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Everything posted by Bobhendly

  1. How about the normal GPWS Sounds? Male? Not high pitch suicide-inducing annoying?
  2. None of those even closely resemble the long wing syle the albatross was going for..
  3. Anyways.. Uh.. What will the MFD's Have in them?
  4. Whats preventing you adding the sounds to the two other wheels?
  5. ..Why hasnt that SESAU Mod been shown on the forums?!
  6. I, for one, will probably NOT Get this mod.. That noise is highly annoying!
  7. Some people do. But because they have to, not because they want to.. And they usually get out of the car at times.
  8. Just remember, If your rocket does not lithobrake into kerbin.. You are probably doing something right.
  9. The moral of the story: Putting 11 Exclamation marks does not help further a complaint.
  10. Will this mod make planes *Too* Strong? I Still want to break into pieces when I reenter too hard, Or overstress my plane with FAR. (Man, DRE and FAR Work so well together!)
  11. You.. You monster! But for the record, these are like time capsules!
  12. The clouds need a better texture for the ground, as well as the sky.
  13. Is this compatible with procedural wings? I want to make spaceplanes that dont burn up while trying to speed up.. What about the FASA Gemeniwing?
  14. What the hell is with this obsession with "Bronies"? I have always thought that the only people who would appreciate scary pony cartoons would be pedophiles.. But Bah, Who am I kidding, ALL Of the cartoons these days are really.. How Do I put this.. Stupid. Just stupid. But again, Im the 15 year old kid that watches documentaries instead of cartoons.. OR robot chicken and family guy. Either way, Lets agree to disagree. -Bobhendly
  15. I Remember a dream from when I was much younger, IT involved giant mosquitos at dusk. I was trapped outside of the house with about 4 mosquitos, One flew towards me and picked me up! Then another, while i'm getting carried away, bit me once. Im pretty sure I died, And I woke up.
  16. To add.. The Mun looks so tiny now!
  17. "MONO DLL HAS CAUSED A ACCESS VIOLATION" Ya hear that? That's KSP Running out of memory due to massive planets. *Sorry* For the sarcasm, But the point is that when people add more core things into the game, Like krathegea adding planets, Unity's Crapstick of 32Bit Wont handle more than 3GB... So the game will start crashing from memory loss with your supersize-Me Planets. It seems like a cool idea, But that's (One of the reasons) why squad ultimately decided to go with smaller celestials.. As far As I know. Good Luck! -BobHendly
  18. So... A very long trailer? Doesnt seem that much has happened.. Whats new? Very Impressive so far, I like the new R.A.T.
  19. Theres a RCS Sound mod too.. It even works with some mods, (SOME.)
  20. Man, I love how sumghai plots out his progress reports, they are EXTREMELY Neat! When I start modding one day, I will plot my progress exactly like that!
  21. If I recall, Someone else made shipping containers.. They were named Kerbco
  22. ..And the downloads freezes.. This makes me want to snap my own neck! The update looks so good!
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