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Everything posted by Bobhendly

  1. If you dont mind me saying, This is rather funny, But.. What the hell is this?
  2. For the record, though, The new KSC Is Gorgeous.
  3. 0.21 Ruined KSP For me. Severe memory leaks in this version, And I cannot live without mods.
  4. Why Does that seed make me think of spacecraft with too many clipping parts... But really. That's really cool.
  5. Its so close to done... I can Taste the paint.
  6. FAR Seems to have made this not work for me... The engine produces no thrust above 400 M/s.. Or even 330. Sometimes it has briefly 10-25 thrust, but decreases again to 0
  7. I Loved Krags PErsona.. It Didn't sway off subject, and it made him Special... And In fact It Somehow made his concepts more interesting. I would love to see a deployable bar! And a Happy Krag.. The Federation of Foreign Exchange KErbals Requests that you continue you career as a Chairman In... Uh.. Whichever Name you Picked for your company (Stay Gold, Cave Johnson, stay Gold.) (-.(-._-.)_-.) \()/ - GARGLEBLASTER!
  8. My Eyes... The Detail... I Mean, That texturing Looks prettier and More Kerbal-y Than B9 Aerospace could do.. But again, That's the point.. I Hope to make Good Quality like you someday, helldiver. I Have a WHOLE Pack Idea In my Noggin'.. And I Want it to turn out nice looking, (The Pack has no concept names or anything, but it would be another colony pack. Everything would be deployable, Foldable, Inflatable, You name it. It would Rock H.O.M.E's World If I could Make it happen.. Not that HOME Is bad, But It needs a Spit-shine, and more design influence.. And more.. Everything.)
  9. Look at B9s Shuttle Cockpit, And click on the windows.
  10. Why not use Click-points on the IVA And MFDs From the B9 Aerospace pack? (With his permission, of coarse.) They use the same system as Firespitter,But they look better for shuttles.
  11. But, For the record.. That's one Shmexy Shuttle
  12. Sorry that it seems that way, but Like Toyota says, It can be considered a compliment. (I Would take it as such!). I Have been following many mods in progress in hope of getting inspiration for making a mod myself.. Not that I Haven't any ideas, but Im just afraid of the steep learning curve, and I Don't exactly have much summertime left anyways, But Thank you for trying to enlighten me, I Didn't know ETAs Were Disrespectful here. -DB-
  13. Im Terribly sorry, I Know this is always a No-No, But is there a E.T.A For v3? I Am Drooling over the new Launchpad model and all... Pure Awesomeness.. (If No Eta, That's ok, Im Just amazed at your Work.)
  14. His persona sounds Like Cave Johnson.. Awesome..
  15. I am thirsting for Eye candy on Home MK2..
  16. Good Point, But the parts don't have to be functional, Like Bobcats HOME Bits. But I am thirsty for more deployables and inflatables.. The animations are amazing.
  17. You are Onto something amazing.. with those colony bits and all.. I NEED MOAR COLONY PARTS! That's all there is to it.
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