time spoiled by learning thing they are not so interested in (we can like space exploration and at the same time, keep our leisure-learning time for other subjects). I didn't vote because we are to few to make a representative poll, but I hope I made a good case of why I think it is important to have more displayed info in the game, including Delta-V readings.