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Fox Arcana

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Everything posted by Fox Arcana

  1. Granted, the earth is much closer to the sun in result. Congratulations in extincting the only life known, smartass. I wish to STOP TIME!
  2. press it. I'M FREE! FREE FALLING! *parachute breaks* OH S*** OH S*** OH S*** OH S-*dies from impact* *later in the afterlife* totally worth it. Press for the most adorable baby in existence, but he's evil and will eventually destroy the world.
  3. granted, niko bellec steals it because it's yellow. i wish medic was dead
  4. Press it, I'd go either way press the button for a 50/50 chance of achieving christ consciousness or dying
  5. Granted, your house is on Venus. I wish for moar presents
  6. Granted, no-one believes you. I wish that smissmas (Team Fortress 2) existed
  7. granted, the whole tiny town chases after you. I wish for.... a sandvich
  8. Granted, Verizon Wireless goes bankrupt; happy now? I wish for chocolate rain
  9. Granted, GLaDOS was a potato, so technically that counts? I wish for the above user's signature to make sense
  10. Granted. Now you can't hear anyone or anything for the rest of your life. I wish for the Kerbal Space Program development team was more efficient.
  11. *presses, and squad doesn't go out of business the next day* EXPLOIT ALL THE BUGS! Press the button for a teleporter, but it doesn't allow scouts, and you become one.
  12. Floor 9001 (IT'S OVER 9000!): You skip a s***load of floors.
  13. You can only make newsreaders talk at your direction when they're angrily yelling. a cure for artists block
  14. you turn the sun into one. the ability to watch 3d stuff without 3d glasses
  15. you cross a one-way portal to android hell. for valve to count to three
  16. - Generally space station parts - Cargo bays - Enhanced IVAs: like, more interactive and stuff - Better Aerodynamics - Bigger antennae - Better looks for planes and rockets
  17. You get squashed by a large bit of the building. Flame-retardant sword that can control fire.
  18. You can only construct stuff with sand. Mind Reading : Kinda Self-Explanatory.
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