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Fox Arcana

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Everything posted by Fox Arcana

  1. Granted, you set up a spy network and the government tracks you down. I wish for more time on my hands
  2. Granted, you forget most of the information I wish for some recognition
  3. Granted, it falls into lava. I wish everything is more fun
  4. granted, it's a real pony, like, the actual ones. but as ugly as someones ugly momma I wish women weren't possessed
  5. Granted, but it's boring I wish that people would not bring up that one subject.
  6. April 1: Tarovan Is Invaded by Acturn's huge Military, You, Camdorf Kerman, (no-one above 1), and Lestur Kerman are tasked with dropping a Nuke on Their Highly Populated Capital, Do you? Yes, once the Nuke begins falling onto there we (caps)get out of there as fast as possible(caps)
  7. Granted, Rebecca Black comes and sings Friday in your ears 5ever. I wish people knew what 5ever means.
  8. granted, since dogs are usually nude, you become a nudist I wish life was happy
  9. granted, they are stolen and the police track them down
  10. (what is ninja-ing and what are signs of getting ninja-d?) granted, you gain only 0.01 more science per mission. I wish threads would not derail so often
  11. Granted, it's a remix of Lavender Town (Pokemon) I wish more people understood homestuck
  12. Granted, they're all neither tradable, giftable, nor usable in crafting I wish I can- *gets injected with drank and DIES from drunkness*
  13. Granted, you go through a one-way portal to Android Hell. and you can't go anywhere else I... wish... to... attend a nancho party (spelling error intentional)
  14. Granted, you sell everything you own for them. I wi... I wish. I w... *collapses and passes out*
  15. Granted. It's a(n) r 34 Homestuck Fanfiction. I wish for a better drawing tablet.
  16. Granted, but Human Dr. Who gets jealous and kills Dr. Whooves. I wish Smoshgames made more gaming videos
  17. granted but extraterrestrials get corrupted an take ovver our world i wwish i nevver talked like eridan (Homestuck)
  18. More general and advanced Utility and Science parts. Long-term research Space station science Unexpected failures, no fatal ones of course
  19. Most of the time in the lower tiers i get ridiculously low amounts of science. I know you're just starting out but I feel we should get more science in all scientific experiments. What do you think?
  20. Floor 500: KSP Command pod mk1 and old engines memorials
  21. Granted, it's a Slenderman version of Doctor Who. I wish the people at Drawception understood Homestuck
  22. granted, but i'm sent on a sacrificial mission to the sun I wish to deploy ubercharge at any time, every time.
  23. Floor 494: You stop by a concession stand for some snacks
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