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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. From all the 1.3 changes THIS is my favourite. I wanted something like that and visible planets and satellites for a long time now.... I think I can now die happily .. EDIT: would like to see that happening
  2. As far as I know the current Shenzou (well the one from Shenzou 6,guess that was the latest mission) has an orbital module which can stay an additional 6 month duration in orbit for experiments etc. So a use of the orbital module for a simple station is not so off xD
  3. He is not yet finished with the reworking of the shuttle and you already suggesting a new thing?
  4. He said he may make an unmanned version like progress is the unmanned soyuz but not before first version of the manned one is released. So maybe in a update
  5. So it works now. As I am back I just donated 1.50$ as a greatful thanks for your hard work on this astonishing mod. Referring to Starwaster, I don't think it will suffice for a pie (no clue how expensive stuff is in Canada) but every cent counts I guess
  6. you linked the directory of a file on your computer there...You are aware that you have to upload the file to something like dropbox before linking it...
  7. yes, the link is still an dead end. Well I have to sleep now, work tomorrow. But when I am back tomorrow I hope it works so I can donate you some of my hard earned money xD
  8. Just looked in the exact moment you updated... I think I just almost had an excitement seizure xD EDIT: Just wanted to donate right away but the donate button leads me to a PayPal page saying Error. Guess the link is broken
  9. RealChute implementation will come but Ledenko is currently busy IRL so it will take a bit . But what do you mean with the second one? Apollo was always a 3-Seater capsule even during Skylab missions they only sent up 3 at a time. So what are you referring to?
  10. RftS is an abbreviation for Reach for the Stars and it is a optional alternate engine config by NathanKell. It even is mentioned in the OP together with a link to the post where he explains a bit and also posted a download link. So reading the OP would help But I feel kind today so I will directly link to the post. Just click HERE EDIT:: D'oh, got ninja'd there by scripto
  11. First, No. Dockingport with Parachute only works with RealChute. That's why it is a requirement. Why is RealChute too much for you ? Second, those who have staging disabled have to be activated via action groups. That is really easy although sometimes frustrating if you forget to set up the Action Group before Launch.
  12. I would vote for Rectangular panels all the way. Mainly because I think those circular panels were dropped as a design choice after Constellation was cancelled..... Currently ESA wants to make a Service Module for Orion which will be also the main body of their new ATV which shows at least in concept graphics rectangular panels. So I think , this is the way to go
  13. That is awesome By the way I spotted a typo there
  14. Yeah it is always RL I never thought he forgot , just that he had no time... But he could write it here so people don't need to guess if this is still bein worked on or not....
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